The cost of lighting a Fire

This is mainly for those who have open fires, wood burning stoves and solid fuel Agas and Rayburns. Now I know I'm not only a bit of a cheapskate but miserable as well, but something came to a bit of a shock to me the other day and forced me into spending money! Because I gather all ...

The Credit Crunch and Ashford

Further to my mention of the Credit Crunch now being 'officially over' and it being announced that our national growth rate achieved the fine figure of 0.1% two weeks ago, I thought I would take special note of how this appears to be affecting the town folk of Ashford this morning. As we do once a ...

Freezing Weather – Chaos

For the last eight days, Kent and other surrounding Counties have been experiencing some pretty harsh weather, culminating with freezing rain through the night of Tuesday. With a temperature of minus 8, this meant that by morning, the County was at a standstill. The Train Service was non-existant, complete chaos. The Operating Companies Website indicated there ...

When frugality reaps wealth

For most people, the words frugality and wealth don't go together, but for those who've had to lower their financial outgoings and 'come out the other side' will know what I'm talking about. Take an example; a family with an income of say £30,000 suddenly, through losing a job or by choice, drop to half that ...

Frugal is not tight !

    I watched last Friday's Channel 4 Production, 'The hunt for Britain's tightest person' with interest. In fact, I watched it with greater interest because Down the Lane's Forum Member and Moderator Ilona Richards was featured as one of the four 'Contestants'. To be fair on the Programme, it did say 'tightest', so maybe the tightest ...

Trillions of pounds

It sounds like Kids talking to each other doesn't, "I bet I can do it a million million times". Yet those sorts of sayings are just becoming a normal reality in the National and World Markets. Nearly 2 trillion pounds to bail out the Banks last October - blimey. What I really want to know ...

Ex-Pats struggling with Credit Crunch

A Devil's Advocate Article The last couple of month's has seen a dramatic slump in Sterling with some exchange rates going 20% against us. Although this may assist us in Exports and Tourism to this Country from abroad, it is affecting those wishing to travel or are living in other Countries very negatively. It was of therefore ...

CredNav – the new Must Have

You may have ben wondering as to why I haven't written many new pages of late. Well, here's the reason - the new breakthrough in Car Accessories, the CredNav. Over half an hour in the making, the CredNav will give you up to date information on many things. Here's just a few....... Fig 1. Currency Information Direct ...