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Bantams and Cats

Posted: 29 Apr 2007, 00:10
by OldForum
would cats attack fully grown bantams?

Hello, I have bantams, and they share the outside area with three semi tame ferals. the cats initially thought christmas had come early, but after pushing there luck getting near the hens they soon learnt its not wise to mess with chooks! No one was more amazed than me but hens are very good at standing up for themselves, if you read though the forum you will find that I am not alone in this view, so don't be too worried if you have cats around things soon settle down, you will find they give the chooks a lot of space rather than get too close and receive a nasty pecking, good luck

many thanks for your helpful advice

Carolines Posse
Hi I agree no need to worry, I have just introduced 5 months old kittens to my chickens and even though two of the chickens are only as big as bantams, there is no doubt that the chickens are in charge.

Even found them eating the Go Cat biscuits the other night much to the dismay of the chickens!