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Posted: 01 Jul 2013, 17:35
by Kernow
My daughter put this on facebook I think it's a good idea don't you

"Wouldn't it be lovely? As next year is the 100 anniversary of the outbreak of WW1, everyone bought a packet of poppy seeds and scattered them anywhere borders, hedgerows etc. then next year when they flower we would remember those who lost their lives during the First World War. Xx"

Re: WW1

Posted: 01 Jul 2013, 20:56
by Linda S
It would be lovely Kernow, and lovely of you're daughter to think of it. {hug}
You could maybe suggest it on here(if its ok) and we could have members from all over doing it and make your girls idea a reallity :-D Lindaxx

Re: WW1

Posted: 05 Jul 2013, 16:37
by MissEllie
What a beautiful way to remember

Re: WW1

Posted: 11 Jul 2013, 20:41
by Richard
I think it's wonderful we remember WW1, many of us have had relations who took part and that's the reason many of us are here today.

However, I do have a problem with this one.

Why are we celebrating the start of a war?
It seems odd to me, we haven't celebrated the start of WW2 or any other and it comes over as being a bit of something to have a feel good factor over.

I can't see me flag flying in celebration for something which was about men and women leaving home and their families never to return again.

Fair enough to celebrate the end of it, but for me who lost a Great Uncle in it and another Great Uncle who was blinded and suffered the effects of gas for the rest of his life, it just doesn't sit right with me.

But, everyone to their own.


Re: WW1

Posted: 11 Jul 2013, 20:49
by LittleBrownFrog
It wouldn't be about celebrating though, it would be about acknowledging, remembering. It's about reminding people, many of whom, thankfully, have not lived through anything like that, that people lost their lives in order for us to live the lives we have today.
I like the idea, and I will buy some poppy seeds :-D

Re: WW1

Posted: 11 Jul 2013, 22:02
by Richard

Re: WW1

Posted: 11 Jul 2013, 22:23
by saint-spoon
To me it is about the symbol of the poppy, start, middle or end it matters not, war is the most despicable thing that can ever happen. Sorry to disagree Dickie but I will plant some poppies, or more importantly my children will, it’ll give me a very good reason to explain about it. I truly believe that keeping the memory alive is more important than dates.

Re: WW1

Posted: 12 Jul 2013, 23:53
by Richard
I collected some poppy seeds from the field below us early this morning )t' )t'

The field has been fairly covered this year and it was used as a Training Area during WW1, the stream there is actually a trench they dug.

I went down there with a metal detector once, it never stopped, mainly bits of what like car.


Re: WW1

Posted: 14 Jul 2013, 12:55
by Richard
I saw some purple poppys in the field this morning, will change into long joggers and wear boots to photograph them later - the field is not a rest year and there's goose grass everywhere !

The most famous photo from WW1 showing Poppys is the one of German soldiers walking through the fields to stake heir positions at the start of the war.


Re: WW1

Posted: 14 Jul 2013, 21:24
by Richard
As promised...


Re: WW1

Posted: 14 Jul 2013, 21:44
by LittleBrownFrog
They're beautiful, stunning colour. We have some enormous white poppies with deep purple centres - amazing sight, for a day or two earlier in the summer - but decimated by the rain.

Re: WW1

Posted: 14 Jul 2013, 22:09
by Linda S
Beautiful Richard thankyou for taking the time to photograph it for us, you live in a vary gorgeous place from the photos iv seen on here. :-D
We have get those in our garden and weve never planted them so they must have blown from somwhere and now we get them every year :-D