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I'm learning the viola!

Posted: 05 Nov 2008, 23:56
by echelon
I'm really bad at it, but it's fun! I'd love to be good enough to join the amateur orchestra, but I think it's gonna be a while before I'm ready to join them! *lol* :razz:

Posted: 06 Nov 2008, 08:27
by stace
Well done

Keep practicing you will get there! )t'


Posted: 06 Nov 2008, 09:23
by wendy
Well done, I would love to learn the piano.
I hope you sound better than my son when learning the violin

Posted: 06 Nov 2008, 10:27
by manda
Good on you..
I learnt to play the piano, all the recorders (which I love) and dabbled with the trombone (but as a teenager the whole lip thing wasn't attrative so it went by the way eventually).
The stringed instruments are something I have never been able to get my head around....I envy you...I couldn't manage really bad as a grade! )t' :-D

Posted: 06 Nov 2008, 11:41
by Mo
Have fun with your practising.

If you're not up to orchestral standard, how about joining in a pub 'folk session'.
I take my recorder, and have learnt to play by ear (no time to fumble around looking for the 'dots' when someone starts a tune).

Sessions vary, some are dominated by people playing Irish tunes very fast, others by people strumming guitars and singing old Beatles songs, but the sort I prefer has a bit of everything.
There is a 'virtual session' here and lots of tunes here. If you learn Salmon Tails, Man in the Moon, or Jimmy Allen and play them in a session everyone will join in and raise the roof (and hide my mistakes). It's a great feeling to be part of it.

Folkies are usually a tolerant lot, so not all the participants are virtuoso standard, but there will be something to enjoy listening to and a chance to join in and have fun.

Posted: 06 Nov 2008, 11:44
by Mo
I've borrowed an accordian, but it will be a while before I take that to a session.
I was thinking about getting a small one, and asking advice and was lent one that I can hardly see over, never mind play!

Posted: 06 Nov 2008, 17:39
by Effie
Good stuff! I think a viola has a much more pleasant sound than a voiln which can get a bit 'cats fighting at 1am' . Plus, 'cos the music is written on the 'c' clef, fewer people play it and it's easier to get involed in orchestras.

Wish I'd kept it up but I was difficult and 14 so I quit!
