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battery hen egg free products.

Posted: 10 Aug 2007, 09:33
by melons
Here's a list of battery hen egg free products from the RSPCA.
It contains information about free range egg supermarket produce. It's quite a comprehensive range, makes shopping a tad more of a hassle, but "always" worth it.


Posted: 10 Aug 2007, 10:21
by Mo
And it's not just chicken welfare you have to worry about, I look for the red tractor to buy British pork (fancy making welfare standards higher here but letting cheap stuff in!). Hardly ever see it at Tesco, but if I shop elsewhere my food miles go up. Grrrr

Tesco's pork

Posted: 10 Aug 2007, 10:35
by melons
My OH eats meat, I used to be able to get outdoor reared chops from tesco, but I can't find it anymore, so we've dumped them completely now & only buy from our village butcher, who slaughters & sells "only" locally grown produce, he's one of a dying trade I feel........if you pardon the pun. His shop is on the site so I know it's genuine.


Posted: 10 Aug 2007, 10:57
by wendy
Thanks Mel, Put it on the other one as well.
That will be a great help.


Posted: 10 Aug 2007, 11:42
by melons
hi Wendy

It's done.
