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Hedgehogs in the Garden

Helping our spiky friends in their fight for survival

Hedgehog searching for food
Photo: Vicky Siou, Southampton

When I was a young lad back in the 1950's and 60's hardly a summer / autumn evening went by when you went outside the back door and almost fell over a Hedgehog.
Now, things have changed and through various reasons as written in the 'Why the Hedgehog Population decline' page they are few and far between and have just made the top 10 of the UK Endangered Species.

Believed to be a distant relative of the common Shrew, the Hedgehog has been around for some 15 million years and up to not long ago have adapted well to the human evolution of population and technology.

Their coats contain up to 6,000 spikes, there to protect them from almost all Predators.

I hope these pages will bring some awareness of their plight and hope that in years to come you and your children will once again have the pleasure of almost falling over one every night.

Down the Lane Hedgehog Preservation Member Certificate



Hedgehog Population decline


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