John O'Groats to Lands End by Bike, June 2011 Sponsorship / Donation Details
Two ways for you to make a difference
Besides my family ,there are two big interests in my life; working for Kent County Cricket Club in the Summer as Dressing Room Attendant and running the Down the Lane Website, so when planning my bike ride it was pretty obvious to me the two Causes I would like to raise funds for.
If you feel you'd like to give some of your hard earned money in support of the journey (starts from John O'Groats on Tuesday 21st. June), here are the full details.....
1. Demelza Hospice Care for Children
Demelza cares for over 700 life limited children with Homes in Kent and South East London.
To be there for every life-limited and life-threatened child, young person and their family, within our region as and when they need us.
To provide a needs led specialist care service to children and young people who are unlikely to reach adulthood.
We support the family as a whole by working in partnership with the local community and professionals to provide choice, an improved quality of life and individual expert care.
We are professional, accountable, inclusive and transparent in everything that we do.
To donate to Demelza House through JustGivingCLICK HERE
2. Fresh Start for Hens
Fresh Start for Hens is a non-profit Organization specializing in re-homing Battery Hens accross the UK. All work is carried out on a voluntary basis with Co-Ordinators around the Country getting together collecting and distributing Hens to their prospective Keepers.
This year to date they have managed to distribute over 3,000 Hens and with promotion from Down the Lane plus excessive hard work and running their Website, the numbers of hens being re-homed is rising each time.
Charging new Keepers a minimal amount does not leave them with anything to buy much needed Crates for transportation. Basically, the more Crates they have, the more Hens they can re-home and at present they have a limit.
As an Honorary Patron for Fresh Start (for which I'm very proud) I can assure you that any donation received will be used solely for the purpose of purchasing more equipment to ensure a more efficient distribution and ultimately, increasing the number of Hens re-homed.
To donate to Fresh Start for Hens through PayPal please CLICK HERE