t is far more useful to be aware of a single shortcoming in ourselves than it is to be aware of a thousand in somebody else. For when the fault is our own, we are in a position to correct it. The Dalai Lama, Ethics for the New Millenium
What's The Point of Meditating?By Graham Harris• It improves the power of your concentration. • Calms you down. • And enables you to know what you want out of life In our experience, we each have two sides of us, two YOUS if you prefer. ONE YOU: wants to be successful and has the ability of giving you all the help and encouragement you need. THE OTHER YOU: wants you to be an all so ran. Mediocre and that one will also give you all the help and encouragement you need to be mediocre. The question is: Which of these have you chosen to work with? Which of these have you activated. Which of these have you given credence and credibility to. Ask yourself: When did you last say you would do something but never did? When did you say that you volunteer for a task only to find that whilst you were procrastinating another person took the opportunity and made it? When was the last time you broke a promise to your colleague, your partner or your children? If you can identify with all or some of these behaviours then you have chosen to live with the You that is less powerful. As a result will find it difficult to reach the goals you have set for yourself in this life. Success comes from the ability to concentrate on your strengths. How do you do this? Simple just give yourself five minutes a day. Just five minutes every morning to be with yourself and concentrate on the successful you. If you really want to change your life give yourself five minutes every day to: focus on your strengths. focus on successful thoughts. focus on fulfilling your commitments. focus on encouraging others. focus on delivering what you promised.
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A healthy garden is a healthy person Life is like a beautiful melody, only the lyrics are messed up. ~Author Unknown |