With the weather quite good I managed a few hours to have a walk around the shoreline and venture along the footpath toward where the Estuary meets Southampton Water.
Many of the Waders have now dispersed, just a few Terns, Mallards and Teal about.
The Jay
On to the Woods then! It was nice to see a Jay resting in the branches of a tree, We have one or two visit the front garden here but all too often when you see them elsewhere, one little noise and they’re gone. All the more reason to try and get your photo right on the first attempt, usually even the click of the Camera is enough to send them flying and you end up with some pretty decent shots of a branch!
Nice to see was a Cettis Warbler. I’m forever confused by them against the Chiffchaff and Willow Warbler, the answer being mainly in the colour of their legs. Luckily this one showed it’s legs and paler patterns under the head so I’m pretty certain I have to right this time.
Cettis Warbler
Beside that, there were a few Greenfinches around. They’re very much the first you see them then you don’t bird. You can go for days, even weeks, looking out for them, then suddenly they’re like a London Bus and come one after the other for a day or two.
But it’s not all about Birds and to see the flora around and about in that in between the Spring and Summer mode is of great wonderment.
Over 60 pages of Garden Wildlife on the main Web Site here Nature on our Doorstep