Garden Bird Visitors in Waltham Chase
Now living in a Flat, it was great to be asked to feed an acquaintances Garden Birds for a week. Knowing they have a high number of birds turning up daily I obviously took my Camera along. Highlight was this nicely posed Bullfinch, the best photo I have yet of this magnificent bird.
Another more unusual visitor turning up were a pair of Nuthatches toing and froing from the trees in the fields behind and the Feeders in their characteristic acrobatic style.
The Nuthatch jumping from tree to feeder
Female Great Spotted Woodpecker – Whitethroat
The longest day of the year but the shortest time I’ve ever had to wait for a Bullfinch to appear !
One thing the worry of Coronavirus has given us is the situation to explore what’s around us and to soak in the beauty of nature and wildlife.
On my way home I passed quite a few walkers out and about walking to the fields, the woods and maybe beyond.
It was a good day.