Sixty This Year

Well, it’s very nearly come to it, It started with “I’m 60 in a few years” to “Getting on 60” to “I’m 60 next year” and now, being the 1st. January 2008, “I’ll be 60 this year”.

Doe’s it worry me? Yes and no I think is the answer

Our wonderful Government (have to say that in fear of losing a Tax Rebate in May), have decided that from 1st.April (worrying!), a free Bus Pass can be used nationwide. So….

1. I shall be able to obtain a winter fuel allowance.

2. Because of my natural good looks, will the Bus Driver accept the fact I’m over 60. Hard call this one.

3. I get a free NHS Eye Test

So that’s the positives out the way, now for

1. The last bus home is at 6.20pm and although I can go to town free from 9.30am, there isn’t one until 11.28am

2. You know your eyes are getting bad when you walk into the glass door of the Opticians.

3. People start calling you ‘Old Git’, rather than ‘Senseless Prat’.

4. The Grandchildren ask you what it was like in the old days when everything was black and white.

5. It’s further to scroll down the PC finding 1948 as your birth year (worse still if it doesn’t go that far I suppose)

6. The Street Survey people won’t accept you. The answer to that is say you’re 59, go through the 20 minute procedure, then say “Oh sorry, I forgot, I’m 60”.

7. Young people still don’t offer you their seat on a bus or train.

8. You go to bed with your loved one and have a ‘His’ and ‘Hers’ Mug set beside the bed!

However, in celebration of the forthcoming event and to show I have no malice against anyone, I am producing some T-Shirt’s (pictured right).
It is also my ambition to be banned from every local Supermarket for Skate Boarding around the Housewares Departments, filling up three trolley loads of food, holding up the queue, then saying I’ve left my money at home and finally planting stink bombs inside the Meat Counter.

All in all, it’s just like returning to teenage years becoming 60 – we got away with a lot then and probably will now.

In a strange way, I’m really looking forward to it.

Oh well, guess I’m just sounding off for nothing really. It’s probably going to be exactly the same as being 59 but with a couple of benefits thrown in. We have deserved them after all!

On the Main Site…..
Growing up in the 1950’s and 60’s

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