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Posted: 08 Jan 2008, 23:13
by Richard
I'm glad she's there though. If not, it would be rather one sided and you have to 'respect' that she has the views of many.

I think Jamies programme on Friday will also be revealing and get even more viewing figures. He of course, will be focusing on egg production as well.

Posted: 08 Jan 2008, 23:26
by Citrine are of course, correct in your last post. Of course she has to be there, for the 'balance'.
Do you think that she will eventually be persuaded? Will she stand the peer pressure? Some of the other Millwey people seemed rather peeved with her attitude.
However, do you think that they will change for good, or just while this is in the public view, as it were? Would be good to do a follow up once this is over.....

Posted: 08 Jan 2008, 23:29
by Tania
Well I am a lot calmer than last night )t'

Perhaps Chief Hen will do a u-turn in tomorrows program?

Must be a co-incidence, but I popped into our local Lidl today. Passed the meat fridges (not looking to buy) but noticed the chicken fridge was completely full - neatly stacked. However the rest of the meat was almost sold out. Perhaps they were in the process of restocking and had just done the chickens? Will be interesting to see if there is any noticeable change in people buying chickens - or not. Perhaps the supermarkets will run out of Free Range?

Posted: 08 Jan 2008, 23:31
by Richard
Hard call - the power of editing and production maybe !!

I can't quite get a handle on why the Supermarkets with better policies on this aren't speaking ?

Is there an understanding somewhere? I'd have thought it was an ideal platform on which to sing their praises?

Posted: 08 Jan 2008, 23:31
by Citrine
Oooo Tania, I hope they do run out of free-range!! Lets just hope that if they do, people dont revert to the cheap or 'standard' stuff!
Nice thought though, eh?!!

Posted: 08 Jan 2008, 23:34
by Richard
TassieDev - Poor you not being able to watch.

There are a few snippits on the Channel4 website


I haven't searched yet, but you could try utube and type in Hugh's name or Hugh's chicken run.

Posted: 08 Jan 2008, 23:41
by Tania
You can now download channel 4 programs, I think for up to 4 weeks after they've been shown. Don't know how to do it - my son told me about it and downloaded a "Come dine with me" program that I wanted to see (sad). Don't know if you can do it outside of the UK.

Edit - Channel 4 on demand but it is only for UK and Eire

Posted: 08 Jan 2008, 23:58
by Speckledhen

I could do a whole post just on Chief Hen Lady (none of it complimentary and a lot of it would be size-ist), but I don't want to get Richard in trouble!!


U turn?? I doubt it. She's pig ignorant (although that's unkind to pigs). If she mentions being a single parent one more time... )de:

I would be interested to see what she puts in her shopping trolley each week, other than the cheap rubbish meat of course.

On the plus side most of the Millwey Estate seem to be taking the idea on board and he is showing up the complete arrogance of the supermarkets in their refusal to appear on the programme. They are answerable to Hugh and us the public, who hand over our hard earned money in their stores every flaming day.


Posted: 09 Jan 2008, 00:07
by Richard
I see it as a golden opportunity for some of whom we believe to be 'the goodies', to stand up and win new custom.

Still can't work it out.

Posted: 09 Jan 2008, 00:18
by TassieDev
Thanks for thinking of me!
I was reading the posts but kind of crumby not having the show here :?

I checked out the site but it looks to me like you can't view any of the show unless you sign up it as per Tania's post. Yes it says only UK residents. I don't know how they would know, but you are agreeing that you aren't accessing the site from outside the UK in the 'terms and conditions' so i didnt register!

It wasnt a total loss though as I found a bunch of short clips of old IT Crowd episodes )t'

Yeah I might watch out for clips of the chicken run on u tube...

Posted: 09 Jan 2008, 15:52
by Lo
well I admit to liking HFW and I think he is doing really well with this programme. How he didn't strangle the chief hen last night I don't know.

It was good when they worked out and aired that if a free range chicken cost £2 more then over a family of 4 that is only 50p each. I know this is simple maths but I hope that this point sank in for people who have thought the price an issue before.

Whats me with these people who plead poverty (talking mostly about my family but applies to others) is when they do that and have their sky and fags etc.

Also as I'm off sick today I turned on the tele and it was the RSPCA looking at a man's pigeon loft. This man hadn't cleared the loft out for a while and so there was lots of poo around. The RSPCA explained about the amonia (don't think that's spelt correctly) burns (which Hugh was talking about last night as well) and said that if the man didn't clean up in order to stop this, then they will take further action. So why are pigeons more important than chickens? Why is it ok for a chicken to have amonia burns?

The programme has also made me think about things. We always buy free range eggs or chickens. But I haven't previously thought about the eggs that go in things like my mayonnaise or my take-away chinese. I will now start doing that.


Posted: 09 Jan 2008, 17:27
by wendy
Hiya Lo
Also in biscuits, cakes, bread with a glaze, tartare sauce the list goes on and on I am afraid. You really have to get into reading lables and then end up just cooking your own.
As Richard has said you have to have both sides to a story and I could cheerfully strangle her.
But we HAVE her son....if his tears do not move her, to never buying them again. He certainly won't eat chicken and as an adult will not buy them either.
It is the children with all animal welfare, educate the children and you will change the world. I was heartened by the childrens reactions, although I don't like to see kids upset. As I said we have them now they will not their parents attitudes.

Posted: 09 Jan 2008, 17:28
by wendy
mean't to say. Farm anilmals have different welfare laws to our animals. If we kept our chickens penned up like our girls and living in the squalour that they do, we would get 'done'

Posted: 09 Jan 2008, 17:35
by Lo
yes that's what I was trying to say - it is a strange world where just become something breathing is a pet it has a certain law but if it is a farm animal then you seem to be able to get away with anything.

I've always thought that I was quite good with my buying etc whether it is meat, eggs or environmental products but this has certainly made me think deeper which is no bad thing.

As for all of the other food stuffs I have to think about, as in Wendy's post well I suppose I can only take it one stage at a time but at least I am fully aware, that's the wrong word because I must always been aware but had not thought about these foods before.


Hugh's Chicken Run

Posted: 09 Jan 2008, 17:36
by AnnaB
I don't think I can add to what has been posted.

Michele - you should see the email I have just sent to Geddauk!! I am in total agreement with your post......