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Category: Down Memory Lane

The Beatles in Knole Park 1967

The Beatles in Knole Park 1967

Strawberry Fields Forever and Penny Lane I was on a weeks holiday. It was a cold early February day in 1967 and I hadn’t much better to do than to walk from my Home up to Sevenoaks High Street and frequent the then Coffee Bar ‘La Cabana’ La Cabana was the meeting place for all us late …

Remembering the Few

Remembering the Few

The Battle of Britain Memorial, Capel-Le-Ferne, Folkestone Like me being a Kentish Man and never going to Dover Castle until this year, I hadn’t been to the Battle of Britain Memorial either, so yesterday Leo and myself drove the 20 minutes down there to have a look. It really is some setting I have to say, if …

Memories of Riverhead

Memories of Riverhead

It’s strange that as you get older, your interest in re-living and visiting your past seems to get stronger and in my case, this is certainly true. Luckily Leo is glad to go along with this; our recent visits to WW1 sites where my Grandfathers fought, he also likes to know about life in the 1960’s, …

Big Ships and Big Memories

Big Ships and Big Memories

It was a special late August afternoon for the Grandkids and myself who wandered down to the Beach at Netley Abbey to watch four Ocean Liners making their way out of Southampton Docks. First out was the Ventura, followed by the Queen Mary 2 which you have to say looks majestic in it’s well recognized Cunard …

A Handwritten Letter

A Handwritten Letter

I’m as guilty as anyone, if I write to someone, it’s usually by email and if they say they don’t have a PC, I will still drop them a note which I’ve typed and printed, so what has happened to something which until a few years ago was not only regular, but the done thing. I …

The Chimney Sweep

The Chimney Sweep

Yesterday was a big day for me, the day I’d arranged the Chimney Sweep to clean our two Pots. Nothing to get excited about? Yes, it’s a day when memories of the past are rife. As a little boy I can remember waiting by the gate for him to arrive, the entrance of the usually thin …

Manners & Discipline from the 50’s

Manners & Discipline from the 50’s

There is much to say about modern living with the technology we have and the ability to travel to almost any part of the world we choose, but one thing which is sadly lacking nowadays is simple good manners and behaviour. Being a youngster during the 1950’s, we were taught to behave and be courteous to …

The times they are a changing

The times they are a changing

No, not the song, but a look back at how things were in what some of us call ‘the good old days’. Was there a time when you could sit on a bus or train and not hear the unwanted musical tones or ‘Oh no, it’s the wife’ blaring out from a Mobile Phone owned by …

A matter of Life and Death (Film)

A matter of Life and Death (Film)

I remember my Father telling me stories about his exploits in the Western Desert during WW2. Every morning, or after every Battle, they would do a role call. The names would be called out to a loud “Here”. But all too often the name was called and no reply was heard.The ‘rule’ seemed to be that …

What Sir Edmund Hillary did for me

What Sir Edmund Hillary did for me

A personal tribute to Sir Edmund Hillary There are many things in youth which shape your life to come, the way you think and the way you act. On the day of the Queen Elizabeth 11’s Coronation I was just turned 5 years old and as adventrous as any other kid. It was still the days of Ripping …