The Chimney Sweep

The Chimney Sweep

Yesterday was a big day for me, the day I’d arranged the Chimney Sweep to clean our two Pots.

Nothing to get excited about? Yes, it’s a day when memories of the past are rife. As a little boy I can remember waiting by the gate for him to arrive, the entrance of the usually thin and blackened man with his poles, brush and blankets.
After the initial setting up, he would slowly put together the poles and my Sister and myself would rush outside and patiently await the brush to pop out the top of the Chimney.

Oh what great joy ! There’s something about it you can’t explain. I guess the Chimney is a young persons mystery, a place never visited, dark and also of course, where Santa Claus would have to drop through with his presents on Christmas Day. That’s a point, how come his clothes never get dirty?

So back to yesterday and at 5.30pm sharp, the sound of the Van came around the corner. It’s still on the same lines as some 50 years ago with the exception of modern Van and a giant hoover to replace the mountains of blankets which still didn’t stop your carpet throwing up soot everytime you walked on it.

On went the Hoover, out went the cats and for 20 minutes or so, our 1950’s Rayburn got it’s yearly clean out. Crusty and rusty the Rayburn may be, but at five grand to replace it with a brand new one – you take care of it no matter how old it looks !

After that it was on to the Sitting Room which went quite smoothly. It was kind of nice to smell that smutty smell which had been lost from the house for six months or so even though you knew that you’d be dusting around for an hour after he had left !

The main difference between then and now is that, like Gorgi men with Gas, they are certified to fill out a Form telling you of any defects or safety hazards concerning your Chimneys.

The old faithful passed all it’s tests though. It may be battered and the inside more Fire Cement than original walling, but it will still glow through winter giving that overall warm cosy heat to the Kitchen and up the Stairs.
Not long before the Cats make their regular migration from sleeping in the Greenhouse to about three inches away from almost certain death !

Winter has it’s bad parts, but to come down the stairs in the morning to that comforting smell which takes you back half a century – is good !

The Chimney Sweep told me that the best way to clean yourself after getting sooted up from coal or cleaning around a fireplace is to wash first with plain cold water with no soap, then hot water. Apparently hot water simply smears the soot and doesn’t clean it off so well.

In old Mansion Houses the chimneys were so big, they used to go to the top and drop a Goose down. They would choose a bird with just the right wing span that it would drop slowly flapping its wings and knock all the dirt and soot off as it went.

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