Health and Wellbeing

Articles on features on a wide variety of subjects affecting our lifestyle

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Health and Wellbeing

Looking after ourselves and in turn, our future

.Health and wellbeing are both vital and important to us all maintaining a good lifestyle and going into any experience with confidence - and hope !

Most articles are from the archives and written by Guest Contributors, but some are also written from personal experience. The main features being


This is something I've lived with all my life and it's something which many people think can hold you back and be the subject of ridicle and general 'mickey taking'.
In some cases that's true, but much of it is making it work for you and you can achieve this mainly by accepting it part of you, a part of your personality and something which people know you for.

Wearing Dentures for the first time

Over the years my teeth slowly wore out before most of the rest of the body and in 2008 I decided that enough was enough and after the Dentints agreement, saw that a full set of Dentures would be the best way forward for me, so I took the plunge!

Beforehand and immediately after having this done, I realised there are very few web pages written from a personal experience; most are written by Dentists themselves or people who had just done research.

So, why be modest and hide it up? Talk about it, the good things, the not so good and what it's actually like. Theses pages are 'straight from the Horse's mouth (so to speak!!!)

More Personal Experiences

I found that through changing a work situation from what was more or less nine to five to work which involved far more physical exercise, things started to go wrong, so the best idea I though was to gather together a few pages of what's affected me through the downshifting experience.

Obviously, this won't be the same situation for everyone, but doing this in my 50's and now early 60's, I've found there are things we need to consider and also, how absolutely important our health and wellbeing are to us.

Health & Wellbeing
Personal Experience Features
General Health
General Wellbeing

To be healthy, we must be reasonably fit - to be fit, we need to be reasonable healthy!