Garden Wildlife

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Bees in the Garden

Creatures with a purpose in our environment

A Bee pollinating a Flower
Photo: © Down the Lane


The population of Bees in Europe has on average lessened by 20% over the last 20 years. However, in the UK it is estimated to be a 53% drop. All the more reason to see these most useful of creatures are recognized as being extremely beneficial to us and welcome them in our Gardens.

Bees will help pollinate our Plants and in return give us Honey and Waxes. From these two comes food, medicines, cosmetics and more. After all what is more natural and untouched than pure Honey!

Bees are attracted to almost any Flower be it Flower, Vegetable or Weed.

If they are not housed in a Beekeeper's Hive they will find and make their own Hives, often in Trees and Lofts in Houses.
A Nest or Hive can contain up to 60,000.

Should you have one, do not try and destroy it, go to the British Beekeepers Association web site and look for your local Branch. Beekeepers will gladly take it off your hands, they know what they're doing and you have the knowledge they will be in a good home and their produce put to good use.

Bee fact - They can flap their wings at 11,000 times a second and will fly up to 3 miles from their Hive to get good pollen.

A Bumble Bee pollinating a garden flower
Photo: © Down the Lane


Bumble Bee's do not make Honey, instead they make a smaller Nectar food store so unsuitable for humans. Mice and Squirrels are known to raid their nests.

Like Honey Bees they live in Colonies with a single Queen, but a population of a Nest is made up of only 50 or so.

It is not unusual to be stung by a Bumble Bee (female) but one has to consider they can fly up to 15 meters a second, so if you're unlucky enough to walk out from a corner at the wrong time...bad luck ! Unlike the normal Bee, they will not die after stinging.

The fact they live in small colonies means, from a swarming point of view, they are not a nuisance. Leave them alone to pollinate your Garden Plants and they're about the friendliest things you can have in your Garden.




Attracting Bees and other Insects to the Garden

New Article With a Video from BBC Gardener's World featuring an interview with Garden Wildlife expert Bridget Strawbridge


There's Honey and there's Honey they say - and they're right. What determines a good Honey isn't just the Beekeeper, it's where the Hives are and the Flower's available in that area to collect Nectar from.

Needless to say, I like Kentish Honey!!

Kentish Honey


“Well," said Pooh, "what I like best," and then he had to stop and think. Because although Eating Honey was a very good thing to do, there was a moment just before you began to eat it which was better than when you were, but he didn't know what it was called.”
― A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh

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