When I’m 64 – now I am!

When I’m 64 – now I am!

1967 it was, the Beatles released ‘When I’m 64’ and it seemed that all us teenagers were actually asking each other ‘what will I be doing when I’m 64!

Yesterday I became 64 and needless to say it got me thinking about both past and present, indded, future as well.
When the record (note the word ‘record’!) was released I was 19, so an age of in-between, I’d gone through the first girlfriend stages, was going to Rock Concerts, working but still single and wondering about the future which seemed to be changing almost day by day.

Embracing the ‘now’!!

The early to mid 1960’s had seen much change, the once black and white world of post WW2 was slowly vanishing and we were entering an age for the young, the rebellious and desperately searching for a new look.

I recall very well having a conversation with a friend about where and what we may be doing when we reach 64, in some things it’s pretty much what I imagined and in other ways completely different, looking back I tend to see the things I had hoped for not coming to fruition, yet substituted by things which make up for that.

One thing we did decide was that we should make ourselves some event to achieve at 64. For years I didn’t know what I should do, then last year I decided that after many a younger year being spent admiring those who cycle from John O’Groats to Land’s End, I would do that – which I did!

The only difference is that I did it at 63. Weighing it all up and putting the dream around various things I thought it best to do it then. You never know what’s around the corner and if you feel up for it – do it then and not wait. Anyway I was in my 64th year, so I reckon it counts as ‘job done’!

Sadly, my friend with whom I had the conversation with passed away just a few weeks before I did the ride, at the age of 63.
So the ride was for you as well Chris.

I guess back then we saw marriage, kids, steady career job and retire, but life does not go by the book.
I’ve had two marriages which although I’m glad to say have ended with us all remaining friends,is still sad in some ways.
I’ve had three children, but my eldest daughter Louise was lost to us through a motor bike accident some 13 years ago.
I now have two Grandchildren by my daughter Vicky and my son Leo at 22 is still life learning and settling down into his own comfort zone.

As far as work goes, I never had the career; I spent time in Advertising, Marketing, Retail and Railway Management, all good jobs and maybe secure, but I always found that it was like going up an open plan staircase in an Office. I’d get to seeing the next floor up and not sure if I wanted to be there.

After quite a few years I gave up the staircase theory and just left the building altogether, downshifted and had the time of my life ever since all be it a struggle at times.

As for 1967 – Black and white TV with 3 Channels, no mobile phones, computers, internet, only half of us owning cars to a world which is different out of all proportion to what we imagined.

It’s all too easy to write ‘those were the days’, ‘the good old days’; they were, but we have to embrace the changes, adapt to them, memories are great to have, but one second after an event that is a memory etc.

I’m glad to have been born when I was, I’ve seen so much change and like to think I’ve gone along with most of it, I don’t understand half of it, but that in many ways makes it even more fun!

I don’t say I wouldn’t change anything, I would, boy would I just, but overall, it’s been good and the outlook isn’t that bad either.

I’ve set up a life plan for the next year for ‘when I’m 65’ but I don’t count on even one year going to plan let alone 64.

Every decade of your age has something but it’s different in your 60’s; first you’re 60 along with free Prescriptions, Bus Pass, Eye Tests and concessions here and there, then you’re 64, then at 65 it’s an ‘old age pension’, then 70 if you play your cards right.

The clock will never go backwards, nor must we!!

See my ‘Growing up in the 1950’s and 1960’s’ pages


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