Shopping – Running the Gauntlet

Shopping – Running the Gauntlet

Do you remember the days when a trip to the Town Centre Shops was a reasonaably nice experience? You’d walk around in your own time, do a bit of Window Shopping, sit on a Bench maybe and watch the world go by.

Nowadays it seem’s that any Shopping trip ends up with you running the gauntlet between smiley wiley Sale’s Persons trying to get you to sign up for something, usually I’m sad to say, Charities.

I give to Charities as and when I can and fully appreciate they have to market their ‘product’. Guess it’s the old you have to spend money to make money, But I totally reject having my privacy invaded when doing something somewhere where I should be free to look round and make my own decisions.

I have a great sympathy for the youngster’s who do this work and respect they are trying to earn some money and unlike many, have made an effort to do so, but it’s hard sell and I feel sorry for them.

So you find yourself at the town centre and have to zig zag your way through like some Rugby Star going for a try.
I can get on with the Stall and the bit of Concession space within the Centre’s themselves, as long as they don’t suddenly walk out in front of me (it’s handy to have an Ice Cream in your hand when they do so).

First rant over!!

My next rant for the day is when you go to the DIY Superstores. You see them at the exit door as you walk in, the likelihood being they are either selling Double Glazing or other Insulation Products.

Why should we not be allowed to walk freely wherever we want and not have to be interfered with by people put there by large Company Managers after an extra bob or two on their retail mark ups?

Personally, if they put a donation box in the exit doorway saying ‘Please keep our Company afloat’, I’d probably put a bit of loose change in!

But, it’s not so bad as the Town Centre’s. At least with the DIY Franchise you can say ‘Sorry, I live in rented accommodation’ or ‘Oh deary me, I’ve just had mine done’.

I recall the days well when I got the phone calls at home. A good one was really going along with the Gas Company about why I should change to them, allowing them to tell me every detail of their never to be beaten offer.
“Oh yes, I’d be really interested to sign up” I’d say and get the enthusiastic “Great” from the other end obviously spoken with his fists punching the air with delight.
Then I’d come out with “So when are you laying the gas pipes down the Lane then”.

Again I’d say that I have a sympathy for those who do this work and to be honest, the one’s I’ve spoken to who do have done similar work have always said they disliked it and / or it was the only work going.

I apologize to those who do and when you see the 63 year old bloke doing a well trained run past all five of you in Ashford Town Centre, it’s probably me!


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