It's only a loan, nature takes it all back

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It's only a loan, nature takes it all back

Post by barboo »

Just about 3 miles from our house you'll come to the nearest village and like all villages you'll see houses,
I wont to tell you about one of these little houses and the old lady who until 18 months ago lived in that house,
I think she was in her 80 or maybe even 90's and 'i'd offten see her around mid day standing in her night dressing gown holding her little "yorkshire terrier" watching the world go by,
Her house stood alone on the main village road and at one time was a cottage gardened type of garden,
You could see her supply of logs for the fire all stacked up near the old shed,
A privet hedge borded the complete house & garden,
As the years took its toll on the old lady less and less of her man made garden could be seen,
The little front gate was always cleared of the growth of ivy that tended to grow & grow over the hedge,
The old lady died and as a lot of property in france is just left for nature to take its course and reclaim it's right to say 'The loan period is over"

I drive past this little house at least twice a week and now that little gate we're i'd see and wave to the old lady and her little dog has been completly covered in mother natures coat of grass/ivy so much so you'd never know that a gate is there.
Yes we are only natures tennants really we own nothing "nature" takes it all back until the next tennant arrives.
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Re: It's only a loan, nature takes it all back

Post by Mo »

Yes, the same thing happens to roads. I remember going on a walk with the local history group and seeing (when it was pointed out) the traces of an old road - not obvious at all.

Mind you, this season our orchard is a bit like that too. I wouldn't mind if 'nature' was the wild flowers that we paused our grass cutting to let seed. But it seems to be mostly docks, brambles, nettles, wasps, rabbits, rats and moles.
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Re: It's only a loan, nature takes it all back

Post by manda »

It's very true ...a while back I was wandering around the .www...and came across photographs that were taken of Chernobyl and Detroit and how mother nature has decided that there are no longer humans occupying the space she'll just take it back thank you very much.

It amazes me how quickly nature can start to take over....that was very evident after the Christchurch was only a very short space of time before greenery was visible in buildings that were not longer occupied. The only reason it changed was because the buildings were torn down ... it's easy to see how quickly things change and before we know it Mother Nature has stamped her mark and taken back what was hers in the first place....definitely is just on loan.
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)✰
(¸.✰´¨(¸.✰ Manda

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Re: It's only a loan, nature takes it all back

Post by barboo »

Yes its very true ref wild flowers,
One of the first things i noticed when we moved here to france was all the wild flowers you see as you walk along the lanes,
We have a woods just down the lane from us and its full of blue bells,
The locals dont ever mention it when its in full bloom as they've seen it all their lives but to us "even after 9 years of living here it still amazes me as to its beauti,
It also takes me back to seeing the both sides of the entrance to the Grovenor garden centre nr Chester the year they had both side's covered in blue bells.
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Re: It's only a loan, nature takes it all back

Post by fabindia »

There was a telly program a few years back that tried to depict what would happen if man disappeared off the face of the earth. After just a hundred years or so, almost all evidence us being here would have disappeared. Some might say that not so bad an idea :-D
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Re: It's only a loan, nature takes it all back

Post by animartco »

I loved your story about the old lady. Unfortunately the same thing is happening to me. I am getting past the age of gardening with a saw and long handled clippers, and my lawn mower has seen better days, as has the house. I am currently on the market, but I am wondering whether it will be sold before it is impossible to reach the front door. Already prospective buyers have to bring a machete if they want to get onto the land, and a path was cleared only a couple of months ago. I have never known such a year for growth!
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