What is good or bad for you ? !!

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What is good or bad for you ? !!

Post by Richard »

One day the Papers say Coffee helps, Wine is good for you and the next day you read other papers (or sometimes the same one) saying the opposite.
In fact last week two papers said opposites on the same day !!

Helps cure Common Colds, prevents Cancer, slows Damentia, helps Diabetes, then just put the word 'doesn't' in front of each one :-D

Where does it ever end.

I'm not promoting live and let die, just eat what you're comfortable with and as long as you see yourself in the mirror each morning, you're doing OK!

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Re: What is good or bad for you ? !!

Post by albertajune »

I have gone through my life dieting and still stay the same. I have walked everywhere as I don't drive. Done manual work as well as gardening and allotmenting. Wear and tear on my joints has given me severe problems. Other lifetime problems are through medication.
I have now reached an age when I have the treats that I have denied myself, a glass of wine most days and buy some ready meals instead of spending so much time in the kitchen. All of course within moderation. Because of Atrial Fibrilation caused by medication I do stick to de-caff tea and coffee.

As you say Richard the different opinions make it so confusing. Let us not forget that some of the 'experts' are working with various food companies.

I say, know your own body and just a little of what you fancy does no harm. Just be careful of excess sugar and fat and enjoy life.
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Re: What is good or bad for you ? !!

Post by manda »

It's that all things in moderation thing isn't it.
I don't drink much but I like a drink and I drink what I like (red wine...and I love Amaretto)...food wise I love experimenting and cooking is my relaxation.

Life's too short and I'd rather enjoy it while I'm here...I think my attitude has changed since I had all the problems after my operation a couple of years ago. Things I used to over think (I now think) just don't rate anymore.

As for reports...well whatever is going to get me is going to get me...I bet there's a lot more out there in the big wide world that's more of a hazard than a glass of wine )grin2(
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)✰
(¸.✰´¨(¸.✰ Manda

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Re: What is good or bad for you ? !!

Post by Mo »

Yes. 50 years ago there was the anti-sugar school of thought "pure, white, and deadly" so I started putting Marmite on my bread.
Then 'they' decided salt was bad. (quite good evidence from islands populations that cooked in sea water or river water). Back to jam?

All the dieting fads. Low fat / low carb / high protein (that just seems a western self indulgence, I'm not a vegetarian but a huge plate of meat seems disrespectful to the animal)

A little of what you fancy.

Plus enjoy what is in season. I'm nibbling a lot of plums at the moment.
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Re: What is good or bad for you ? !!

Post by lancashire lass »

Moderation is the key.

To be fair, we know a lot more than we did even 5 or more years ago - scientific research is a lot more advanced. For example, caffeine in its pure form is a toxic substance, so coffee was thought to be bad for you. But now we know that caffeine in moderate amounts found in coffee has some benefits especially for the brain - the most obvious it helps to keep you alert and awake because it is a stimulant, but trials show that it helps in other ways on the nerve connections and helps to reduce risk of Alzheimer's and Parkinson disease as well as improve moods like depression. Caffeine in some painkillers therefore make them more effective and give better pain relief. However, drink too much coffee and the heart rate can be erratic. Back to moderation ....

Pure alcohol is a toxin and bad for you - regular alcoholic drinks can also have other negative effects like addiction. But studies show that alcohol, like caffeine, do have some some benefits in small amounts. The only way to imagine it is if you are on medication - paracetamol helps to relieve inflammation and pain over short periods but an overdose (that is only just over 8 tablets in a given 24 hour period) can do serious damage to the liver. So a drink now and again is fine but if you are a regular drinker or binge, then any benefit from drinking alcohol is lost.
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Re: What is good or bad for you ? !!

Post by wildlifemad »

Good or bad for you, as everyone says it changes daily so I've given up!! Moderation is definitely the key. No-one knows what is round the corner so we eat as well as we can & don't intentionally exercise it is just built into our lives (allotment,bird watching,walk to village shops & Hubby walks 12 acres of glasshouses most days!)
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Re: What is good or bad for you ? !!

Post by Gwenoakes »

I have never paid much head to the propaganda regarding food and never more so than when 20 some years ago I had a big scare with cancer. The prognosis was bad, but here I am still, so I am just grateful and eat everything really in moderation. Sometimes I go 'off the rails', but not too often.........when I do I really enjoy it though. )w(
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