Bread and Butter Pudding

Recipes, Cooking tips and maybe some 'Home Made' secrets !
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Bread and Butter Pudding

Post by Lynne »

This is one of my family's favourite puddings and well worth a try as the nights get darker! It IS rich, but as a treat occasionally it's gorgeous!

3 slices bread buttered both sides and cut into triangles.
Raisins or sultanas soaked for an hour in sherry or brandy.
Sugar brown or white
3 eggs
Double Cream

This is SOooo simple, but yummy!

Butter an oblong dish and then lie the triangular pieces of bread in a line overlapping.
Sprinkle a layer of the soaked fruit
Then sprinkle some sugar (as much or as little as you prefer)
Layer the pudding up in this way, I usually only do two layers.

In a separate bowl, whisk three eggs, add about 1/4 pint of milk and 1/4 pint of double cream.. whisk together.
Pour over the bread. Drop a few teaspoons of marmalade over the top, I usually do about 4 dotted around.. it melts into the pudding and gives a lovely tang.
Leave for half an hour.
Grate lots of fresh nutmeg on top.
Bake in the oven for 30 - 40 minutes at 180 degrees until lovely and crispy on top. The colour is better if soft brown sugar is used on top.

Bon Appetite!
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Post by b_cos_1_can »

ooo my dad used to make the best bread and butter pudding ever! but this sounds great too. might just have to give it a go closer to christmas! yum
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bread and butter pudding

Post by ged »

Hi Lynne,
A great recipe!Have my eldest daughter visiting this weekend,so shall give it a whirl!
ged )c+
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Post by Lynne »

DO try it.. I usually make it when my daughter comes too.. she and her husband love it. It's simple and cheap.. and gorgeous! if you do it this weekend Ged, do let me know how you get on!

It's funny how you remember what your parents made, these things are such a huge part of our upbringing! My mum made the best bread pudding and roly poly pudding.. I cannot make either that tastes anywhere close to hers!
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Post by Speckledhen »

Hi Lynne,

Your recipe sounds yummy. Might have to give it a try myself!

I have to agree with your comments re parents' cooking. My Mum's macaroni pudding is gorgeous and her Yorkshire Puds are the best (I couldn't make them if my life depended on it!)

Michele )c+
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Post by Lynne »

I have a friend from Yorkshire who many years ago gave me his mum's Yorkshire pudding recipe. He told me the puds would stick to the top of the oven and we laughed about it, but they actually DID stick to the top of the oven )c+

Apparenlty, the key ingredient is to use either two or 3 eggs, not one as most people do..and of course it's plain flour. I gave the recipe to a neighbour a few weeks ago and we waited to see if they stuck to the roof of her oven.. and they did.. it's fool proof!
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Post by Mo »

With a gas stove this sticking to the roof of the oven is a problem.
Top rung they do, and burn, and are a mess.
Next rung down it's not hot enough.
So the baking tray has to balance on something upside-down to put them half way.
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Bread and Butter Pudding

Post by ged »

Hi Lynne,
apologies for not getting back to you sooner,have been very busy.The pudding was a resounding success and I am only sorry I did not make 2 as there were calls for more!
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Post by Lynne »

Hi Ged

I'm so pleased you tried it! I did one last week when friends came round for a meal and I actually cooked it in the afternoon and warmed it when we were ready to eat it. It was just as nice, but slightly flatter! My cousin now cooks two in smaller portions and freezes one which works very well too!
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