Positive about sorting my weight this time...

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Re: Positive about sorting my weight this time...

Post by Scrambled »

Hopefully not considered 'off topic', because I did mention it a couple of weeks ago as part of my 'sorting my weight...' process........

Had my Colour Me Beautiful session yesterday. Had a lovely chat beforehand, explained that I'm (attempting to) change lifestyle, lose weight etc etc and that I'd like to boost myself by sorting make-up out and knowing which colours are right etc etc.

Proudly took along my modest collection of well-loved scarves for some advice on which suit me best. Wouldn't you just know it - not one of the &%**$£ scarves is in a colour which suits me. In fact, as was demonstrated unequivocally, they all succeed in actually draining colour from my face. So on those days when I've been 'making an effort' and feeling pretty smart, I've actually looked utterly horrific. So that clear out I had of my wardrobe, where I got out everything that doesn't fit me now, and which resulted in scarves forming the majority of my clothing collection, has resulted in some nice spare storage!!

{rofwl} {rofwl} {rofwl}

On the plus side, I went shopping afterwards and got three very nice scarves in 'my' colours, two of which were 75% off in the sale - and I actually was told by a random stranger in one of the shops, when I was trying one, how much it suited me.

The consultant was lovely and very encouraging about my efforts - I told her that I'd been a bit despondent lately, but she was really very enthusiastic about how well I've done and how I must continue, it's a journey etc etc. It did boost me and I feel as though my 'blip' is over now. >fi<
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Re: Positive about sorting my weight this time...

Post by Freeranger »

I'm so pleased it worked for you, Scrambled, and it sounds as though it's just what you needed. Just a point, but you haven't necessarily been looking awful, just not showing yourself off to your best advantage. A bit of a subtle difference there - stop being so hard on your self. Anyway, exciting isn't it? The colours that suit me (spring) are so much brighter than what I would have worn before, and the bright red really took me by surprise. When you're used to hiding under black tenty things or sensible navy, the radical difference is a bit mind blowing. I also had my styles done, so found I'd also been wearing the wrong styles as well as the wrong colours, which made me feel like I should hand back my girl card. Anyway, shopping's a lot quicker now, without nearly so much trial and error or retunrs. Let's hope your confidence grows and grows!
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Re: Positive about sorting my weight this time...

Post by manda »

Oh Scrambled I did chuckle about the scarves {rofwl}

Just goes to show though then someone tells you and shows you at the same time you can what they're getting at.

We've just had 2 weeks holiday ...so I've not concentrated on diet too much ...not gone crazy but we've been bowling and had archery thingy's to do and a friends 40th so have had cake and not stuck completely to the low carbing it ....and I loved it )grin2(
I'll weigh myself tomorrow so I can see what I've got to do.
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)✰
(¸.✰´¨(¸.✰ Manda

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Re: Positive about sorting my weight this time...

Post by boosmummy »

None off this week for me but I've lost .5 inch of my waist and an inch and a half off my legs x
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Re: Positive about sorting my weight this time...

Post by manda »

So I got on the scales...no surprise I put on weight (4lbs) but do you know what I'm OK with that....never thought I'd say that!

So after weighing myself...I had a mean green juice...I actually really like them (never thought I'd say that either {rofwl} )

Funnily enough I've learnt something from this holiday and it just consolidates what I've learnt already...I feel VERY different if I eat carbs etc ..I'm aware my joints are aching more this last few days and I reckon it's an accumulation of not concentrating on what I eat.....I'm not saying I'm not going to eat rubbish in the future because some of it tastes so nice !!! but I'm going to try and limit it to no more than very limited if we're on the holidays because I can feel the difference...never a bad thing to remind myself though and now I'll get back to it :-D )t'

Good luck everyone :-D
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(¸.✰´¨(¸.✰ Manda

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Re: Positive about sorting my weight this time...

Post by p.penn »

Manda, that is my philosophy too. I have to eat a very low salt diet, but every now and again that goes out of the window! Going to Greece for two weeks for example! Oh yes and 2 breakfasts out this week :oops:

I don't beat myself up about it, and return to normal low salt. I just keep to that the majority of the time. I too do notice a difference in how I feel - sooo thirsty after bacon.
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Re: Positive about sorting my weight this time...

Post by manda »

If I'm honest Helen I'm glad I didn't put on more....I've had Baklava,carrot cake,burgers, beer..we that was a sip of other halfs actually (but the place was called Burgers and beer...be rude not to), lemonata cheesecake ice cream which I'm telling you would have been worth it just for that!... Not going to lie it was LUSH!!!! but I'm OK being back on the healthier stuff too )grin2(
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(¸.✰´¨(¸.✰ Manda

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Re: Positive about sorting my weight this time...

Post by p.penn »

Burgers and Beer? {rofwl} I bet you thought that was a salad bar {rofwl}

I think you know how worried I was about eating in Greece. How on earth do you go salt (and alcohol) free in tavernas? yike* The first night I sat down to dinner with friends and explained that my diet and flluid was limited, then ate bread, tzatsiki, mousakka, far too much wine and 2 baileys when I got back to the hotel {rofwl}

I then moderated! A couple of glasses of vino per night, NON alcoholic cocktails, lots of fish (and mousakka +f+ ) but all in all I was pleased with myself. I was on holiday after all.
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Re: Positive about sorting my weight this time...

Post by manda »

{rofwl} {rofwl} {rofwl} )like(

Hey at the end of the day I don't want to be in a war with food ...I want to enjoy it sometimes and be sensible sometimes ..and if that means burgers n beer now and again (who knew it wasn't a salad bar !! {rofwl} ) then I'm OK with that :-D
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)✰
(¸.✰´¨(¸.✰ Manda

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Re: Positive about sorting my weight this time...

Post by jemberelli »

Wise words indeed! I am expecting a gain tonight, having enjoyed lots of naughty food, but like you Manda, I am ok with that as I thoroughly enjoyed the naughtiness!

I would love to get my colours done Scrambled...one day! I bet it was a real eye opener )t'
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Re: Positive about sorting my weight this time...

Post by Freeranger »

I'm really impressed with the 5" of the waist, Boosmummy - please tell us how to do that! That would be such an ego boost.
It's nice to see everyone so relaxed about the diet/pleasure balance. I'm sure that makes sense.
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Re: Positive about sorting my weight this time...

Post by jemberelli »

As expected, 2lb on when I weighed on Monday evening. Actually, I expected more so happy enough )t' Not doing too great at the moment but not beating myself up - I know what to do and that it works when I do it so will get the eating rubbish out of my system then get back on board! It really is quite liberating having this mindset and I have you lovely lot to thank for that {hug}

Boosmummy, great going - 5" from my waist would be great! Well done )t'
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Re: Positive about sorting my weight this time...

Post by boosmummy »

jemberelli wrote:As expected, 2lb on when I weighed on Monday evening. Actually, I expected more so happy enough )t' Not doing too great at the moment but not beating myself up - I know what to do and that it works when I do it so will get the eating rubbish out of my system then get back on board! It really is quite liberating having this mindset and I have you lovely lot to thank for that {hug}

Boosmummy, great going - 5" from my waist would be great! Well done )t'

.5!!!! -5 that'd be great! My clothes are feeling better and I'm feeling better for exercising and not eating rubbish. Jember you're doing great!!! I saw this the other day, and I thought never a truer word!:

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Re: Positive about sorting my weight this time...

Post by jemberelli »

{hug} )like(
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Re: Positive about sorting my weight this time...

Post by Freeranger »

Just come across this article, which may be good news:

I haven't been doing very well - fallen off the diet waggon for a few days - so any small ray of hope is welcome!
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