Positive about sorting my weight this time...

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Re: Positive about sorting my weight this time...

Post by manda »

Thank you ....I do feel great but I've just stuffed a mince pie {rofwl} {rofwl}

My surgery has now been reconfirmed for the 24th January....this is a good thing...it gives me time to lose more weight...I'd like to get another 5kgs off if I can...all the better when having an anaesthetic and to have less weight on my neck so it's a win win all round.
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)✰
(¸.✰´¨(¸.✰ Manda

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Re: Positive about sorting my weight this time...

Post by Freeranger »

Well unless it's a 20.7kg mince pie, I think you can be let off that one )t'

Good luck with the next 5kg and your op.
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Re: Positive about sorting my weight this time...

Post by p.penn »

Well, it's the end of the festive season and my scales tell me I have put on half a stone in two weeks! yike*

Now normally, that would be a good thing for me, but unfortunately I know it has only happened because of the vast quantities of rubbish I have eaten. So much party food, sooo much salt, so much alcohol (and fluid in general) and incredible quantities of mince pies, cream and Christmas cake!!!

So today I have to put my sensible brain firmly back into my head, and get back to healthy, low salt eating :oops: I am trying to ignore the tin of mince pies and three quarters of Christmas cake still left }hairout{
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Re: Positive about sorting my weight this time...

Post by manda »

I have eaten drunk and been very merry and enjoyed every minute ...and I've put on 4 kgs!
So I started to juice again yesterday...I'm glad to be back on the juice - I can definitely tell the difference with all the "treats" I've stuffed over Christmas and New Year...my joints are aching. So it's another learning thingy if nothing else.....and I've had an awesome Christmas )grin2(
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)✰
(¸.✰´¨(¸.✰ Manda

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Re: Positive about sorting my weight this time...

Post by Freeranger »

I think I've put on about 5lb, but I know it will leave quickly once the healthy eating starts again. That happens on Monday, and I'm really looking forward to it.
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Re: Positive about sorting my weight this time...

Post by kate egg »

I only put about 3lb on over Christmas but I am sitting here surrounded by chocolates and fudge and 'supported' by a hubby who thinks it is rude not to eat everything we have been given! I actually spent less on groceries in December than in a normal month but we were given so much stuff I am thinking of sneaking chocs into the bin or a bag to 'up-cycle' one at a time so he doesn't notice...

I am 1/2 stone up on last summer when I lost weight for eldest son's wedding and am determined to get it all off again. Still I'm over a stone lighter than this time last year so that is good :-D
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Re: Positive about sorting my weight this time...

Post by manda »

Weighed myself this morning and I've lost so that I'm now currently 2.7kgs (6lbs) up on what I was before Christmas but the good thing is I've found my mojo again and I'm happily on the juice full time once more (I had been wandering off a bit) so I'd like to lose as much weight as I can between now and the 24th January which is when I go in to have the disc replaced in my neck....it will be healthier for me and easier for the surgeon if I can lose as much as possible (especially around my neck...I hoping if I ask nicely they might take away any excess skin {rofwl} ...you never know {rofwl} )

Good Luck everyone new year new challenges {hug}
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(¸.✰´¨(¸.✰ Manda

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Re: Positive about sorting my weight this time...

Post by perchy »

Well done everyone, I am sorry to say that I have been struggling with this, I had a change in medication and now am struggling to lose anything, I have had a word with my Dr and I may be able to swap medications )t' slimming world was brilliant for me, so I am gong to do the red and green days although I know they have changed the way they do things now, so 2 days ago I started, I am not weighing myself for a week, but on the 14th we go on holiday yike* but like Manda, I am hoping the mojo will withstand that >fi<

Good luck everyone, it is a difficult time of year with losts of gifts being edible ones }hairout{
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Re: Positive about sorting my weight this time...

Post by p.penn »

I had lost a pound a day then yesterday had an epic fail (last minute takeaway curry and home made ice cream with my daughter!). So salty so needed more fluid, and quite aside from the fact I had a bad night as I was ao thirsty, the 2 lbs is all back on thismorning. }hairout{ I am cross with myself. :oops:
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Re: Positive about sorting my weight this time...

Post by julie62 »

Hello everyone - I've not been around for ages - life has kind of got in the way recently - just to say I'm scared of getting on the scales and depressing myself after Christmas - anyway I'm back on the straight and narrow from yesterday - I AM NOT GOING TO UNDO MY GOOD WORK from last year. I want to lose 2 more stone and I will do it by the end of this year. Dont all depress yourself with your failures just look forward to your success .. we all dwell on the bad bits - I've been kicking myself for stuffing my face the last two weeks but I cant change that now - but I can change the next 50 weeks! )t'

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Re: Positive about sorting my weight this time...

Post by Freeranger »

I've been at the self-help books myself and so have a dream (5 stone loss), a target (1/2 stone per month) and a plan of how to achieve it, which really doesn't look onerous. Mine's based on WW point system, but might combine that with the traffic light days, and a commitment to a 12min/day exercise routine (a la Helen Mirren), 1/2 hour walking three times a week, and pigging out is allowed if cancelled out with calories/points equal to the value of afterwards. It looks so very achievable, I can't see why I haven't done it before or why it's seemed so much of a struggle. Bizarre. Anyway, had a spree planned for Monday/Tuesday, so am now on the straight and narrow again - porridge and pasta with veg sauce so far today, and it feels good to have made a start. I also did my 12 mins. The hardest thing is getting out of bed at my new earlier time!
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Re: Positive about sorting my weight this time...

Post by perchy »

Well, I have weighed in this morning and have lost 3.5 lbs, I know it is only 6 days since I started, but for some reason I like to weigh on a Sunday, so hopefully with next weeks holiday I will be sticking to the red and green or what I know of it, I am hoping with the weather being a little warmer or at lease longer daylight we will be able to walk more which is what we do on hols I would be happy with a small loss )t' Good luck next week everyone )t'

Shame they have a bar )hic(
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Re: Positive about sorting my weight this time...

Post by manda »

Well done Perchy ...I know what you mean I like weighing on a Monday - always did with SW and it's kind of stuck >shrug<
So tomorrow for me...we'll wait and see :-D
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(¸.✰´¨(¸.✰ Manda

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Re: Positive about sorting my weight this time...

Post by manda »

So I got on the scales and I've lost 2.7kgs (6lbs) )c( )c( )c(

Almost back to my pre-Christmas weight.
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)✰
(¸.✰´¨(¸.✰ Manda

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Re: Positive about sorting my weight this time...

Post by perchy »

Manda that is an amazing weight loss, well done {hug}
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