Meanqueen's tightwad diary (Saving September)

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Re: Meanqueen's tightwad diary

Post by Meanqueen »

Thank you spreckly.

I spent a bit of money today, not as much as I planned because one shop didn't have the cat food I wanted and I couldn't remember what time the car park ticket ran out (2 hours free), and I couldn't be bothered to go looking for it in other shops. I did splash out on a cheap bottle of wine though, £3.49 chardonnay. I can't tell the difference between cheap and dear wines, so a good one would be wasted on me.

I searched through the bags of bananas in Aldiddly and found one with 9 in it. Some have 7 and some 8 depending on the size and weight of them. I did a top up shop, a few essentials. Spinach, multigrain bread, quiche, eggs, cream crackers, and cat and dog food. Really low on petrol now, need to fill up next time I go out. Might have a trip to my home town, this weekend.

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Re: Meanqueen's tightwad diary

Post by Meanqueen »

Hi. Yes, I did have a trip home on Saturday, filled the car up for £40, used maybe half of it so plenty left for short journeys.

Heidi cat to the vet today, another blood test and injection. £57. Vets must be making a fortune. No way to get round it, have to try and save money in other areas to pay for it.

Called in three small supermarkets on the way back, on the yellow sticker hunt, was lucky in one shop, nothing in the other two. Got 3 small cartons of milk 5p each, they will go in the freezer. 2 tubs potato salad 7p each. will eat them in the next few days. Bag of spinach 22p. Tub of pine nut and pasta salad 68p. Total £1.19p so a bit saved there.

Going to visit my friend tomorrow in the next village tomorrow, I will take my lunch with me so nothing to buy. Nothing else planned for the rest of the week so hopefully no money will get spent. I have negotiated a deal with a friend, she is going to save their copies of the Times newspaper and leave them in her porch for me to pick up every Saturday morning. She hasn't asked for anything in return so that's a good deal. Free papers, whooopeeeeee.
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Re: Meanqueen's tightwad diary

Post by Meanqueen »

Here we are at the end of September. I have had some extra pet related expenses this month, in fact my pet costs generally take up a big chunk of my income. I also shop around for their food, but vets fees can't be scrimped on. I've an old cat which has cost me very little in vets fees over the 18 years I have had him. I did have him insured for most of that time, but cancelled when the monthly fees kept going up. If he is ill now it will be age related. I have money put by for any treatment if needed, but quality of life will be taken into consideration when the end is near, he is fine at the moment. My young Heidi cat has just had another blood test taken and an injection, £57. Will speak to the vet later to get the verdict. Rocky dog is on Metacam and joint tablets, £36 every 2 - 3 months. Mayze cat is healthy thank goodness. It's time for flea treatments again.

Just looking at my bank statement for period 22 Aug to 22 Sept, thankfully the end balance is more than the start balance. The difference between money in and money out is around £400, for that period, so going in the right direction. Obviously this will fluctuate over the whole year, there will be more to pay for utilities over winter. Car insurance comes in January.

My bank statements over the years make interesting reading, I can track patterns, look at the highs and lows, more lows than highs though, ha ha. Ten years ago at the age of 56 I was reducing my working hours because I wasn't enjoying my job. My income also reduced, but I was happy to swap money for time, because it was more valuable to me. In December 2005 my balance dipped dangerously low, I was having to do calculations for the next couple of weeks when I had a little bit of money coming in. At one point it dipped to £543 credit, with £200 due to come out for the mortgage. Then I had to make drastic reductions in my spending, or go and drive a truck.

I know it sounds daft, but I actually enjoyed flying by the seat of my pants.Yes it was worrying, but I relished the challenge of not dropping below the bottom line, just holding my head above water.

I carried on like that until I reached the magical age of 60, then the pension kicked in, and from then on the bank balance started recovering and creeping up. I still can't take my eye off the ball, but I am in a much better place now.

Living simply and frugally is second nature to me, I do it without thinking. I am at an age where I have everything I need, I have no aspirations to spend more or own more stuff. As long as I maintain this level of income, the state pension plus a small top up pension, I hope to enjoy this lifestyle which I have built for myself.

Good luck everyone.
Best wishes, Ilona
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Re: Meanqueen's tightwad diary

Post by Mo »

Well done.
I think you are like me. We like numbers. I like to see where my money has gone, over the years I have lived frugally (second nature from being born wartime and living through rationing and low paid parents). I've set up a spreadsheet where I note all my income and spending then it shows up as a Pivot Table in categories (though I don't note any cash as I spend it unless it's petrol or a bill, just see what I have left then what's gone must be 'food/dance/concerts' i.e. day to day spends). I seem to be spending less that I get in too - well, until this month when I splashed out on a new car.
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Re: Meanqueen's tightwad diary

Post by Meanqueen »

Back again.My gas and electricity bill arrived today, so thought I would add it here. I pay quarterly into the bank, don't do direct debit. They are for the period 8th July to 25th September. Gas £5.84. this is for cooking, (don't use the oven), and baths, don't heat the water in the tank any other time, use cold water for a wash in the morning. Electricity £38.41, this stays pretty constant all year. Increases slightly in the winter as I switch the lights on earlier. I have the computer on a lot, but don't use any other electrical appliances excessively. I only wash clothes when they are dirty, never iron anything, don't have a tele, turn the radio off if I am not listening to it, heat a mug of water in the microwave for my morning coffee, and dysoning is not a hobby of mine. :-D

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Re: Meanqueen's tightwad diary

Post by Mo »

Meanqueen wrote: dysoning is not a hobby of mine. :-D


Nor mine!
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Re: Meanqueen's tightwad diary

Post by Richard »

Crikey Ilona, wish I could keep my bills as little as yours !!

The Queen of Mean indeed - but mean is a strong word - very clever stuff.

Thanks for all the info.

Richard )t' )t'
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