Ilona's frugal 2014

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Re: Ilona's frugal 2014

Post by Meanqueen »

Not been shopping for a week, still got food in. Will go to town one day this week.

Electricity and gas bill arrived from Ebico. If you remember I changed to them in January, I have been emailing the meter readings to them monthly. Electricity £21.04, gas £6.04. The electricity should be a bit more as it's under estimated, I don't mind as it will be adjusted next time. Pleased so far that I changed to this company, no standing charges, suits me as a low user.

A bill from Severn Trent has arrived, this is for surface water drainage from April 1st to October 1st. Total £31.68. I should be getting one from Anglian Water soon for the water I have used, and for drainage of dirty water.

Keeping busy with art work using recycled materials. I bought a towel rail from a car boot sale for £1, turning it into a picture by weaving fabric strips onto it. I was hoping to do a short course on painting with fibres, but it was cancelled because there wasn't enough people signed up. There is another one starting at the college in November called Up cycled textiles, hope that one goes ahead.
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Re: Ilona's frugal 2014

Post by lancashire lass »

Meanqueen wrote:Electricity and gas bill arrived from Ebico. If you remember I changed to them in January, I have been emailing the meter readings to them monthly. Electricity £21.04, gas £6.04. The electricity should be a bit more as it's under estimated, I don't mind as it will be adjusted next time. Pleased so far that I changed to this company, no standing charges, suits me as a low user.

That's great news Ilona )t' I think Ebico may be getting a new customer soon - I have been watching this thread with interest and glad to read it is working out. As it is a totally unfamiliar supplier, I was a bit wary of changing (long story of being caught out by an other supplier known for its dirty marketing tricks - I didn't want to go down that road again) but feeling a little more confident now.
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Re: Ilona's frugal 2014

Post by Meanqueen »

Hi LL. I was with Brit Gas for years, afraid of changing in case I made a bad move, mainly because I can't understand all the gobbledygook on the comparison sites and the bills they sent me. Numbers are not my strong point. That sounds daft considering how I can manage my personal finances so well.

I need to keep things simple. The Ebico web site is simple, sorry I don't meant to advertise, but I can't think of another way to put it without naming them. They are a not for profit company, everyone is treated the same. There are fewer tariffs, and they use plain English. Ebico is a front for the supplying company, SSE supplies the goods and the bills come from them.

My latest bills are for the summer period, so probably the lowest I will get over a whole year. I expect to pay more next time, but I budget for that. You can be sure that I will monitor very closely my consumption of gas and electricity to keep my bills as low as I possibly can.

I have been posting on a discussion thread on MSE forum in the last couple of days, namely 'Energy'. People are telling me that I am limiting my options by not having direct debit, and I could shave even more off if I signed up to it. I agree with that to a certain extent, but when choosing a supplier there are lots of things to take into consideration, everyone must decide how paying their bills fits into their lifestyle. Some like the DD because it evens their payments out over the whole year. Basically they can forget about it because the company helps themselves to the amount they think you should pay. Problems arise when they up the payments and you find you are a tenner missing, and you need it to buy a loaf of bread. For people like me who budget every penny I can cope with the fluctuations. I never leave myself so short that I have to choose between heat or eat.

Another thing to consider is how much energy you actually use. Ebico have a slightly higher rate per kWh. For a medium to high user this might not work for them and a lower rate with a standing order might work out better. If you have your energy consumption figures over a year that's a good start to find the best deal. Some people might call themselves a low user, but may not be. Just turning off a few appliances now and again won't work. You have to be disciplined to monitor every electric socket in your house 24 hours a day, monitor how long you put the central heating for, how often you use your cooker, and how much water you heat. Some people might struggle with that especially if it is a multi occupancy household. I find it easy as a single person. I am a very low user, and if I can get it any lower I will.

Don't think that makes me a miserable old biddy stuck in my cold house. I am quite happy to have fresh air around me and wrap up more. I don't get colds which are often associated with living and working in a heated environment. Germs don't survive in my house, ha ha. They are rushing to get out.

I look forward to this winter, just for the challenge of it.
Toodle pip, Ilona
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Re: Ilona's frugal 2014

Post by Spreckly »

We had a look at the Ebico site last night. The charges are pretty much the same as we are paying now. Worth a visit though.
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Re: Ilona's frugal 2014

Post by Meanqueen »

I am thinking about going shopping for food, it's been nearly two weeks now since I last went. I might go on a yellow sticker hunt sometime this week, as my fridge is empty. I made a pan of veg stew on Monday, and I am seeing how long I can spin it out for by just adding to it each day. It sits in the fridge, I spoon some out into a bowl and zap it in the microwave. It started out with potatoes and beans from the garden, an onion, cauliflower, carrots, and bulgur wheat. Yesterday I added a tin of chopped tomatoes and half a tin of chick peas. Today I will add to it, it should last till Friday.

Yesterday I dug more potatoes up, still another bed to go, will leave them there till needed. After that, veg beds close down for the winter.

No heating on yet, don't need it.
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Re: Ilona's frugal 2014

Post by Meanqueen »

Oh dear, I have been slacking a bit with this diary, will try and keep up in future, not long till the end of the year. I still haven't done a big shop, I've been popping in shops as and when I have been passing by, to pick up the yellow stickers. I've been quite successful in bagging some bargains, and find I can plan my meals on what I have in. I found two bags of brussel sprouts for 33p each, and a bag of parsnips for 22p.

This week I am experimenting with soup, making a new one each day with whatever I have. Soup can be made from virtually anything, including tinned and frozen veg. As I don't eat meat my soup is very cheap, and not full of the nasties that tinned soup has. I doubt I could stomach mass produced soup ever again.

On the crafting front I am busy working on the weaving picture I mentioned before. It's looking fab, I want to finish it in the next two weeks so I can take it to a Scrapstore open day at Hull.

Must get on. Keep on watching those pennies.
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Re: Ilona's frugal 2014

Post by Spreckly »

Looking forward to seeing your latest creation, Ilona. Wish we could come and see the Scrapstore open day in Hull, but we watch our fuel consumption like a hawk, and would class it as a luxury! I've not heard of Scrapstore - is it in the city centre, or on the outskirts?
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Re: Ilona's frugal 2014

Post by Meanqueen »

Hi Spreckly. The event is on Sat 15th November, 10am to 3pm. It's also a Christmas Fair, and people will be demonstrating/selling things they have made from Scrap.

It is in an old primary school in Dairycoates Avenue, off Hessle Road, between Hawthorn Avenue and Georges Road. Perhaps you could get a bus, sorry I don't know the number you will need.

The Scrapstore has a membership system, if you wanted to buy from the Scrapstore as opposed to the sellers, you could use my membership card. You can fill a wire basket for £5, and you can get loads in that. Some of the items are priced individually, but there is lots of scrap which comes within the basket charge. Fabric, wool, paper, card, stuff that has been donated by factories, end of lines excess stock etc.
Would be nice to see you. Best wishes, Ilona
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Re: Ilona's frugal 2014

Post by Spreckly »

Thanks for the information, Ilona. We don't even live on a bus route!! Very kind of you to offer me your membership card. I will decide nearer the time, and if coming, will let you know.
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Re: Ilona's frugal 2014

Post by Meanqueen »

Yesterday I had a visit to the Yorkshire Sculpture Park, near Wakefield, easy to find not far from Junction 38 of the M1. It's a massive big park, and it's free to get in, and free to see the exhibitions inside the galleries. I knew there was a charge for car parking, but as there is so much to see, I decided I would pay it, until I got there and saw how much it was.

£2.50 for one hour, £5 for two hours, and £8 for the day. If you have a car load of people and want to spend the day there, that would be an ok price. But if you are single and want to spend three or four hours there it is too expensive. I drove straight back out again and parked in the village of Haigh in a layby, and walked the half mile back.

I have been looking through my tourist brochures for cheap days out within a reasonable distance from home. I have to say that a lot of stately homes and suchlike, especially if they are owned by the National Trust or English Heritage, are far too expensive for someone on a low income. It's a shame that some of our young families will never get a chance to visit these places.
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Re: Ilona's frugal 2014

Post by Meanqueen »

I did a big shop at the BIG supermarket last night, timed to get the best yellow sticker bargains. 7.15 pm is an ideal time to go. This is how I can live so cheaply on my day to day living, by making every penny count. I'll post two lists, first the yellow stickers.

Pack 8 croissants 18p was £1.75
5 x Hovis wholemeal 15p each was £1.49 each
Pack of 4 wholemeal rolls 13p was £1.30
Pack of 5 cookies 50p was £1.00
Family pack mushrooms 50p was £2.00
Cooked ham for cats 48p was 95p
Curly kale 15p was £1.00
Small Parsnips 16p was £1.60
2 packs parsnips 7p each was 73p each
6 Rocha pears 26p was £1.75
Grapes 6p was £1.25
2 avocados 18p was £1.80
Bananas 7p was 74p
Cabbage 8p was 80p
Cauliflower x 2 10p each was £1.00 each
Broccoli x 2 6p each was 64p each

Then the rest of the shop
Cat food pouches £2.50
Bananas loose 69p. I picked these up before I found the reduced but decided to keep them as they are a bit green and will keep longer.
4 tins Value spaghetti hoops 20p each
Jar Value pickled onions 30p
4 tins Value rice pudding 15p each.
Value plain yogurt 45p
Value tinned peaches 40p these have gone up from 35p
8 tins Gourmet gold cat food 45p each, on offer 8 for £3.00
Bag frozen chicken pieces for the cats £2.00
2 jars Value Lemon curd 22p each
2 tins Value baked beans 24p each
Packet Value sultanas 84p
Six pack flavoured yogurt £1.00
Mature cheddar 350 grm £2.00
3 packs ground almonds £1 each, Buy 2 get one free.
Value porridge oats 75p
2 boxes Value bran flakes 88p each

Total shop was £23.05. This will last a couple of weeks. The bread will go in the freezer, and I will inspect the freshness of the food daily to ensure I eat everything and none gets wasted.

While I was there I used £30 of Vouchers in the double up promotion, and got £60 off a Hudl. I see this as a reward for all my efforts.
Toodle pip, Ilona
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Re: Ilona's frugal 2014

Post by Spreckly »

Well done, Ilona, and you get a good reward with the Hudl.
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Re: Ilona's frugal 2014

Post by Meanqueen »

I'm not very techie minded, can find my way round the www but not familiar with the nuts and bolts that drive the computer. I was searching for a code or password to connect the Hudl up to my broadband and was a bit baffled, so I thought, send a message to my computer man who used to come and fix things, but now lives in Australia. He will know what to do.

I found what I thought I needed on the big Dell so I sent him a pic of what was on the screen, and shouted help. Within one minute I had a phone call, it was Mark ringing from the other side of the world. I was gob smacked. I asked how much this was going to cost him. Not a lot he said, he pays an annual subscription to Skye which gives him unlimited calls to the UK.

He talked me through where I needed to be and I found the code and password, then he sent me elsewhere, click here, click there and asked me to read the code on the screen. I did do because I trust him implicitly. The next thing there are pages flashing all over the screen at speed, as he took over. We were on the phone for over an hour and at the end of it my Dell was completely free of crap, there was a couple of viruses on there, everything tidied up, and a new anti virus checker installed. So, it's two years since he last came to the house and sorted it out, it desperately needed a clean up, and now it's like new, saved me loadsa money. He is a top guy, so glad he is doing well down under. :-D
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Re: Ilona's frugal 2014

Post by Meanqueen »

Hello. I wrote a big post here last week but the broadband was playing up and just as I pressed submit it crashed. Ugger, I couldn't be bothered to write all that again and now I can't remember what it was about.

I've been reading LL's posts, and a couple of things jumped out at me. She paid for parking, which is something I never do if I go to town or anywhere local. I will park a couple of streets away and walk to wherever I want to be. We have two hours free parking in certain car parks, I will use them, or if I need to stay longer I will find on street parking with no restrictions. LL also said she bought a drink out, that's something I never do. I make up a bottle of diluted fruit juice, mainly water, and take that with me if I am going to be away from home for more than a couple of hours. I also take sandwiches because I never buy food out. You won't find me in a pub, cafe, coffee bar, takeaway, or fast food outlet. The only fast food I get is a portion of chips when I fancy them and that is no more than three times a year as I regard them as a treat.

I have been going to college on a Tuesday night, doing a sewing course, £40 for six weeks so a cheap night out. The ladies are very nice. I pass Tesssssssco on the way home at about 8.15pm so it is worth calling in to see if there are any yellow stickers. Sometimes I have missed most of the bargains, but sometimes I am lucky and can find a few things. I ask the fruit and veg staff if they are bringing any more out, and hang around waiting for it. My meals are all based around what I can find reduced or own labels.

I had my annual statement from the bank the other day. Don't know why they bother sending it, it doesn't tell me anything I don't already know. Fees incurred and applied....nil. Summary of charges.....nil. A bit further down the page it says, a reminder of your benefits. To help you make the most of your account here's a list of your account features and how to access them. You may need to register for benefits.
Telephone banking. No thanks. Online banking. No thanks. Mobile banking. No thanks. Useful alerts that allow you to keep track of your money through texts sent to your mobile phone. No thanks, I can keep track by myself. Online statements, print or save a statement, build a record of statements. No thanks, just send me a statement every month and I will put it in a file. I have them for the last 15 years. Personalised debit card, with your photo. No thanks, it works perfectly well without a photo. So, I don't think I need any of those benefits.

My winter fuel payment should be arriving any time now. That will be useful as my car tax and insurance are due soon.

Toodle pip, Ilona
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Re: Ilona's frugal 2014

Post by Mo »

I have been going to college on a Tuesday night, doing a sewing course, £40 for six weeks so a cheap night out.

Wow, the extravagance!!! {rofwl} My dance clubs charge £2 or £2.50 / night. The Saturday evening dances, with a band and a caller who is not a club member are between £8 & £12.
The petrol is dearer than the subs.
The Ss local near our dance club is open till 11 and has gone back to Yellow Stickering bread. It really annoyed me to see them going round with a big plastic sack before 10.30 - they were still open and I couldn't buy what I wanted, even at full price once it had gone into the sack. Got 2 large sliced multigrain 9p each, a small white (as a change) 10p, some rolls 10p (frozen for the next 'bring a plate' we go to) & 4 puff pastry mince pies 10p. I did leave a little for someone else.

I don't often eat out. Frugal habits die hard and I enjoy home cooked for taste and value. OH is very fussy - likes plain food can't stand cheese or onion, so views most with suspicion. We do eat in cafes & chip shops when on holiday but carry a nosebag of fruit & biscuits, puddings are not good value and we are usually short of time. We couldn't believe it when a plate of fish and chips appeared with a side salad and ONION. Anywhere else we say 'no onion', but thought we were safe there. You have the same problem with vegetarian options.

I do use internet banking. Like to keep tabs and there are accounts offering better interest rates, got to keep the lump sum OH took when he retired up with inflation. And it's cheaper and more convenient the post or going into town.
Dance caller.
Sunny Clucker enjoyed Folk music and song in mid-Cheshire
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