Broody girls! How long?

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Broody girls! How long?

Post by wendio »

I have 2 broody girls. One speckle and one silkie. I was aware the silkies are very broody, and she has been for about 2 weeks now. But the speckle is on her 3rd week, nearly 4th. She is still very angry with me when i lift her out etc and close the door once all other have laid. Anything else i can do? I dont mind the non egg laying, but !!!!!??

I was told by another person locally to dip her in cold water? Seems a bit harsh?

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Re: Broody girls! How long?

Post by Mo »

People have various ways of getting their temperature down a bit to break the broodiness.
Sitting on a cool-pack (icepack wrapped in towel), shutting in a 'broody cage' with a wire floor and air under her belly, cold water.
I only had one hen that went broody. Although it was frustrating at the time to get no eggs I found she laid better when she was older than hens that hadn't gone broody, so perhaps there are so many eggs to come and a rest is good for them.
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Re: Broody girls! How long?

Post by Mad Chick »

They can be broody for a loooooong time }hairout{
Freckle was broody for nearly 10 weeks when she was young and hormonal >dowhat<

I have also had the bucket of cold water suggested to me but it seemed way too harsh.
If I recognise the symptoms early enough before they're really set on brooding, I can often snap them out of it by offering lots of free ranging around the garden (which they don't normally get). If they are still determined, I'll lift them out of the nest box at every opportunity and plonk them in front of food and water. If they are REALLY determined, I have resorted to lifting them out and then shutting the pop hole to stop them getting back in - but only after the others have all laid. And then have to remember to open it again so they can all get in for bed time )t'
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Re: Broody girls! How long?

Post by HazellB »

I have often used the bucket of water method, but never with cold water straight from the tap. It honestly doesn't bother them one bit, though as I say I've used water from a butt in the run that's air temp. Most just sit happily in it until they've had a good soak then wander off for a while happy, I don't need to hold them or anything.
However, it doesn't work all the time.

I've one little, skinny Aruacana that's been broody for over two months now and she looks seriously ill each morning, so she's the worst we've had. By lunchtime she's happy and alert in the nest, by teatime she's gobbling down mash and corn - so I've given in trying to break it and let her alone now. She's stopped losing weight at least, which was my biggest worry.

On the plus side, I loaned out a broody fat Marans to a friend who breeds Welsummer and other LF for show and she's loving her first chick (the other eggs were sadly duds), so one going broody isn't all bad.
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Re: Broody girls! How long?

Post by anne1234 »

i have 2 broddy silkies and they have been in there coop now for 3 weeks can have managed on the odd day to get them out but it has not working that well gave up and put food and water in the coop with them }hairout{ }hairout{
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Re: Broody girls! How long?

Post by 4c lady »

Mine usually about 5 weeks but Little My my Silkie went broody in November and I kept her in a cat basket in the lounge (it was the first time I had to deal with a broody so didnt really know what to do). Over Christmas she was having a ball and really got into watching tv and having all the attention from everyone. By the end of January my Dad said im sure she is not broody any more so I put her outside with the others and she just trotted off and joined the others. (Who's the sucker). Ive just broken Pippa's broodiness as she was in a cat basket in the hallway as she was being aggressive with my other girls so I kept her inside after 4 weeks but would put her out for half an hour every morning and then she would come back in the house with me and go off to her cat basket but one day I just removed the cat basket so she came in saw there was no cat basket so just went back outside with the others. Little My is currently broody again and this is the 3rd week so after next week I will start pushing her off the nest box but she is not an aggressive broody and Nora ex Batty gets in the nest box with her lays her egg and then gets out and Little My sits on it and luckily Little My sits in a nest box that no one likes to use anyway so she is no problem. I have to say with my broodies I just let nature takes it course.
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Re: Broody girls! How long?

Post by chicks&cats »

4c lady wrote:Little My my Silkie went broody in November and I kept her in a cat basket in the lounge (it was the first time I had to deal with a broody so didnt really know what to do). Over Christmas she was having a ball and really got into watching tv and having all the attention from everyone. By the end of January my Dad said im sure she is not broody any more so I put her outside with the others and she just trotted off and joined the others. (Who's the sucker).

I love the image of your silkie spending Christmas with you, watching telly and being truely integrated into the family {hug}
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Re: Broody girls! How long?

Post by wendy »

Forever !!! if she is like my Hannah and she is so noisey when the others go to use the other nest box )gr:
I also think the cold water is a bit harsh, it is just a natural instinct. Just keep turfing them off the nest.
If my neighbours complain and I can see that happening, because she sounds like someone strangling a cat. I will have to bring her inside.

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Re: Broody girls! How long?

Post by beulah59 »

Four of my bantams have been broody for over a month now ... though one of them seems unsure whether or not to continue!

I turf them out several times a day, and they eat and drink - chuntering all the while - and then go back in.
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Re: Broody girls! How long?

Post by mminor65 »

Hi Wendy,
I have found that if you take them and put them in a dog cage etc, and keep them in the light on there own they soon give up and are happy to be out again. I was told a week but in practice can be just 24hr to three days. you soon see when she stops fluffing feathers up and clucking. Worked for me any way.

Good luck. P.s do put food in

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