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Post by TheGreatEgg »

Hi all -

Hoping to draw on some experience here. I have been offered a broody silkie and her 8 duckings. They are, of course, adorable {hug&kiss} Can anyone tell me what they are like to keep? What do they eat? How much space do they need to grow (as in what size coop and run to I need to get)? What would I use for the flooring on the run? Also, what do I do with the drakes and any unwanted ducks (anyone near Bristol who would want some)? I think 8 ducks is too many to keep here - I'd be aiming to keep 3 or so. This is going to be a bit of a hard sale to DH, so I'm trying to get a realistic picture of what this is going to entail for us!

Thanks! TGE

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Re: Ducks

Post by Thomassio »

Hi, I don't know about silkies specifically but ducks in general are good as gold to keep. Very hardy and disease resistant. They eat layers pellets, just like chickens. Also they will eat insects including slugs snails and worms of they get the chance. Peas and sweetcorn are a popular treat too.
For the run I use wood chippings and it works perfectly for us but run flooring seems to be an ongoing issue and what works for one doesn't for another.
As for the Drakes, yeah you will need a plan! You can keep either just drakes (which is a shame as the eggs are delicious!) or 3 girls to every drake. Or just the girls.
We started with 3, then 4, then 6 and now we have two week old ducklings so should be 8 soon enough if all goes well.
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Re: Ducks

Post by TheGreatEgg »

Thomassio - I was hoping you would reply! So glad you got a couple of ducklings!

I've already got silkies, so no worries on that front. Just unfamiliar with the duck side of things! Interesting what you say about just keeping drakes. We do have another bit of separate land - perhaps some gentleman's quarters away from the ladies would do the trick. Of course that takes me from one to three poultry enclosures but I was warned about this {rofwl}

Are they prone to red mite like the chooks? Just thinking about best way to house them... Any recommendations??

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Re: Ducks

Post by Thomassio »

Ah ok, you mean a Silkie chock with a brood of ducklings? There are Silkie ducks as well a schools so I thought that's what you were getting! Shame, they are pretty little things! What breed are the ducklings?
In terms of space, I have a run that's 16' x 16'. It's masses of space for the six and when I add the two new additions I think I will still have space for a few more but ultimately, more space for less birds equals less mess. And they are messy! Mine is Kind of an enclosed aviary and so I don't shut the coop at night as they are secure. They only go in the coop to lay and tend to sleep in a loose group in the run. My coop is wooden and ducks suffer mites much rarely than chickens I believe although I did recently discover some mites in mine as I didn't clean the coop for a month while they were sitting on eggs. That said, if you are keeping them in the vicinity of crooks then maybe mites could be a little more of an issue.
Ducks don't roost so an open space with some shelter is all they will need and want. Depending on how tidy you like your garden, depends on the coop set up I guess! I saw a picture of someone who used a shopping trolley on its side with a tarp cable tied on 4 sides to waterproof it! Cheap and effective but not something my DW would be happy having in the garden!
I have seen someone on here mention recycling an old plastic play house and that seems like a very cheap and effective coop for ducks as it shouldn't take much modifying at all. Truth be told, at this time of year I don't think mine would even notice if I took the coop out completely!
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Re: Ducks

Post by manda »

To start with ducklings that age will need starter crumb ideally for water fowl (if you can get hold of it)....for the first 3 weeks they need feed specific for ducks really as chook feed is deficient in some of the nutrients ducks need. Needs to have a high protein content (20-22%)...but if you can't get it then chick crumb will be the next best option.
After 3 weeks they can go onto growers (which chooks can have too)...needs to be around 16% protein.
After 20 weeks layers as Thomassio said which can be for chickens too.

Make sure that it is un-medicated feed

They have a higher protein need than chickens but at the same time they can get too much...(watch the wing feathers too much protein and they can get angel wing ...the wing feathers stand up )

Also unlike chickens (although I have to say I feel the same about them) you really have to watch what you feed them in addition to their pellets because feeding them "treats" can completely muck up their diet and they can get malnutrition more easily....they are more susceptible than chickens. So chopped lettuce, scrambled eggs (plain), chopped tomatoes are fine but so many things can mess their systems it's best to steer clear.
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)✰
(¸.✰´¨(¸.✰ Manda

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Re: Ducks

Post by Thomassio »

Good advice as ever Manda. I didn't mention crumb or growers pellets, probably should have! TGE, how old are the ducklings?

I also agree with the treats comments. Other than peas and sweetcorn, mine get nothing but insects. I do wonder how much the slugs at snails they eat affect their diet as I imagine them and worms are very high in protein. Maybe worth mentioning that treats should only be given at the end of the day, this allows the birds to fill up on the food they need first.
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Re: Ducks

Post by Richard »

I love Ducks but don't know much about them.

(they can pong a bit apparently, so you need to keep them in the right place) ?

Richard )t' )t'
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Re: Ducks

Post by Hugo025918 »

Helloooo... as I am about to keep ducks (in a separate run to my chickens) can I ask a question about layer pellets. I have read a lot that the chickens layer pellets are fine for ducks but they must be unmedicated. I mentioned this to my feed supplier who suggested layers with Verm-X that I feed my crooks is ok for ducks too as Verm-X is a natural wormer.
Is this acceptable for ducks then? I am ultra cautious and would say no but want to ask all you people in the know please :)
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Re: Ducks

Post by TheGreatEgg »

Well apparently its a go! Have just ordered a coop and a small pen to get us started until I can get a more permanent run up.

I don't know how old the ducks are - young - all 8 still fit under the silkie (chicken!). I will pop by the feed supply tomorrow to enquire about water fowl starter crumb and pick up something suitable. Thank you all for your advice. Any and all other advice also welcomed! I feel woefully under prepared, but hopefully it will all go well.

I'm supposed to pick them up on Saturday, so lots to do before then!
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Re: Ducks

Post by Thomassio »

)t' Photos when they arrive please!
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Re: Ducks

Post by manda »'ll need to make sure that the coop is at floor level....ducks don't do hopping up into coops...and certainly the ducklings won't be able to do that ....webbed feet aren't that good on ramps (think about being able to do that wearing a pair of flippers )grin2( )
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)✰
(¸.✰´¨(¸.✰ Manda

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Re: Ducks

Post by TheGreatEgg »

Hi Manda -

I ordered a small (says for 8 birds, more likely suited to 4) coop that sits on the ground with a small ramp into the coop. Hoping that will suit as I only intend to keep 3 of the ducks.

I've had some interest in taking the excess ducks from a couple of people, one of whom has a pond and duck house already - so hopefully that is that side of things taken care of. It is going to be a bit chaotic tomorrow as the coop and run won't be here until next week. I think I may put them in the kids playhouse (which I can lock) and rig up some chicken wire so they can explore outside whilst under supervision until their housing is all set up. I have some extra cat bowls for feed / water whilst they are little. Do I put a separate feeder in for mama hen or will she eat the chick crumb too?

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Re: Ducks

Post by manda »

Re the coop )t'

She will eat the chick crumb as well - won't do her any harm as she will have lost a bit of condition sitting.... but I'd put her some layers up somewhere where they can't reach it ...a couple of bricks will do to begin with as they are so small they won't be able to reach.
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)✰
(¸.✰´¨(¸.✰ Manda

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Re: Ducks

Post by TheGreatEgg »

Thanks Manda, I'll do that. Good news on the duck feed as well, they had the waterfowl crumb so I've now got a 20k bag of that. I wondered if that was too much, but was assured that they would eat it!

Just thinking through the housing, is it ok to use bliss bedding on the floor of the playhouse? They won't eat it or get lost in it? Or should I pick up some pine shavings or something else?

Will definitely put pics up once I get some. I'm supposed to be picking them up tomorrow afternoon at 4. )t'
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Re: Ducks

Post by TheGreatEgg »

The ducklings have arrived! They are completely freaked out, particularly the silkie, which is understandable. They are currently trying to get some sleep in the playhouse. I keep peeking at them through the windows :-D

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