Possible Mareks?

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Possible Mareks?

Post by Salza »

I have recently lost 2 hens and looks as if I am losing another which will leave just one. The sypmtoms are that when I call them for food they do not come. They eventually amble up and look at the food as if they have no idea what it is. They then start pecking and missing the food and then suddenly they eat normally. They become very tired and then lose the use of their legs. I have taken the current poorly hen to the vet but he could not find anything apparent but suspects Mareks. We tried a week of Baytril. After 5 days she was running around as normal but then on the 6th days started to go downhill again. I found she was eggbound for 2 days but she has managed to lay the egg now but is still unable to stand despite eating well. I have also tried St Johns Wort in distilled water which I read would help. Does anyone have any ideas please?

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Re: Possible Mareks?

Post by manda »

OK so I'm assuming your vet has excluded vitamin deficiencies etc ...like so many avian illnesses Mareks is hard to diagnose and like so many other illnesses can present with similar symptoms (like limping, fatigue, egg binding).

There is no cure for Marek's. You can provide supportive care and sometimes chickens will recover (but will never be cured), and sometimes they do not. They will always be carriers.

This some of my thoughts and an excerpt from a section from backyard chickens which is escellent on Mareks and is an constant work in progress...
In addition to the St John's Wort there other natural things you can give
Turmeric + Black Pepper, specifically Curcumin with Bioperene (thought to be a blood cleanser),
Vitamin B ("Super B") Complex, Nutritional Yeast (make sure that whatever you get it has levels high in vitamin B-12/Thiamin). B-vitamin complex is scientifically known to aid in nervous system repair in mammals, and though it is hardly a cure for a bird with Marek's, it may help if the bird is able to survive neurological Marek's. Nerve damage can take months to repair. Lymphomas, once they form and spread in the chicken's body, are nearly always fatal regardless of therapy. Some birds may experience nerve damage without lymphomas, so it can not hurt to try different therapies if you are sure you are experiencing Marek's in your bird....which is often the difficulty.
Cold-pressed Coconut oil (medium-chain fats help vitamin absorption in general),
Cranberry, specifically high quality whole berry (can be chopped, mashed, or cooked into a sauce).

I don't know if the vet has told you ...Marek's travels on chicken dander, which can blow everywhere on your property. It can live for months or even years in the environment. Even if you culled all your birds and managed to 100% sterilize your coop, remove it from the soil on your entire property (and possibly neighbor's, if you do not have a large garden). It is also likely you have tracked it into your home at some point. And, even if you managed to do all this, there is the chance it might come back in on the wind or a bird (etc) anyhow.

You can add more chickens - but you must be careful. Even with proper vaccination it is important to remember that there is still anywhere from a 10-50% chance of loss, depending on virulence and resistance.

If you want to read the whole article then you can find it here - I hope this helps:
https://www.backyardchickens.com/articl ... faq.66077/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)✰
(¸.✰´¨(¸.✰ Manda

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Re: Possible Mareks?

Post by bikesandbirdsbob »

I can relate to what you have. It is a case of do the best for them . Meds help , but do not cure . Do not stop giving Tylan / Baytril for at least a week after they seem better .
Unfortunately they can die quick or recover and go on for years .
My special girls had it but I spent ages force feeding sweet corn /meal worms . Some times it worked other times just prolonged it. Hard to say at what point to give up but miracles do happen .
My saying is do the best and expect the worst .
Hope it goes ok what ever happens . Not your fault just a chicken keeping way of life .
I do not regret the effort as my girls gave back far more than the ever took.
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Re: Possible Mareks?

Post by kitla »

As Manda suggests try a good vitamin boost. I use Nettex for my little blind hen, she was interbred & sometimes has problems with nerve/muscle control, the vits in her water seem to help her, I think because of the b-vitamins in them. Also make absolutely sure they havent eaten any gone off food, especially grain, or been pecking at any poisonous plants.
What type of hens are they & how old? Are they kept in a run or free ranged?
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