My attempt to keep chickens.

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Legendary Laner
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Re: My attempt to keep chickens.

Post by bikesandbirdsbob »

Hi all , what a rumour , not at work , unfortunately to much work ......
The latest up date from my end .
I will be being laid off work next Wed till the following week (Thurs) .
On pay good as a holiday , smiles allround . No night shifts for ages (hopefully) all due to semi conductors or the lack of them . it has been in the news so no surprises.
House is waiting contracts beiing signed buyer wants in by 30.06.2021.
SHMBO and co are empting the house of dead wifes left overs - baby clothes and cot - up to the fancy bits in cup boards old pots and pans .
Soon it will be my huge stamp co;;ection and my beloved bikes .
Have a plan for 20 foot contr for storage soon it will be a match box.
Being a hoarder it is taking time .
Have looked at renting but I never heard of having to bid for the rent you pay .....
Pikie caravan sites for men on the run or covid 19 divorces ....
So far a towing touring caravan has been bought for a holiday home , but fall back position I will live in it .
Cats and dogs are wanted ,ore than me which is noot surprising .
Now the important stuff and sad news.
I lost a hen last Fri / Sat night in the kitchen , she died in her sleep peacefully after a illness with scaly mite and nervous reaction to a bad moult .
I have another that is the same and living in the kitchen .
Star fazer is out with flock during the day running around in circles making as much noise as she can .
Purple comb girl has lost weight and still eating and I am ensuring she gets plenty .
At night I have three hens in the house .
I have another is being bullied by the boss hen and wing hen . She is now not wanting to go in the run to roost .
Ducks are well and loving it .
They are all going to the sea side resort nearer the 30th and plans to demolish there home is planned .
As work is nearly 50 per cent I am not planning to leave with out a paay out . Maybe August time .
I get moving time off and lots of holiday time throw in a few sickies , cannot call them sofa days as not going to have one.
House building side has stopped and only doing what I need to do which I have agreed to.
People ask me what I am going to do , answer is out there somewhere , I just do not know .
I will give more up dates as time goes on . Absent but not out yet .
Keep well , Watch out Sandy we can get a huge in soon , Boris says so...

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Re: My attempt to keep chickens.

Post by bikesandbirdsbob »

Hi me again , I have got now a very aged flock and it is no surprise that I am begining to lose them .
Being at home more and the future that it is I am enjoying them whilst I can .
Cheshire Chick
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Re: My attempt to keep chickens.

Post by Cheshire Chick »

Sorry about your sad loss Bob - always sad at whatever age we lose them. I am struggling with my two older girls now. Violet is really looking and acting her age, but still enjoying her life and still insists on being first out when it is play time in the garden. Ivy has lost a lot of her sight for some reason but she is still managing and enjoying her life, albeit slower than her usual self. Great news on the house front Bob. I am looking forward to finding out your next adventure and where you and your animals are going to live. Work seems to be sorting itself out for you to. Good luck. Keep us posted.
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Re: My attempt to keep chickens.

Post by bikesandbirdsbob »

Hi all , I lost my kitchen friend blue ring nr12 known as purple comb , Old age I believe , she had lost a lot of weight and not digesting her food .
She died in my arms 3.30pm today . Star gazers friend will be missed .
Today I spent ages in my garage sorting metal ( screws /tools / parts and general clutter including a cabinet ) . It took much longer because I had many hundreds of screws , used , new varring lenghts , head types and metals ,) Problem was I tried to pick out some to keep . Now which ones do I keep , I ended up with more keepers than throw aways . I had to get rid of the lot as to hard to sort out .
I would hate to do this with my flock and when I pick new hens up , can not chose , so take the lot .
I have to downsize and I am not a person to be able to do it .
Without symphatic help from those near to me I could not do it .
I have a friend coming tomorrow to help with the tools . I mean how many 10 mil spanners can I use (only two hands ) I must admit I can see the floor in the garage .
The freezer is next on the list to do , running it down but it will be another big dig as I am sure anything lower than 8 inches must have been in there upto 20 years . Can I still eat it . Burnt food tastes the same doesnt it.
House buyers sending surveyors wed next week . Looks like game on and so pleased that clearing it all out is well on the way .
Time to move on for sure . Maybe I will be sending postcards .
Take care all My flock are ok but I am watching the bullied one .
House of peneelope and Red .
As a note , Reasoning for dumping most of the bits and bobs is that the charaity shops have to much and refusing to take more .
Not sure they would want it any way .
I could tell you what I have been doing when dog walking but that would take hoarding to a even higher level .
Nothing wrong my side but it is a sign of the litter louts that walk the country parks .
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Re: My attempt to keep chickens.

Post by Mo »

I was wondering if the repair cafe would take some of the bits & pieces in my garage - Jim did a lot of repairs and there's all sorts there. Imperial spanners, a drum of electrical cable, a lifetime's collection of tools + his father's collection. My daughter's & partners do less DIY and have already bought their tool kit. But there are repair cafes organised by Transition.
I do use some, but would be better if I knew what there was and could find it.
Dance caller.
Sunny Clucker enjoyed Folk music and song in mid-Cheshire
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Re: My attempt to keep chickens.

Post by bikesandbirdsbob »

Hi all , sorry for not writing.
I lost my poorly chicken that was in the kitchen Blue ring nr4.
Long timer . Died May 20th
I have now 16 hens and 2 ducks SORT OF.
I placed them at the sea side resort 20th June 2021. paid up to 11th July 2021.1 pound a chicken / duck PER DAY .
I have placed 2 cats at SHMBO daughter that has Cookie the Rabbit .
Darcey the old boy of 3,000 pound cost(Vet bills ) to my brothers .
Polo the dog is still keeping me company .
I sold my house on the 24th June a week early and managed to place the remaining contents that had value in a 20 foot container.
I am homeless ......
Looking to move to Chelmsford area when suitable place is available so those in surrounding area be warned.
I spent today at a local farm which has agreed good terms building 2 coops with a friend . Laurel and Hardy comes to mind . Managed to build one ,the largest in 6 hours . building the next one tomorrow .
At the moment Mad Bob ( which I am called by those that know me ) is pretty true .
If all the facts and stories was told what I have done in the past 2 months and what I am doing now and the plan for the future I could write a book .
To say I am eating healthy is true as salads and cold tins is the menu for the day.
The flock last time I saw them a week ago where looking good and I know they are being looked after.
No news is good news.
Work at the moment is back as normal though the work being done is far from it.
I will try and do a catch up over the next few days but hope all are well and their flocks .
I have said in the past interesting times ahead and now they are here It was a understatement for sure.
Those around me are concerned to say the least but I am happier enough as long as it is short lived . Hoping the wait for the right place to come to market is worth it.
I wish I could write more but it is what you might call very personal and not for general knowledge for sure .
Bob and the flock of Penelope and Red
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Re: My attempt to keep chickens.

Post by Mo »

So will you be living in one of the chicken coops until you find somewhere?
All the best
Dance caller.
Sunny Clucker enjoyed Folk music and song in mid-Cheshire
Cheshire Chick
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Re: My attempt to keep chickens.

Post by Cheshire Chick »

Lovely to hear your catch up Bob - I have missed reading about your antics. It may be a hectic time at the moment but you are following your dreams (not mad, but a very brave thing to do). I wish you and your animals all the luck in the world and keep chasing that dream because before you know it, it will be a reality and you can look back on these times with satisfaction and feel very proud of yourself.
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Re: My attempt to keep chickens.

Post by sandy »

Bob the only good thing about you working is you update your diary :-D
I shall ring you sometime this week
The Pink Ladies..Audrey,Ingrid-Bergman,Madeleline,Norma-Jean,Dora,Janice,Jo,Robyn,Chrissy and Joyce
The Peds…Mork,Mindy,Bell,Saphire &
Vorky ,Blueped,Ginger,Ninger &Linky

Sunny Clucker was ere July 12-21 2012
Sunny Clucker was ere July 6 2016 to Sept 9th 2017
Sunny Clucker is here , rehomed Aug 18th 2018/
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Re: My attempt to keep chickens.

Post by bikesandbirdsbob »

Hi not true ,
I wish I could tell the stories of the last few months but 1 , you would not believe them ,2 I would be in trouble to say the least.
I can tell you that only recently I FLOODED the farm........
The hens and ducks are all well and free ranging when I am with them all over the farm.
Little hen only today got me in trouble as she found the farmers veg patch of which she pays a gardener to work . Now the gardener has even more work as , there is not any slugs and straw berry plants and much else . She was only in there a few hours un-noticed . Some of the other hens was edging her on through the fence but the gaps was to small for them to get in .
Other hens including the ex-white hen found the fuel pump hence she is not white any more till she looses her feathers .....
The rams that are in the garden are rampaging round the run/coops , which is not so bad keeping the foxes on their toes . But when they decided to move in the coops it is a so and so to get them out and repair the damage done.
Last night the hens (10 ) in the solid roof coop had a party for sure because they floored the tray that slides in and out for cleaning purposes as it was on the floor and the saw dust everywhere.

love feeding the calves and the cows ,the Jersey one is so pretty and will be shame to eat the rear end of her at some point in the future.
Ferrets had fleas and had the vet treating them . locked up like fort knox as they will do the chickens in .
Ducks are well and 2 eggs most days .
5 eggs and one was Litalen`s .
The farmer will be selling the land and house soon and moving to a bungalow .
It must be worth a few bob more than I have but maybe a small parcel will be done a deal on.
I speak to her a lot and she originally in 1956 was a chicken farmer and never married that I am a where and lived with her mum and dad till they died .
House front is in a mess as one minutes it is Clacton then some other place like Maldon , Chelmsford .
Darcey (cat ) is going to the vets as he needs a check up and jabs .
first time I will have seen him for near on a month .
Only casualty is my cat Lexie whom has gone feral and is seen and eats and then goes . When they go off you cannot stop them .
polo the fat Staff is with me 100 per cent of the time.....
The farmer has said she can stay with her as she has two lab`s and they get on fine . when she goes off the farm she would put her in the kennels .
Pension /house and money are all worries and you would not think they would be but the opposite .
Well I wish I could say more but enough is said if you read between the line s.
Work is rough and I can not end it as it is critical to my life style to say the least .
Wishing all well and be safe , this Covid 19 is over yet take my word for it.
Cheshire Chick
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Re: My attempt to keep chickens.

Post by Cheshire Chick »

Again, lovely to hear your update Bob. Sounds like you have been getting yourself in some trouble though!! Are you thinking about buying the farm? Seems a perfect solution for you and your critters. If so, you will have me green with envy. Good luck Bob and keep us updated.
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Re: My attempt to keep chickens.

Post by bikesandbirdsbob »

Hi , Should not say this but I hope I am in her will.....
It used to be a duck / chicken farm a long with ,pigs cows and sheep.

She is a lovely lady but not a green farmer for sure . To coin a phrase `that will burn ` .
Once the chickens are let loose , which is a story that happened today , I will come to , if time.
I sit and drink coffee and biscuits and she tells of times past . Grocers . coal trucking and working up London Insurance , which did surprise .
Life on the farm is hard work .
I have fed the cows/ calves . Dodged the rams . Chased by the geese )(chinese ,funny flock with head bits on them).
My dog got caught in van and know spends her weekdays at the farm lounging with the two labs she has made friends with)
Not many eggs but that is a problem .
200 pounds a month for the use of the land . I am paying her for dog watching as well now.
She is making more out of me than the cows so she tells me.
Well I spend time and sometimes many visits to my flock everyday .
Today I had house sitting , caravan visiting at Mersea Island ,meeting and the flock to see and drop the dog off as on nights.
Well I had to put the rabbit and feed my cats and then go to work .
I put my flock away and could only count 17 including the ducks . Should be 18 .
One missing .
I looked where the geese where , I looked at the fuel bowser drums. Scrap heap metal pile .
The sheep shed (40 foot at least square . Hay /straw on floor ,bales oof hay and feeder troughs.
Field next to it which has been the furthest the flock had got to as the rams tend to be there watching . There is another story that happened last week I will get to.
Will I went out to the cow shed , manure heap , pig sty`s calve pens , ferrets shed , even to her own hens but she could not be found .They only where let out at 2.30 pm and it was gone 3,45 pm and I had to get my skates on.
I counted the flock in the two coops in case they was doing the great escape trick and hiding in there somewhere. No 17 there was . Which one was it that had gone . It was narrowed to a brown hybrid . Typical naught hen .
I reported in to the farm lady . One missing . watch out and ring me if she appears and \i will come and catch her or a fox is around.
Well hen on mind dashed of to rabbit and my cats .
Then to work for the first time I had caught up on the day.
I got a phone call that the naught hen was seen coming across the field next to the shed next to where the coops are .
Where she had wandered of to I have no idea , but she headed home .
I guessed which by now that was missing . RED the dark brown hen.
It was confirmed and the farmer`s friend helped and stuck her in the coop .
So I thought I was going to report a lost hen ,literally but like the prodigal hen she came back. Wait till I see her in the morning .
Well the other story and I wished I had a camera is.
I leave the rear door size of a large hen door open in the smaller coop and the full size door in the stand in run/coop when I let the flock free range .
I then go of to do jobs and coffee.
I came back last week to find the large ram in the stand up coop looking out the door eating the chicken food and cabbage and corn etc..Staring at me daring me to get him out .
The young ram seeing me and not being able to get in with the large ram .
Decided to get in the smaller coop and dived in through the small door .
so each coop held a sheep .
Do you think the large ram would come out . He wrecked the sleeping quarter floor , which I had to repair next day.
I got them out but now they know what is in there they will be back for more .
So many stories and so much fun .
Still homeless , Nearly bought a 1700 c cottage Thatched roof with land , but can not put a screw in wall without permission .....
Another house with land has a tenet and not due to leave till may next year .
Spending my time at work and house sitting caravan at the sea .
At a point last week when I lost my dog`s company that I was going to buy anything.
Back to my normal chaos self again for a while and to busy to stress.
I have not told about the dog in van and security and many other stories but may be one day they will be told.
Still alive and working for a living and spreading my troubles across Essex .
Stay well and maybe a visit soon .
I need a rest .
(Waiting on)
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Re: My attempt to keep chickens.

Post by kitla »

Bob the shepherd/farm boy! sounds like you fit right in there.
"He who is cruel to animals becomes hard also in his dealings with men. We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals."
--Immanuel Kant
Cheshire Chick
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Re: My attempt to keep chickens.

Post by Cheshire Chick »

Oh Bob sounds like you are having so much fun with this farming lark!! Your stories are wonderful. You really should write a book, you never know it might make you a millionaire.
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Re: My attempt to keep chickens.

Post by Cheshire Chick »

Bob if Simon Dawson can do it, who wrote Pigs in Clover and The Sty's The Limited, I am sure you can. You could sack work completely and write your book whilst looking after all these animals.

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