Lisa and The Lunatics!

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Re: Lisa and The Lunatics!

Post by LisaB »

Thanks Ace {hug}

Awww that is adorable! Would love to see her now, I bet she would still attack me though {rofwl}

I'm afraid Daphne's looking quite poorly this morning {cry}
She was fine yesterday, but this morning, just wants to drink and sleep :(
Summer's sneezing/coughing a lot, but luckily she's bright eyed and still eating, guess it's a lot tougher on my exbatts, if I lose any of them I'm going to feel terrible.

As Daphne's not up for fighting and Nancy's not moving far from her side I have just let all the girls mingle, this way hopefully they can get used to each other without the chasing and pecking, and Milly can get to her nestbox to lay.


Re: Lisa and The Lunatics!

Post by LisaB »

Well the girls spent all day together and it's been great :-D

Daphne's looking much better, but still not herself 100%. Summer's sneeze/cough is getting better.

They've all be getting on well, Isabel and Charlotte have had a few pecks but nothing bad at all. At one point they were all stood on the tyre preening together, shame I didn't have my camera!
Got some maggots for a treat and the new girls went crazy for them )eat(

Isabel has also become very tame, she's usually a bit chilly on a morning so comes for a cuddle on my knee and falls asleep {hug} and whenever I go in the run she stays by me for a stroke, and probably because she knows I wont let the others peck her.

The others are getting there too, Summer and Charlotte let me stroke them (when they feel like it!), I can pick Charlotte up but Summer's still quite wiggly. Milly will come close and eat out my hand but doesn't like to be stroked or handled yet.
She also decided to lay in the corner of the coop instead of the nestboxes today, I don't know why I bother {rofwl}
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Re: Lisa and The Lunatics!

Post by sandy »

What lovely photos )t' Glad they are mixing and well now
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Re: Lisa and The Lunatics!

Post by kitla »

I've just looked at the pics of your new girls Lisa, they're lovely, I especially
love Valerie - I have a soft spot for the fluffy ones.
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Re: Lisa and The Lunatics!

Post by chicks&cats »

I hope the medicine works Lisa, especially when it sounds like calm is falling on all the girls {hug} The photos are really great, especially dustbathing, I always love the look of chooks when they are lying really still sunbathing or dustbathing :-D

Re: Lisa and The Lunatics!

Post by LisaB »

Thank you all :)

I actually changed Valarie's name to Charlotte, she just wasn't a Val in the end :-D she is a sweetie, it is so funny when one of the ex-batts goes to give her a quick bop on the head, her little legs run so fast she looks like she's hovering {rofwl}

Daphne's still not right, bit sleepy this morning, but has eaten and drank and I threw some maggots down which perked her up. Summer looks fine, but still sneezing, and earlier when she put her head down this gooey water came out :(

Things are calm in the run though, Isabel's learnt just to keep out the way and doesn't do the whole squawk/flappy thing when one of the batties comes near her haha!


Re: Lisa and The Lunatics!

Post by LisaB »

Everyone's still okay this morning, bit sneezy still though.

I've also had a complete nightmare. I always use old coffee jars to keep the maggots in, well my dad's changed brand of coffee and the jar lid isn't as hair tight as the others used to be, you guessed it, MAGGOTS EVERYWHERE.
I have a set of drawers in the coop and had the jar on there, quickly picked Nancy up and popped her on top, she ate them all up :-D A lot seem to be missing though, so I'm guessing they've managed to get down the back of the drawers, will have to get my dad to pull it out tonight so I can clean behind it. Hopefully the chicks have got most of them :?

Also, Summer and Milly perched over Daphne, so her neck is covered in poo :/ going to have to give her a wash today. Hopefully she's learnt to move now.
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Re: Lisa and The Lunatics!

Post by tamk23 »

Maggots )loo(

Hope you managed to bath daphne {rofwl} poor little girl!
Tammy xxx

Mum to two girls Violet and Iris and Hubby! 7 chickens, Easter, Bunny, Daisy, Tulip, Primrose, Buttercup, Snowdrop, 2 silkie chicks Teddy & Rainbow. 1 cat, Gromit. 2 gerbils cheese and onion, 2 guinea pigs Bangers & Mash and my Min Pin puppy Betty. RIP my little Casserole, Hotpot & Stew x Goodnight to my wonderful cat Chance and my wonderful dog Hamish xx
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Re: Lisa and The Lunatics!

Post by Bridgets Mum »

Ah happiness - a cuppa while watching the chickens. Your girls are beautiful Lisa - hope the sneezing soon clears up.

Re: Lisa and The Lunatics!

Post by LisaB »

Daphne got her neck washed last night, seems to have gone a bit crispy again though, if she's not cleaned it by tonight I will give her another wash :)

I don't mind maggots at all (it's funny because at the tackle shop they go "I will double bag them because no lady wants to touch maggots", they're quite surprised when I tell them I hand feed them to my chickens {rofwl} ) but the thought of if any have got into the woodshavings in the coop, eww.

Thank you, Bridgets Mum :-D Still quite a bit of sneezing going on, the girls are eating and drinking and look bright eyed (apart from Daphne who seems a little sleepy at the moment), but I don't feel like the sneezing has improved at all, in fact I think it's gotten worse as more girls have started sneezing.

Everything is going well with the integration, odd peck but things are calm.
It was so funny last night, I usually pick up one nest box and put it on top of the other to stop Charlotte perching on them, being the dopey mare she is she still hasn't learnt where to go to bed and perches on the tyre outside. So I picked her up, popped her in the coop, shut the pophole, and i heard a bit of flapping going on. Walk around to the main door, the silly thing is only in the top nextbox, which she has overbalanced and seems to be hanging on for dear life {rofwl} {rofwl} Needless to say, the nestbox was upside down when I went to let them out this morning.

I'm a bit concerned about Milly's volume, she shouts before and after laying, and at the moment she's shouting at 6:30am. Hopefully the neighbours don't mind (then again, there is a cockerel at the end of our street).
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Re: Lisa and The Lunatics!

Post by aishakali »

Glad the intergrations are going well Lisa. At least that's one worry less. Hope your babes are soon back to normal )t'
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Re: Lisa and The Lunatics!

Post by sandy »

Good to hear they are on the mend, is it you do you think? Bless you have so many problems at least none of your new girls are trying to kill you this time {rofwl}
The Pink Ladies..Audrey,Ingrid-Bergman,Madeleline,Norma-Jean,Dora,Janice,Jo,Robyn,Chrissy and Joyce
The Peds…Mork,Mindy,Bell,Saphire &
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Re: Lisa and The Lunatics!

Post by LisaB »

I think it is just me, as now I have another problem :?

I've mentioned over the passed few days that Daphne's been a bit sleepy, I thought she had caught the respiratory infection, although I hadn't heard any sneezing or coughing from her. Well, I noticed she was walking a bit odd for a few seconds yesterday, and then noticed her underneath seems a bit swollen, so I think she may have peritonitis :/

Going to keep an eye on her but I think she'll be off to the vets in the next few days {cry}

And to top it all off, Charlottes caught the respiratory infection and seems to be getting worse, still eating and drinking, but more raspy and sneezy than she was a few days ago.

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Re: Lisa and The Lunatics!

Post by tamk23 »

Oh no {hug}

These new girls are throwing it all at you. I think you should go and have a talk with them this morning and tell them to behave themselves {warn}

I hope things settle down for you soon and your girls get better {hug&kiss}
Tammy xxx

Mum to two girls Violet and Iris and Hubby! 7 chickens, Easter, Bunny, Daisy, Tulip, Primrose, Buttercup, Snowdrop, 2 silkie chicks Teddy & Rainbow. 1 cat, Gromit. 2 gerbils cheese and onion, 2 guinea pigs Bangers & Mash and my Min Pin puppy Betty. RIP my little Casserole, Hotpot & Stew x Goodnight to my wonderful cat Chance and my wonderful dog Hamish xx
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Re: Lisa and The Lunatics!

Post by aishakali »

It never rains but it pours!! You must be counting the days till everything is back to normal {hug}

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