LL's chicken keeping adventures

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Re: LL's chicken keeping adventures

Post by lancashire lass »

sandy wrote:I know I am probably on the wrong section but just blown away by your lovely veg, what a pumpkin )like(

It's the chicken poo! I'm really pleased with the cabbages this year and really believe the introduction of the chicken poo and used bedding has made a big difference to this year's crops.

sandy wrote:My corn is growing nicely, does it need to be yellow before I pick it?

It depends on the variety - some can be a pale colour. I look at the cob and if the tassles on the top are brown and dried up, there is a good chance they are ready. Also the cob should feel filled, and some of the wrapping may even show dimples of the kernels underneath. Peel a little of the case off to expose some kernels and push your finger nail (or a knife) into a couple - if the juice is milky, then it should be ready (taste the juice and it should be sweet)

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Re: LL's chicken keeping adventures

Post by lancashire lass »

The girls have been quieter than usual this week - I was back to work on Monday but the early morning chorus has been surprisingly mute. There's no doubt the mornings are not as light at the same time and with the constant cloud cover, darker still but once up, the 7.30am treat demands have been like clockwork until now. And even the evening chorus has been a subdued too - although my neighbour made me laugh. Apparently the old girls are stood waiting on the high rise balcony in the run from about 4.30pm and as soon as they hear my car on the driveway, they start their chatter LOL. The new girls haven't quite the gist of what the racket is all about probably because their run is facing away from the house. Their chatter so far sound like strangulated squawks.

The bounty from the allotment has been finding its way into the chicken runs and their fave sweetcorn is still very popular, followed by halved cucumber that have got too mature for me ... they love picking all the seeds out. Even the new girls have sussed that out and really starting to enjoy their daily greens now. They are not quite there with the Wiggy dance but there is definitely anticipation when I turn up with the tray of treats, even braving up to being in the run when I enter and carefully toss stuff around (no escapees this week) although they are within running distance of that convenient hole in the wall - just in case!

I still limit what they eat but I have seen a dramatic drop in egg weight which is a new measure in the LL weekly egg tally. The weight had slowly increased in the first week which I put down to natural egg size but all did a sudden dive midweek and still below last week's 52g average. The old girls eggs on the other hand have been fairly steady so I'm not sure if it has anything to do with feed, or perhaps the pecking order is still playing a role. Pearl is proving to be a right bully but when I've watched them eat, the other two have an eye on what they are feasting on and another eye on where Pearl is manoeuvring herself in relation to their position and get out of her way pretty sharpish.

Egg numbers from both sets of girls are down too - just 18 from the Spice Girls with 16 from the new girls for the whole week, giving a total of 34. Weather wise it has been generally dull and overcast with the occasional sunny day, temperatures uncharacteristically warm for this time of year. Daylight hours are decreasing and definitely noticeable in the evening when I clear the runs for lock up - it is almost dark by the time I finish! I'm having to adjust my routine to take this into account.

Egg sales - well I managed to sell a dozen to a customer but did not have enough to make up another half dozen, so I brought 10 of the smaller white eggs in which was gleefully accepted rather than be without - apparently my regular customers have really missed their weekly fresh eggs while I have been off work. The white eggs were certainly a talking point. Unfortunately I've been off work on sick leave since Thursday & Friday so unable to sell anymore but they should be fine for next week.

sandy wrote:This smelling thing is getting weird now if Karen is experiencing it too.

The smell is slowly going away and not so pungent - although this week I have had a dreadful cold and my sense of smell might not be so acute LOL. The new girls poop is still overall a tan colour although not quite so obvious and becoming much more "normal" which I suspect is the greens in their diet. The Spice Girls on the other hand are still the masters in the poop department - if I didn't know any better, I'd say they were pooping more than ever! All perfectly normal - maybe its the variety in their diet adding to the bulk LOL.
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Re: LL's chicken keeping adventures

Post by lancashire lass »

The egg tally for the week from both sets of girls has taken a sharp dive ... I am at a loss as to why. Weather-wise it has not been too bad - fairly mild for this time of year, a little more overcast than usual but also sunny breaks too. There is a feel of autumn creeping in and I'm half expecting the Spice Girls to start slowing down anyway, but doesn't explain why the new White Ladies egg numbers are down, as well as laying smaller egg sizes too :? The next question I suppose would be the feed - it would be true to say they are enjoying a little more fresh produce than usual, but I'm still limiting the White Ladies treats and they are eating their pellets (which is the same brand they were on before I got them) so shouldn't be having that much effect. Perhaps they need worming? I had hoped to wait until early November but I might bring it forward and tick the box as done.

Statistics this week - 16 from the Spice Girls, 9 from the White Ladies. Today I went to a new stockist in Derby (near the Pentagon Island) called RE Farms - they had a special offer on the layers pellets down to £5.95p per 20kg bag until the end of September. However, the normal price they sell Heygates layers and mixed corn are only £6.50p each anyway so I think I've solved the problem of a "local" feed supplier )app( (it was still a 15 mile round trip but better than the other options after the other I used to go to had moved to Ravenshead which is nearer to Newstead Abbey and a fair trek from where I live)

When I get home from work, I drop off my bags and go and get the treats for the girls straightaway as they are waiting and making such a racket until I come out. Posh now waits patiently for me on the pallet shelf to pick her up and put her down on a low shelf - she'll even come running to me so that it is easier to lift her off {hug} On Wednesday I lifted her off but by the time I'd spread the corn and greens around between the 2 runs, Posh was back on the shelf ... okay, the idea is you are supposed to stay on the floor! Once again, picked her up and blow me she was hopping up the perches back on to the shelf. Odd behaviour. This time I watched carefully and Scary and Ginger were chasing her - oh, this is like when she was laying a softie in the middle of the run so I popped her into the coop. Only, she decided she didn't want to be in the coop and blow me, she was out in the run and back up the perches on to the pallet shelf }hairout{

That's when I noticed her vent - I don't think it was a prolapse, I'm not sure what it could be and after a feel around couldn't feel an egg or anything unusual, but I decided to take no chances and put her in a pet carrier and bring indoors (I put some fresh bedding in there) I wasn't really sure what the plan was, and to be honest I was still feeling poorly from the cold I'd had all week and hadn't even sat down since getting home from work. Posh stood in the same position inside the box and didn't move for a long time and I have to admit it occurred to me that the girls usually have a feeding frenzy before going to roost, so I got some seed and meal worms for her. After a while, she had a peck at them and then decided to settle down and make a nest in the bedding. I had a look at her vent and it was back to normal so about 10 minutes before they normally go to roost, I popped Posh back into the main run and all was fine. Whatever it was, it hasn't happened since and all is well in the Spice Palace. However, since reading up on prolapse it mentions lack of calcium could be a cause - calcium helps muscles to contract after egg laying. So to be on the safe side, I've decided to add a little limestone flour to their morning mash.

The White Ladies are a lot more confident of me now and although still flighty and will probably never be like the Spice Girls, they are getting to know the routine. Today just before the morning treat, I heard a different hen calling in the middle of the usual racket - OMG, the Spice Girls are teaching bad habits to the new girls LOL. And sure enough, they all piled into the main run waiting for the greens to be doled out and didn't even budge when I opened the gate and stepped inside - progress! And when they go to roost, they would normally all huddle down at the far end of the coop beyond my reach but last night I had to smile when I found them settled down in the middle so clearly are feeling a little less apprehensive.

However, they seem to prefer the perch ends nearest the pallet wall where the tray doesn't reach ... so that means having to reach inside the coop head first to poop pick. I think I'll put something there to encourage them to go more into the middle of the perch and over to the other side so their droppings land in the tray. The tray system actually works very well and I have to say I'm really pleased with it. And my DIY roof between the 2 runs is also working very well - we had rain one night it was lovely being under cover and the floor on the whole was dry )t' Hopefully it will be just as effective during the winter.
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Re: LL's chicken keeping adventures

Post by sandy »

What you described with Posh was exactly the same that once happened to my light sussex a few years ago. I was convinced it was a prolapse, rushed her inside and so sure 'it' was all going to completely fall out rushed her up the vents, this was on a sunday! By the time we got to see the avian novice vet her vent was completely normal. Only {rofwl} had to pay £20 as vent had not a clue! Never happened again. I am wondering if an egg was trying to come out then went back in? Never heard of it before or since until now with your Posh. LL could you have a peak at my last entry and check my corm out? +f+
The Pink Ladies..Audrey,Ingrid-Bergman,Madeleline,Norma-Jean,Dora,Janice,Jo,Robyn,Chrissy and Joyce
The Peds…Mork,Mindy,Bell,Saphire &
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Re: LL's chicken keeping adventures

Post by KarenE »

Are the Spice Girls teaching the White Ladies the zigaziga song? I hope so - that would be a whole new dawn chorus for you to look forward to!

The nights are drawing in and the girls are going to bed earlier so maybe that's why they're slowing down on the laying front? Or could they be moving into a moult maybe? The spice girls, the white ladies will be too young I guess.

Hope Posh is okay today?
Alpha chick to: Smudge, Matisse and Bluebell
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Re: LL's chicken keeping adventures

Post by sandy »

Oh LL you must think I am totally useless, I thought you thougt I had corn on the cob :oops:
The Pink Ladies..Audrey,Ingrid-Bergman,Madeleline,Norma-Jean,Dora,Janice,Jo,Robyn,Chrissy and Joyce
The Peds…Mork,Mindy,Bell,Saphire &
Vorky ,Blueped,Ginger,Ninger &Linky

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Re: LL's chicken keeping adventures

Post by lancashire lass »

sandy wrote:Oh LL you must think I am totally useless, I thought you thougt I had corn on the cob :oops:

{hug} it must have been very disappointing to find it is just wheat

KarenE wrote:Are the Spice Girls teaching the White Ladies the zigaziga song? I hope so - that would be a whole new dawn chorus for you to look forward to!

yike* I hope not. I don't think they'll ever be like the Spice Girls - sure, they are getting a good idea about the treat time but don't make a big fuss about it being late (yet) and they don't seem to be as "friendly" as the others so it's difficult to see them other than livestock without putting it too bluntly. As soon as I open the gate, they are dashing around to get out of the way whereas the old girls all pile out through the door and under my feet. Maybe they just need more time to adjust to the back garden chicken environment - it's taken nearly 3 weeks for them to appear more relaxed in the coop instead of bunching up together at the farthest corner, and don't seem to mind my opening the door last thing to say "night night" to them anymore.

The funniest thing happened the other day in the White Ladies main run - with clearing the patio of junk, I decided to move the other wooden chair (like the one in the Spice Palace gym) into their run. With having the single little door hole between the runs, only one hen can enter/exit at a time but they saw me coming and thought it was treat time and all started to pile into the main run one at a time. However, I hauled the chair in the run instead so 2 of them managed to jump back into the mini run but I think the second one had decided to not move away so when the third one tried to leap through the little doorway, she couldn't and bounced back into the run - mortified - and ended up running around in circles {rofwl} Eventually she got back to safety and as soon as I closed the gate, they all started to hop back, took one look at the chair and then were back in the middle run LOL I thought the chair would provide them with some entertainment and perch time (the Spice Girls love being on perches and the high rise balcony) but they have treated it with suspicion and kept well clear of it.

In the Spice Girl Palace, we have a mouse ... definitely too small and quick to be a rat. This morning it was more like day break and still a little dark when I went to open the coops up and saw something streak across the run. It was probably only about 2 inches big if that, sort of brown colour (bear in mind it was a bit dark at the far end of the run where it stopped and watched me) I then noticed a distinctive attempt to make a tunnel diving under the fence but I know there is mesh and paving stones so can't be a new entrance. Most likely it has come in through the corner where I can't reach to block off any entrances. My new neighbours have taken down a shed in the garden where there used to be a wood pile for the fire place, so I suspect it has had to find a new home .... into the chicken run }hairout{
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Re: LL's chicken keeping adventures

Post by sandy »

I love the fact number three couldn't get through the gap {rofwl} They are strange arent they, anything new is either explored or ignored! Oh dear, poor mousie I wonder how long it will take for the girls to discover him yike*
The Pink Ladies..Audrey,Ingrid-Bergman,Madeleline,Norma-Jean,Dora,Janice,Jo,Robyn,Chrissy and Joyce
The Peds…Mork,Mindy,Bell,Saphire &
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Re: LL's chicken keeping adventures

Post by Librarychick »

lancashire lass wrote:Oops, sorry forgot to answer your query Librarychick

Librarychick wrote:Today my Bluebell laid her 8th egg and it was another supersize egg. So the 4th and the 10th are both biggies. Is there some sort of cycle that your scientific methodology can explain?

Hens that are just starting to lay are like teenagers and can produce an array of sizes until they get the hang of it - eventually these should settle down.

As for the biggies, have you cracked open the eggs yet - you might find they are in fact double or treble yolkers )w(

LL - Thanks - You were right - the three biggies were indeed double yolkers ...and delicious! Seems to have settled down to a uniform size now and still an egg day.
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Re: LL's chicken keeping adventures

Post by lancashire lass »

With the forecast of heavy rain for today, I was a bit concerned about the new run - I still had the small gap at the back were rain (and possibly mice) could squeeze through so I got the last can of expanding foam and some bits of mesh which I stapled along the bottom. As for the foam }hairout{ for the life of me I could not get the can to squirt it out. Meanwhile I had a couple of bits of corrugated plastic which I stapled along the edge of the roof so that rain water did not drip into the run. Then the rain came down so had to abandon the rest. I leaned a few bits of cold frame lids against the front netting so that rain water did not seep into the run. This evening there was a distinctive patch of damp sand in the corner at the back of the run but thankfully the rest was bone dry.

As for my bit of roofing between the 2 runs, I'm pleased to announce that it has worked very well and the floor was more or less dry (the roof does have a couple of holes where the cherry tree branch comes out of the side of the Spice Girl run) It was lovely being able to stand under cover and not get wet but how it will cope with gale force winds is a little more worrying. Apparently I am about to find out on Monday - I guess summer 2014 has officially ended.

The girls this week have been unusually quiet when it comes to demanding their greens and treats - both morning and evening - perhaps the shorter days have got them confused. They've been enjoying a little more summer cabbage than usual because these don't store so well and are starting to get past their best. The White Ladies like the Spice Girls have definitely caught on to the "treats" and anticipate my arrival with the treat tray - still wary of me, they are however, so eager for the treats they somehow manage to get on the wrong side of the gate when I've opened it ... it will only take a split second for one of them to get in a panic and run straight out the door like the first one did.

On Thursday night when I got home from work, I went down to the runs with their treats, and the Spice Girls had been busy - digging a huge hole. It was like a massive pit. Something must have encouraged them to do that and I'm wondering if the mouse had made an appearance. Today I finally got some bags of sand to top up their run so hopefully this will discourage further excavations!

Egg tally this week has dropped again - 17 from the Spice Girls, and only 6 from the White Ladies. All week I've been giving them a morning mash with some probiotics (and a little extra calcium) added which they've all enjoyed but it hasn't made any difference. I guess I'm just going to have to accept that all my hens may stop laying eggs this winter - the White Ladies were supposed to provide me with eggs while the Spice Girls stopped, but it's not quite going to plan LOL.
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Re: LL's chicken keeping adventures

Post by sandy »

I expect I am teaching you to suck eggs but your expanding foam is nowhere where The Spice Girls and The White Ladies can reach it I hope? Now shame on you for fllling the hole in with sand, loved to have known what the girls were actually digging for? Maybe they were making room for a jacuzzi {rofwl}
The Pink Ladies..Audrey,Ingrid-Bergman,Madeleline,Norma-Jean,Dora,Janice,Jo,Robyn,Chrissy and Joyce
The Peds…Mork,Mindy,Bell,Saphire &
Vorky ,Blueped,Ginger,Ninger &Linky

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Re: LL's chicken keeping adventures

Post by lancashire lass »

sandy wrote:I expect I am teaching you to suck eggs but your expanding foam is nowhere where The Spice Girls and The White Ladies can reach it I hope? Now shame on you for fllling the hole in with sand, loved to have known what the girls were actually digging for? Maybe they were making room for a jacuzzi {rofwl}

oh, I don't put the foam bit inside the run but on the outside )t' My temporary sheets of greenhouse bits that were meant to divert water away have not worked so I'm definitely going to have to do something to stop water seeping underneath the board (which will also go rotten if the bottom is resting on damp concrete all the time) I also discovered another leak which I have to confess I did not foresee - although the new run roof covers most of the greenhouse roof at the back (in a deluge of rain, water would have shot over the tiny built in gutter straight into the run), the edge of the greenhouse frame does not direct water into the gutter but straight down to the ground. It's only a tiny amount but if we have a wet winter, the sand won't dry so I'm going to need a plan B ... more foam?

Re: the hole - oh, definitely the mouse. It's a cheeky little thing often standing its ground when I enter the run, and I suspect it is brazen enough to come out of hiding even with the girls are there. There was another huge hole this time under the drinker and close to one of the boards that box the cherry tree roots where I could just make out a small tunnel underneath (but there is wire mesh behind the board so I can't see it being a permanent hole. I think it's time the moggy found a new home now, especially with the darker morning and evenings ... it freaks me out seeing things streak across the floor when I'm in the run, and it may have brought along its friends yike*
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Re: LL's chicken keeping adventures

Post by KarenE »

This is probably a mad idea but could you run open guttering or something similar along the base of the run - just so the water is caught and directed away from the base? Like a run off

Poor little mouse, it's amazing that your girls or ladies haven't had him for lunch (and not as a guest!). Mice don't stand a chance in my garden with Remie and Jasper the deadly duo.
Alpha chick to: Smudge, Matisse and Bluebell
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Re: LL's chicken keeping adventures

Post by lancashire lass »

KarenE wrote:This is probably a mad idea but could you run open guttering or something similar along the base of the run - just so the water is caught and directed away from the base? Like a run off

unfortunately not - it's more like draining rather than dripping into the run. I think a bit of quirty foam stuff in the right places might just be enough. Of course I got a fresh can of the stuff but it's not been dry since to put any of it down }hairout{ Mind you, Monday's rain was just 24 hours non-stop and got everywhere

Well, the Spice Girls are officially on a downward trend when it comes to egg laying. Each day I'm thankful to see at least one egg in the nest box because I never thought I'd see the day when I would lift up the lid and find none at all (from both sets of girls yike* ) I am convinced the White Ladies are due for worming as their egg numbers are not only dropping but the eggs are getting smaller. Last week I boiled up some of the older eggs that didn't get sold and chopped them up for all the girls - the egg numbers of the Spice Girls remained about the same but size-wise were bigger as to be expected, but there was a distinctive increase in egg numbers and sizes of the White Ladies ... that suggests their feed does not have enough protein. Yes, they get some greens and treats but a mere fraction compared to the Spice Girls so worming them all is now top of the list.

Egg tally last week was 16 from the Spice Girls, and 10 from the White Ladies. On Tuesday I told those girls that they were not paying their way and to my surprise, there were 3 white eggs and 3 brown eggs - I gushed an apology and told them what clever girls they were. On Wednesday when I opened the nest boxes, 0 from the White Ladies and 0 from the Spice Girls )gr: I have threatened to take away their mealworm treats but sigh, it hasn't made any difference.

Talking of food, I managed to salvage a few cobs from the remaining sweetcorn plants on the allotment - the last of the fresh sweetcorn was used up a couple of weeks ago so it was a pleasant surprise for the girls. Wow, they really did miss them as treats! And the White Ladies love eating the seeds from marrows and cucumber, and all the flesh as well ... the Spice Girls just peck out the centres and leave the rest. It wasn't that long ago the White Ladies looked at the fresh stuff as though it was something oiked out of the dustbin LOL Now they have learned the treat times and await my arrival with lots of enthusiastic to-ing and fro-ing, but I'm afraid they'll never quite get the hang of the wiggy dance and song
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Re: LL's chicken keeping adventures

Post by Mo »

My older eggs all get used for baking, or freezing for future baking (2 in a yoghurt pot fpr buns or an omlette, or a pound in a marg tub for a batch of fruit cakes - mix with fork before freezing)
Last week I boiled up some of the older eggs that didn't get sold and chopped them up for all the girls
- some hens are well spoilt.
Dance caller. http://mo-dance-caller.blogspot.co.uk/p/what-i-do.html
Sunny Clucker enjoyed Folk music and song in mid-Cheshire

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