Pixie's Chix!

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Re: Pixie's Chix!

Post by PixieDust »

She was huddled again. To be fair the weather is so damp anything with a respitory issue is going to struggle. She went back to the vet. He was pleased she picked up after the first injection so gave her the second shot and they all have soluble Tylan for 7 days as the others are a bit more sneezy.

He was pleased her nose wasn't streaming but her sinuses are still inflamed. Her eyes were not bubbly but she still closes them with 3rd eye lid evident. She eats and drinks quite well. The Bluebell is a little slower today. All but Sick Pob are going quite red in the face, she is still white with the tiniest comb ever.

I am actually very down about this. I don't think she will pull through and we might lose the others. {cry}

I will keep you informed with any news but for now it's just seeing if the injection and 7 days Tylan are enough to knock it. >fi<
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Re: Pixie's Chix!

Post by PixieDust »

Tearful moment. Sick Pob is the only one brave enough to eat meal worms from my hand. She has no fear of me at all. +f+
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Re: Pixie's Chix!

Post by PixieDust »

Other people I have been speaking to are now talking about dispatch.The Bluebell definately has swollen sinuses. The Sussex isn't noticeable and the Columbine has such a large comb it is hard to see.

I have really been sold a right bunch.

The dog is driving us all crazy with constant barking and whining to get out in the garden. I've had enough }hairout{
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Re: Pixie's Chix!

Post by HenPen »

My girl who came down with a respiratory infection was really helped by the injections, and eventually was completely well, so please don't give up hope yet {hug}.
You have caught the others a bit earlier so chances are they won't get as ill as your poor friendly Sick Pob.

Rooting for your chooks to be at full health soon >fi<
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Re: Pixie's Chix!

Post by By Halves »

So rotten that your chicken dream has turned into a nightmare :( I do hope the injections and ABs do the trick.
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Re: Pixie's Chix!

Post by PixieDust »

Thank you for your kind wishes.

They drank all the 0.5L of Tylan water. She goes garratty for meal worms and scratch. I am wondering if I could add some Nutri-drops to something for her to help her perk up? I am not very savvy about getting their beaks open.
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Re: Pixie's Chix!

Post by KarenE »

She's still eating and that's a really good sign. And as HP said you've caught the others early - a good course of tylan should clear them straight up. Don't beat yourself up or be too down, and it's probably not the dealers fault as they are surprisingly delicate creatures. Give her time to fight it off, and enjoy her.

I've never used nutri drops but if they don't go in the water, then you could always mix them into a bit of mash or egg for her.

Definitely don't despatch them! Give them a fighting chance. If it's a big infection your Pob (maybe all your Pobs) may need a longer course of tylan. I've seen posts on here where some vets recommend 7 days, some 10. I certainly wouldn't expect you to lose them all!

I hate to have to say it, but dealing with sick chickens is a necessary part of chicken keeping. Honestly though, there is so much enjoyment from it too, so don't give up or be too despondent.
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Re: Pixie's Chix!

Post by PixieDust »

Take on any animal and sickness and death are the 2 things most likely to happen.

Come Saturday she will have had this 3 weeks that I am aware of and still going and eating and drinking well. I *think* there is less sneezing overall from the whole flock. But I know Tylan needs to have finished before results are generally seen.
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Re: Pixie's Chix!

Post by KarenE »

How did she seem today?

I'd say it takes a good 4 or 5 days before you see the tylan working, so if they are already sneezing less that's a good sign.

We can make a special request to the henpals to send henpal wishes for your girls, they are specially reserved for sick chickens who need chicken good luck. I'm sure the henpals have been sneaking looks at your diary, they take a special interest in new flocks.
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Re: Pixie's Chix!

Post by PixieDust »

She seemed a little brighter today. No rain today. Really hard to tell but I didn't see her huddled up with eyes closed.

Rather upset by an email from the guy who sold her. OH said I am reading too much into it. He said all his and the other customers birds are fine. He is "at a loss as to why your flock have responded this way". I take that to mean what is it I have done to bring this on. Am I reading this wrongly?

I had been generous and had not mentioned she looked sleepy when I got her. He also told me if I had problems do not go to the vet contact him. I did and he told me nothing to worry about. It was stress. So I left it initially. I have not blamed him and not even tried to tap him for any vets fees.

I thought he would be interested in her progress. One email he sounds fine, the next, well saying people on Internet forums have little knowledge and understanding about poultry or even human matters, is a bit rude I think. Just because I said scouting the Internet I could see many people seem to be having similar issues with hybrids at the moment.

Hoping they all continue to improve. >fi<
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Re: Pixie's Chix!

Post by KarenE »

Hm. He does seem to be responding quite sensitively, but then you may be feeling a bit over sensitive given what's going on at the moment. Either way, it may not be helping your stress levels to get into an exchange with him - you let him know that there may be a problem in his flock, and the rest is up to him. Perhaps let your custom do the talking and go somewhere else next time if you can?

We'll side-step the slur on our forum knowledge I think :-D

A thought also just occurred - it might help if you can warm her up a bit as well, so she's putting all her energy into getting better rather than keeping warm in this damp, chilly weather. If her comb looks a little purpled, it could be a sign that she's a wee bit cold. A bit of corn before she goes to bed, some warm mash. See if she'll sit on your lap for a while even to warm her up (if she's friendly she may like it). If it gets really cold or she seems to be huddled and with the purplish comb, maybe even consider bringing her inside to warm up for a bit. A (warm) hot water bottle near her - just make sure she can get away from it if she gets too hot.

>fi< that your Pobs keep on the mend.
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Re: Pixie's Chix!

Post by manda »

I'm going to be blunt here Pixie...ignore him he's a knob...he's obviously concerned you're going to ask for your money back otherwise why would he be on the defensive....

Yes it could be initially stress and so it wouldn't be unusual for things like this to happen but when they don't go away then it's obviously not stress and you did the right thing.

Don't beat yourself up you have done nothing wrong...you could have just been very unlucky or he knows he's had birds with problems and doesn't want any hassle.

As Karen said Don't despatch them ..if they all have something they all have it so you have a flock that has issues...we all do and I agree with Karen don't get despondent it's winter for you and that's always the worse time of year...things will improve and you will be able to enjoy your chookies {hug} {hug&kiss}
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Re: Pixie's Chix!

Post by PixieDust »

Well she is running around like a maniac when the meal worms show up. Then she has a little huddle and closes her eyes. Maybe she has a tad more energy but not loads. Who knows.

I am going to say nothing to the guy until either she dies or pulls through. I am not going to have an argument with him, life is too short.

She did try to fly up to my hand today to get the pot of meal worms. She has interest in stuff.
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Re: Pixie's Chix!

Post by KarenE »

She's sounding pretty good. Just give her time and she may be fine, only time will tell. She may of course also be stringing you along just to get more mealworms!

Have you tried mixing up a mash for her and seeing if she'll eat that? Just in case she's not eating pellets (you don't say whether she is or not)

I think it's a good idea to ignore the guy. You've got more than enough to occupy your time. I do think its a bit off that he would advise you not to go to a vet but to go to him. He would definitely not be able to prescribe tests or medicines! Stupid advice imo.

How are the other Pobs? Are you managing to spend much time with them in a non-nursing capacity?
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Re: Pixie's Chix!

Post by PixieDust »

Just a small update. I got the Pobs 3 weeks ago today. She is still here. They are all still sneezing.

Yesterday she was very active. Even leapt at the weld mesh to get my attention. Very chatty. They all enjoy the greens from carrots. Still swollen lower eye lids but brighter. This morning she is back to doing some hunching and shutting her eyes.

So nothing really new to report. Just keeping on with the Tylan and TLC.
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