Jannie's 2013 Diary.

Forgot what happened last year - maybe it's here!!
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Jannie's 2013 Diary.

Post by jannie »

2010 Diary
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It seems incredible to think that this is my 4th Diary .. they must be so boring by now {rofwl} ..but they do help to keep my mind focused and great to look back and see how the garden has evolved and what needs to be changed. )t'

I have had a little hobble around this morning to see what's what and I still have some food growing ..

Curly Kale and water cress..

there's also still enough chard to give the chooks a few leaves now and then ..

and the greenhouse has some spring plants and baskets ready to give some colour in the garden..

I spent some time yesterday putting my seed box in order ..I have mixed all the 'out of date' seeds in a bag and when the weather is warm enough, I'm going to take them to a bit of waste ground I know of and I'm going to scatter them to see what will grow! )grin2(

I found a great site on Eb@y for seeds as I'd like to give a few new things a go this year .. went a bit overboard but got all these for £15( they put a few extras in my order) :-D

Good Luck For 2013 Season everyone!!!
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Re: Jannie's 2013 Diary.

Post by mrs boodles »

Thanks for the link Jannie, I have just had a look and am going to order from there can`t believe how cheap the seeds and the choice, more than half theprice of what you can pay in catalogues.
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Re: Jannie's 2013 Diary.

Post by perchy »

Jannie is the gardening guru )b(

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Re: Jannie's 2013 Diary.

Post by vegalot »

Thanks Jannie, my order went off today )t'
If a man is alone in the garden and speaks, and there is no woman to hear him, is he still wrong?
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Re: Jannie's 2013 Diary.

Post by silverbass »

Thanks for the seed site recommendation Jannie.
It looks really good with lots of heritage varieties.
I will be putting my order in soon.
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Re: Jannie's 2013 Diary.

Post by jannie »

perchy wrote:Jannie is the gardening guru

Bless you Perchy {hug} but I'm not really :oops: ..luck plays a big part in gardening. Last year I spent a lot of time running in and out protecting young plants from the downpours, I'm lucky to be at home to do that. )t'

Glad you all like the seed link .. but please don't hold me responsible if the seeds are no good .. this is my first year to use them. >fi< ..All I can say is..and you can see from the photo..they look healthy and there are an awful lot of seeds for your money. )t'
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Re: Jannie's 2013 Diary.

Post by jannie »

Well the weather men got it right and the garden is covered in a nice blanket of snow

.. you'd think there was nothing to do wouldn't you .. but I've just been down to give the chooks some corn and mealworms and noticed quite a few plants and bushes were starting to buckle under the weight of the snow, so gone around with a sweeping brush and given them a little tap to knock the snow off. Only damage was to one of the Blueberry bushes which has a broken branch, and some bamboos which were flattened under the weight ..though most of them sprung back upright when I knocked the snow off. )t'
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Re: Jannie's 2013 Diary.

Post by jannie »

I found a box outside the back door yesterday .. It had been delivered last week whilst I was poorly so hubby, knowing it was for the garden, put it safe for me and then forgot about it. It was my seed potatoes..


Luckily they were ok )t' .. though I have to say they the quality is not as good as usual, but I think that is more to do with last years weather than being left in the box for an extra few days.

Just noticed the date .. I always sow Broad Beans on Valentines Day so that's a little job for Thursday then. :?
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Re: Jannie's 2013 Diary.

Post by jannie »

A quick update before Hubby comes home from work ..
Finally managed to get the broad beans sown ..my usual date is Valentine's day so a couple of days late this year but that's ok. )t' I always sow my beans and peas in pots now as the mice won't leave them alone


Spring is on it's way .. I know they say it's going to get cold again next week .. but I can look out the window and dream for now. :-D

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Re: Jannie's 2013 Diary.

Post by lancashire lass »

oh wow, spring flowers already )t' That does look cheerful. I have daffodils that run the length of the garden and I noticed the leaf shoots were up by about 6 inches
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Re: Jannie's 2013 Diary.

Post by jannie »

lancashire lass wrote:oh wow, spring flowers already )t' That does look cheerful. I have daffodils that run the length of the garden and I noticed the leaf shoots were up by about 6 inches

Thanks LL .. It is lovely when the spring flowers come out )t' Could do with the temperatures we had earlier in the week though.

I thought I'd spend some time in the garden this morning ..the mole that got in a few months ago has left tunnels everywhere and these will all have to be dug over before I can plant anything. Didn't get very far as the ground is frozen solid, hard to believe that we were sat outside the caravan earlier in the week. So next stop greenhouse.. I've normally got some seeds germinating indoors by now .....but the seed compost is also frozen solid. }hairout{
Looking for something to do instead, I thought I'd empty the compost bin and start filling it with some of the winters chicken waste that's in bags at the moment .. couldn't get a fork into it .. not sure if it's because it's frozen or I'm still weak .. so I'm now back indoors thoroughly deflated and wondering if I am going to get my usual enthusiasm for the garden back this year.. That darn mole has left me with a whole shed load of work that I could have done without and I haven't even thought about the lawn yet!! )gr:
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Re: Jannie's 2013 Diary.

Post by jannie »

I've been trying to update my diary with some photos but photobucket is playing up big time today.... I noticed one of my previous posts says I have moved or deleted the picture of my seed potatoes.. I blooming haven't!!! }hairout{

It's a beautiful day here so .... I have spent a couple of hours in the garden, pooped now!!. I have managed to weed the whole of the front garden and put the polyanthus from the greenhouse in and I've come in and sorted out which seeds I'm going to sow first ..but that's as much as I can manage today...I really hope I get my mojo back soon. {cry}

Hubby's off tomorrow so going to get him to help me put a new cover on the little polytunnel so I can get my early potatoes in, and hopefully potter in the greenhouse sowing some seeds. )t'
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Re: Jannie's 2013 Diary.

Post by jannie »

Quick update on this afternoons post ..I had a nice hour with feet up and a cuppa :-D ..then went back out the garden. All the seed trays are now washed and pots filled with seed compost, and the greenhouse is cleaned and tidy ..so tomorrow I'll have the relaxing job of sowing seeds and labeling ....phew!! feel a bit more in control now. )t' .
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Re: Jannie's 2013 Diary.

Post by lancashire lass »

I find sometimes that when there is so much to do, I actually end up doing nothing instead :oops: but strangely enough it helps to focus on what needs to be done first and go from there.

Enjoy the seed sow tomorrow but just keep an eye on that spring weather when choosing your seed - I've heard long term forecast that we may be sliding back to below average temperatures after this week and that it may also linger all month.
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Re: Jannie's 2013 Diary.

Post by jannie »

Thanks LL )t' ..I'm only going to sow a few toms, chillies, courgettes, and some annuals for the perennial garden ..I split a lot of the plants in the autumn so I think I will need to fill a few gaps. Also going to sow a tray of mixed salad leaves. I have a few velux windows upstairs in our cottage where I start off early seeds .. they get loads of light so grow straight and there's plenty of room so I can pot them on and put them back up there before they need to go out .. saves heating the greenhouse. :-D

Oh ....and I might sow a couple of mini cucumbers too. :oops:
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