Stef's 2013 Diary

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Stef's 2013 Diary

Post by Stef »

OK, so last year was horrid. We are having a re-think.

We have no chickens at the moment, all got ill (including another prolapse in the second legbar), old and stopped laying and farm vet just tutted and shook his head at the state of them. I felt quite guilty nursing them in their misery, so they are gone.

We are taking stock and Mike has all but destroyed my old beds. There were 4 of them, 1m x 3m. He is looking at sleepers and building something much bigger, well deeper and longer anyway. The new chickens will get a little less space (I do think that an area of 30sq.m was probably too generous) as we want to use the space more efficiently!

I should have 3 daleks of good compost and a 4th that might just give up something good by mid year (leaf compost in its 3rd year).

So Mike is tidying out the greenhouse, ready for a good wash down with Jeyes. The glass and all the pots will get a good clean as and when the rain and temperature allow. Our garden is still very mushy underfoot so we can't do much yet.

I've checked my seeds, I just need tomatoes and chillies I think. And I am now re-planning the veg patch according to the new design. I think I'll continue with the square foot gardening, so string will be needed, lots of it! I don't want to give i t up just because last year was a miserable failure.

Having said that we are going to have to work around the overwintering cabbages and the last of the leeks.

I need to re-think a herb bed and carrots as the well collapsing has taken away my back door planter, that was so very, very scary as we were stood next to it when it all fell in - about 130foot of it! Now concrete filled we have a bigger sitting out area - so swings and roundabouts on that!

Physallis - they were a great success, and Mike actually liked them :-D

Now to plan the planting!

Good luck to every one else. I hope 2013 is better for veg and fruit than last year was!
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Re: Stef's 2013 Diary

Post by Stef »

Decision made - no sleepers (thank goodness).

The beds are quite deep and well drained so we are going to take out the last of the rotten planking and just get on with it.

So the plan to build beds has now been changed to making hoops for netting etc. I refuse to lose any more cabbage to flutterbys {mr.angry}

The wind here is absolutely bitter and biting, so there aren't many minutes of a day to get out there. Mike is still off work, waiting for his appointment for surgery on his carpel tunnels, so he is doing bits while he can, but he is more fixated on burning the hedge he cut - and it is staying resolutely too damp to do anything but sizzle :-D

Still plotting and planning, mainly looking at how to pot up properly. I usually just gaily shove everything into basic compost and let it get on with it. I'll give it more thought this year.
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Re: Stef's 2013 Diary

Post by lancashire lass »

sounds like you have got some work cut out {hug} I know about the wet soil - I called at the allotment yesterday and I can see my winter plans shifting to hopefully a drier spring.

Re: potting tips. For short season crops (especially leafy ones like lettuce), add a little extra nitrogen such as chicken manure. For longer season and fruiting plants, you need to add a slow release fertiliser - you can buy them as fertiliser pellets for pots or use something like fish, blood & bone. Also consider liquid feed throughout the season especially in a wet season (I know it sounds daft watering but often rain has washed nutrients out of the compost and often the plants need a quick fix)
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Re: Stef's 2013 Diary

Post by Stef »

Thanks. It's the little things that I forget! I now have a diary...

We are also looking at netting/hooping. I'll start a thread asking for help on that!
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Re: Stef's 2013 Diary

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So, pots for onions because of the soft nose rot in the ground, leeks are safe.

Pots for courgettes, I have the pots and they take up a lot of ground and cast too much shade.

Catch crops to be added as and when, lettuce, radishes etc.

I have space, from the chickens plot, for sweetcorn too!

Fine tuning to be completed over the next couple of weeks and greenhouse to be planned too. I really want to get some flowers in a new bed this year!
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Re: Stef's 2013 Diary

Post by Stef »

Why won't it dry out?

I'm getting impatient, I know it is only February and I promised not to start so early this year......

.... but I am getting itchy just looking at all that muddy stuff!
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Re: Stef's 2013 Diary

Post by lancashire lass »

{hug} I had planned to call in at the plot this weekend to get on with my fruit bush bed but it hasn't stopped raining all morning and tomorrow's forecast looks dire. I seem to be over-compensating for lack of outdoor activity and started a load of stuff indoors such as the chillies and it won't be long before the tomatoes for the greenhouse get sown too.
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Re: Stef's 2013 Diary

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Who the Dickens ordered all of this cold, wet, white stuff?

It's not coming down hard, just slushy and gone. But I can't step outside without fear of hypothermia!

And now I've got a Suttons Fundraiser form attached to our local newsletter! At least it won't need to be paid for in Frugal Feb! But I just can't do anything!!! Aaaaaargh!

Impatient aren't I :-D
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Re: Stef's 2013 Diary

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Will someone please turn up the thermostat?

We have had a couple of good days, LBH got loads of work done in her lottie, a few miles away - lovely piccies, I am so jealous. But He can't do anything as his hand and I was at work... so we missed it!

Outside now is Siberian and I am NOT going out there, I shall use my marking as an excuse!

Seed packet will be posted on Monday.....and I will have to plan for next weekend if the weather is a little less frigid!
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Re: Stef's 2013 Diary

Post by billnorfolk »

Hi Stef )wav(

It is the same hear ,going to put spring jobs back about 2or3 weeks,had Tomatoes through,and stuff through in the greanhouse last year was 17deg c on 25th feb last year.Hopefully things will catch up once we get started. Should start to warm up from Monday )t'
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Re: Stef's 2013 Diary

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Still waiting for the big warm :?

Should be able to finish the bed next week. Cloching stuff is ordered and I'll have the beds dug over and composted by then (hopefully). So I can cloche it over and warm it up ready for planting.

Sowing seeds still hasn't happened, we keep getting -5 nights and not much warmer days - the wind chill factor is lethal.

My pilot sowing hasn't done anything, it is sitting covered in bubble wrap. I keep wanting to chit more peas and beans and get going... but I won't. It looks like an April sowing, if I am lucky!
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Re: Stef's 2013 Diary

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Half the bed is dug over, I'm double digging and composting the bottom as I go.

I've got as far as the bit that used to be the path between the two old beds and have had to have a sit down and a cuppa!

The soil in the beds looks very nice, lots of worms, nice and crumbly, not too many weeds. I may even have enough good compost in the one dalek for the whole bed.

So, another 20 minutes sit down then the other half of the bed gets dug over and black plastic'd whilst I make up the cloche frames from bamboo canes and place the clear plastic over the whole thing too!

Then I shall chit the next set of peas and beans ready to go out in the supposedly warmer weather [:)] Wonder how long that takes?

Piccies when I find the lead for the camera, promise!
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Re: Stef's 2013 Diary

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All dug over. I'll let it sit, get rained on for a couple of days and on Wednesday I'll cover it and leave it to get on with it whilst I start stuff off in the greenhouse!

I think 'it' may have sprung (with the exception of the next couple of days, apparently!)
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Re: Stef's 2013 Diary

Post by Stef »

Well, I found the photo lead.

I started at the cabbage end, took out he last of the cabbages and leeks, Digging here I come

Halfway through I stood back to see how far I had come and to have a cuppa!

Half an hour after that it was all done. I've left it to catch some rain and a bit of frost, it has had the first so I may rake it today and black plastic it.

Tis done at last! :-D
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Re: Stef's 2013 Diary

Post by Stef »

Well I have green things in the greenhouse )t'

Beans, no peas though. Some tomatoes and chillies from last years seeds have also come up, so I have started.

I have sown a job lot of new toms, chillies, aubergines and all sorts of different things.... cumin included from the packets madmum sent, yay!

Tomorrow I will plant out the beans and sow the in situ stuff and cover with the new cloche stuff. I'll also tidy up the stuff in tubs, add new compost, feed etc and see what happens.

Oh! Must try and find some onion sets! Maybe some pretties too - I forgot all about flowers last year >dum<

But I am not claiming that this is spring...... no, I am not!
1 dumbo rat still without a name; 2 top eared rats Octavia and Ursula
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