LBF's 2013 Diary

Forgot what happened last year - maybe it's here!!
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Re: LBF's 2013 Diary

Post by LittleBrownFrog »

I'm trying to get into the habit of planting something edible every day, even if it's literally just a few seeds.
Since the last post I've sown Borlotti beans, cucumber, chilli, sweet peppers, salad leaves.
Several mint plants, a couple of oregano, some thyme, and another rosemary have gone in in various places near the kitchen.
I've also spent ages this morning pricking out basil seedlings - ideally I'd like to get at least some of the basil growing outside this year, so I'm trying to size up the garden to see where it has most chance of success.
(Not edible, but Morning Glories also went in this morning.)
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Re: LBF's 2013 Diary

Post by LittleBrownFrog »

Beetroot went in this morning - starting in modules, in the hope that it will have a head start on the weeds once it goes out.

Sweet potato slips arrived in the post, and they're sitting in a glass of water to perk up before planting tomorrow. I've never grown sweet potatoes, but we eat quite a lot of them, so I have high hopes!
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Re: LBF's 2013 Diary

Post by LittleBrownFrog »

I've been out this evening with the camera & taken some pictures - I won't put them all on here, but here's a link: ... 396318368/
"Happiness is like a butterfly; the more you chase it, the more it will elude you, but if you turn your attention to other things, it will come and sit softly on your shoulder..." Thoreau.
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Re: LBF's 2013 Diary

Post by LittleBrownFrog »

Sweet potato slips are in - 2 in big tubs in the greenhouse, where they will stay for the duration, the other 3 all in one tub, and will be planted out when the time comes.
More watercress sown yesterday, following the mysterious disappearance of the first sowing - have put chicken wire over the top of the pot this time, in the hope that the seedlings will have the chance to grow before the chickens get to them!
Some spinach went in this morning.
"Happiness is like a butterfly; the more you chase it, the more it will elude you, but if you turn your attention to other things, it will come and sit softly on your shoulder..." Thoreau.
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Re: LBF's 2013 Diary

Post by LittleBrownFrog »

Pumpkins sown today - Atlantic Giant, and I have two boys with all kinds of cunning plans about how to grow the biggest pumpkin in the world!
First Borlotti bean is showing - nothing there when I watered this morning, an inch high by the time I shut up the greenhouse this evening )c(
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Re: LBF's 2013 Diary

Post by LittleBrownFrog »

Watercress has appeared in the last couple of days, so no free ranging for the chickens until it's big enough to withstand a bit of pecking. Borlotti beans are coming on nicely - I love watching beans grow, the one on the left wasn't showing at all last night, but by morning was properly through.
Watercress by LittleBrownFrog, on Flickr

Borlotti beans by LittleBrownFrog, on Flickr

I've put some more sweet pea seeds in - some near the archway, and some in a pot by the gate - can't have too many sweet peas.
Also, two trays of runner beans - some of which are hopefully going to scramble up the sunflowers we're planting to make a 'house' for the children.
I've also put some lemon balm seeds in, but they're quite slow to get going I think, so it'll be a while before that comes through.

Rose planted out some of her sunflowers yesterday afternoon - keeping fingers crossed that they slugs don't get to them now that the rain is here. I'll be doing slug-patrol tonight I think, because she would be so disappointed if they got munched.
"Happiness is like a butterfly; the more you chase it, the more it will elude you, but if you turn your attention to other things, it will come and sit softly on your shoulder..." Thoreau.
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Re: LBF's 2013 Diary

Post by LittleBrownFrog »

Veggie patch is starting to actually look like a veggie patch now. I still have clearing to do, but am getting there, little by little, and managing to keep on top of the weeds in the bits I've cleared, so it's all good.
IMAG0871 by LittleBrownFrog, on Flickr
Still sticking to my resolution to plant something every day, which is definitely helping me to stay focused. I've actually managed to plant pretty much everything I had intended to.
My main aim for this week is to get some of the tomato plants outside - haven't had a huge amount of success with outdoor tomatoes in the past, but have enough plants this year to try for the best of both worlds. Outdoor tomatoes seem to taste so much better!
"Happiness is like a butterfly; the more you chase it, the more it will elude you, but if you turn your attention to other things, it will come and sit softly on your shoulder..." Thoreau.
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Re: LBF's 2013 Diary

Post by lancashire lass »

LittleBrownFrog wrote:My main aim for this week is to get some of the tomato plants outside

whereabouts are you? I have my Roma in pots in the cold frame outside and will probably wait a couple of weeks (while weather watching) before planting out. They don't tolerate cold so well.
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Re: LBF's 2013 Diary

Post by LittleBrownFrog »

I'm in Cornwall :-D The ones in the broken greenhouse (which has a glass roof and walls made of shade netting without any glass) seem to be fairly happy, and the spot I've earmarked for them is sheltered, so I think they'll be ok.
"Happiness is like a butterfly; the more you chase it, the more it will elude you, but if you turn your attention to other things, it will come and sit softly on your shoulder..." Thoreau.
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Re: LBF's 2013 Diary

Post by lancashire lass »

LittleBrownFrog wrote:I'm in Cornwall :-D

ah, should be fine then )t'
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