Digging stony ground?

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Digging stony ground?

Post by LittleBrownFrog »

My front vegetable patch is full of stones - I've been out there for an hour or so this evening, not really digging, but just weeding & turning over the soil, and I have a huge trug full of stones, slates, bits of broken glass etc. Do I need to get all of the stones out? So far I've just been taking out the ones that collide with the spade. Apart from interestingly-shaped root veggies, am I likely to have other problems if I leave the stones in?
I think we'll probably go down the raised bed route out there eventually, but that isn't really in the plans for this year.
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Re: Digging stony ground?

Post by Mo »

The stones may help the drainage. I would certainly leave the pebbles in, and take the boulders out.
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Re: Digging stony ground?

Post by Homemade »

Yes agree with Mo.
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