The Henpals Diary

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Re: My Diary…Gwen (the hen)

Post by KarenE »

Hello Christmassy troops! Captain Gabby here! )wav(

Well what can I say but OMG!!! That santa person is amazeballs! (That's Nugget's new word - she has been on facebok again and has been twittering the most obnoxious tweets... I couldn't even reprint them. I think those YouTube twerking videos have a lot to answer for)

Anyway, back to the main news - SANTA HAS BEEN! )x( Santa really does like chicken poo letters, because yesterday we had sardines! And they were definitely in our letter, so it must have been santa! Toffee isn't on a diet and she is still doing MASSIVE poos in our bedroom but me and Nugget reckon that the santa person has dropped off an early present and will come back with the rest. And he brought us an extra treat that we didn't even ask for - a lovely big juicy melon! It was lovely - I'm still sticking my head in it to scrape off the last bits, as Nugget and Toffee have given up. Nugget says licking the plate is beneath her as top hen, and that she has minions to do that for her. She said this just after she'd nicked a bit of melon out of my beak. Does that make me a minion?

Nugget is now really looking forward to the chicken revolution that santa will bring. I'm not sure what a chicken revolution looks like but Nugget has very high hopes, especially now she considers she has Friends in High Places.

Gwen Hen - you are wicked, not telling your sisters that santa brings treats too! {rofwl}

So we really do recommend getting off one of these letters to santa, and if anyone is short of chicken poo, we can donate lots of Toffees to the chicken santa letter cause?

On non santa related news - what a lot of purple there is flying about on this diary! We're glad that our mum hasn't made us purple yet. Wiggy, our mum has posted inappropriate pictures of Nugget moulting on the interwebs and she's right grumpy about that, so definitely don't mention it to your girls otherwise you might find the wiggly light up worm in your bed one night yike*

Glad that Georgie is feeling better. We're now calling it an egg go-slow rather than a strike. Nugget says it's a 'work to rule' although I'm not sure what the rule is. Or work, come to that. The mystery egg is still appearing every 3 days or so, I wish I knew whose it was. definitely not Toffee's though - impossible to fit another egg in the nestbox when she's laid!

Get collecting that poo girls, there's letter writing to be done! Me and Nugget have re-written ours and she's hidden it in her hole again, just to remind the santa person that there are things still outstanding. We are SO EXCITED!!! )x6(

Have a great christmas, lovely henpals and see you all when santa has been again and brought us everything we wished for!

Captain Gabby
Adoring member of the santa fan club
Christmas Dinner for All Campaign Lead
Possibly still a member of the Sisterhood Strike for Wiggy, or possibly a lapsed member...
Alpha chick to: Smudge, Matisse and Bluebell
Chief servant to Marley the cat
Remembering Weeps, Rexie, Sage, Cassie, Toffee, Captain Gabby, Commander Nugget, Ronnie, Juno, Special Poetry and Reading Casper, Tigger, Tophenanall Rembrandt, Chestnut, Tiddly, Willow, Mango, Coco, Dorian Grey and Pokey.
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Re: My Diary…Gwen (the hen)

Post by sandy »

Hello fellow members of anything?

Santa is REAL, I repeat Santa is REAL )x5(

For our breakfast we got a warm mixture of pellets(we always have to have pellets) sunflower seeds,mealworms and hentastic mixed in together. It was 5.30 am by my phone and dark but everyone was up except Deirdre and Iris who sprang into action when mum put our lights on. Santa mustv'e dropped his hat because mum was wearing it )x( . We all tucked in like the ravenous girls we are except Olive who stood under the bench hunched up looking very sorry for herself. Huh, the neighbours got a share of our breakfast too and they didn't write to Santa? Ruby reckons they left the goodies outside of our house ready for mum to feed us so good job mum came down early of Mr Seagull may have eaten it. Mum fussed about with Olive then disappeared until after lunchtime. I am not sure what lunchtime is because we never get a lunchtime but it is between our breakfast and the afternoon I think? Mum came in ignoring us starving little girls calling for Olive. Olive dutifully left her pecking post(the bag of bedding again) and came running up, mum picked her up and gave her a hug, then did that undignified thing she does sometimes and checked her bottie, gave her a kiss and put her down. Then we got a yorkshire pud put infront of us which we wasted no time leaping up to tear a piece off. Beth has certainly benefited from my role as her coach as she jumped the highest and tore off a big peice and ran off. Deirdre is certainly no slouch either she yanked away half while the rest of us just attacked what was left except Elsa who has no liking for pud, silly girl.
Well I hope you all got your pressies from Santa girls?
Nugget what revolution can we have now the santa one has been achieved?
Nite nite
Gwen X then hen(007)
We DIDN"T get any sweetcorn though!
The Pink Ladies..Audrey,Ingrid-Bergman,Madeleline,Norma-Jean,Dora,Janice,Jo,Robyn,Chrissy and Joyce
The Peds…Mork,Mindy,Bell,Saphire &
Vorky ,Blueped,Ginger,Ninger &Linky

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Re: My Diary…Gwen (the hen)

Post by lancashire lass »

)wav( Ginger Spice reporting in.

We've had some yummy food this past few days and been too stuffed to eat layers pellets. When our mam lifted the feeder of pellets to put into the store the other day, she was not very happy that we had not eaten much and yesterday she didn't give us anything nice to eat until much later {cry} So we had no option but to eat pellets instead yike* But later we got a lovely supper with some treats thrown in so we filled our crops to nearly bursting before going to bed.

I'm not sure what has happened to our run make over - I was looking forward to some new things to play with but it's gone very quiet. Mam was going to have a chicken for Christmas dinner but it would seem she invited a turkey instead. I don't know where he has been sleeping but he hasn't been to see us in the run so I can only think he's living in the big house and mam hasn't got time for us, hence plying us with food instead. I really think she should come out to see us more and take note that we are being deprived. A dedicated sand bath would be a lot more hygienic than having to scratch around in the run. So last night we wrote a letter to Santa telling him that we didn't get our Christmas present and asked him to remind our mam about it.

Apparently there's a tradition for starting a new year off with fireworks and bangers. I pretend it doesn't bother me but I don't like it when they make a loud noise when I'm asleep. Seems a silly tradition - people should eat corn instead )t'

Well, it's nearly time to get up for breakfast but I'm not looking forward to leaving the coop this morning. It's terribly windy out there and I've heard bins fall over and tree branches creaking. The good news is that I think the nasty fog has gone away so it should be a bit warmer today.

Hope everyone has a good day. Signing off,
Ginger Spice >ch<
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Re: My Diary…Gwen (the hen)

Post by KarenE »

Hello post-christmas henpals! Captain Gabby here )wav(

We hope everyone had fantastic treat filled Christmases? We found the Santa person a bit erratic to be honest, so don't get your hopes up Ginger Spice. I've heard that once he's been on Christmas day, he won't come back again till next year which is a bit disappointing as we could do with special treats and gifts all year round.

So we got the sweetcorn lollipop, which was super yummy! And tons of corn and mealworms )x6( Although Nugget now is harbouring suspicions that there is still sweetcorn in the freezer, but Toffee and I have overruled her on getting that campaign back up and running again as the idea of becoming crispy fried because of the wiggly worm scares us too much. And we've had scrambled eggs again, and sardines, corn and mealworms, and lovely melon again too so not bad BUT Santa let us down with the Christmas dinner )gr: Most disappointing that we have to chalk up that campaign as a failure!

Ginger, how rude of your mum to invite a turkey over to Christmas dinner and then not invite you girls too? And super rude of the turkey to not come and say thank you for your grand sacrifice on their behalf.

We hardly saw our mum over Christmas - in fact, we were confined to our run for the whole time as she went away yike* Most unfair and a deprivation of our liberties, as Nugget says. Now that she's back, she says she's having a turkey for New Year so these turkey things are obviously very good at blagging invitations to special meals. We must find out what their secret is!

Toffee is still not on a diet (and so the inevitable consequences of her poo is still the same). Mum tries her hardest to shovel the vast quantities out every day but does get a right earful off Nugget when she goes into our private bedrooms. I mean, we girls do need some privacy! I think Nugget still hasn't forgiven her for posting pics of her moulting on the interwebs and she's just scared in case mum posts pics of our private apartments online. We might get stalked.

So apparently we have to wish everyone a Happy New Year )hic( as this is the latest person festival. We don't care to much for this as it doesn't have a Santa, and if Ginger is right and it has bangers and fireworks then we definitely won't like it. But if it makes mum's feel good, then they might bring us more treats so - Happy New year henpals!

Captain Gabby
With no new campaigns to look forward to {cry}
Alpha chick to: Smudge, Matisse and Bluebell
Chief servant to Marley the cat
Remembering Weeps, Rexie, Sage, Cassie, Toffee, Captain Gabby, Commander Nugget, Ronnie, Juno, Special Poetry and Reading Casper, Tigger, Tophenanall Rembrandt, Chestnut, Tiddly, Willow, Mango, Coco, Dorian Grey and Pokey.
Also my lost furries Charlie and Jasper
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Re: My Diary…Gwen (the hen)

Post by lancashire lass »

Ginger Spice here - Happy New Year fellow chicken friends, and hope you all have a great year )t' Our mam didn't do anything special today but she did bring us some green things called weeds for us to eat. Well, they were green and something to toss about but later mam gave us some brussel sprout tops to chomp on which were much nicer to eat.

We are still waiting for our run make-over and so far, a few planks of wood have been put on top of our coop ready for work to begin )app( But that Mr Rat living in our run has complicated things and put work on hold ... I do wish he would go away )gr: If I ever see him, I'll peck his tail to let him know that he is not welcome here.

The other day we got the nasty tasting spray all over our bums, but both Posh and Baby also got a fresh coat of purple too. Posh was such a drama queen though but we all got a lovely treat afterwards.

Mam is back to work tomorrow so that means no more afternoon treats again {cry} Why can't she stay at home and work on our run instead? It's just not fair. Maybe we'll get some nice things to eat before she goes to work???? +f+

Oh well, better get some kip in as we all going to have to start laying eggs in earnest now that the orders have started up again.

Bye for now,
Ginger Spice >ch<
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Re: My Diary…Gwen (the hen)

Post by KarenE »

Hello troops! It's Captain Gabby here with very mixed emotions

I have to say, I am not finding this New Year thing to be very good, although on the positive side it does look like New Year has a Santa after all! )x5(
Because after the disappointment of the Christmas Dinner for All Campaign (being as how we seemed to be the only flock not to have got one) we got one today! At least, that's what Nugget said it was, as she remembered it from last year. So you see, Santa must do New Years as well as Christmases, because it was on our Christmas list and he hadn't forgotten after all!

It was incredibly delicious! )x6( We got - according to Nugget - sprouts (yum!), parsnip (yum!), roastie potatoes (double yum!) and christmas pud (mega yum!!) )x6( )x6(

So you see girls, all that campaigning worked in the end and we know it was thanks to all our henpals putting their special powers to use. Nugget says it's amazeballs what we can accomplish when we all Untie and Work Together. Or did she say Unite? I can't remember, I've had a very stressful day.

So we've figured out where the mystery egg is coming from. Me.

Granted I'd been feeling a bit weird for a couple of days but not like Nugget was when she was moulting. I am made of more stoical stuff - that's what the vet person said I was - stoical, which mum says is a very good thing. Honestly, what started out as a very good day - apart from feeling a bit squiffy underneath, if you know what i mean - ended up going from bad to worse. Hardly was my beak out of the Christmas dinner than mum whipped me away and stuck me in a BATH! Then when she'd had enough, she stuck a flippin' hair dryer on my rear end - I mean, what's that all about, henpals? She tried to bribe me to stay still and suffer this indignity with raisins and, not one to be taken in by such shallow antics, as soon as I'd scoffed them i was off!

Then, as I was calmly trying to shake the wet off my feathers, she picked me up and put me in a basket thingy and next thing I knew, I was up in the air and moving - without my feet doing it! It was tiny and reminded me of the horrible cages where I'd come from and I got a bit worried that mum was taking me back.

Instead she took me to this place where a vet person stuck - well, I just can't bring myself to describe what happened next :oops: Let's just say that Nugget says that certain cockerals who should know better would pay a fortune to see that kind of material on the interwebs. She's getting far too much into the interwebs darker side if you ask me.

Anyway, the vet person - who described me as stoical, and said I was a very good and beautiful girl (which are all massive compliments according to mum, as the vet person sees lots of chickens and things) - managed to get my egg out which had stuck inside me. It was quite a surprise to us all, especially dad who managed to catch it before it fell on the floor. So there we have it - I am the mystery egg layer.

Mum said I am still not a well girl and we have to keep an eye out in case my insides come out, which apparently isn't a good thing. I am hoping that this means tons of treats, as you should feed a cold and starve a fever (and I don't have a fever, so i should definitely feed a lot.) She says she's going to closely supervise me tomorrow and if I'm still not well, I might have to come into hospital in her house, which would make Nugget and Toffee really annoyed as they spend all their time trying to get into mum's house. If only they'd known all the had to do was not lay mystery eggs!

Have to sign off now, I am a sick girl and need to get lots of rest apparently!

Captain Gabby
Leader of the Get Well Soon campaign!
Alpha chick to: Smudge, Matisse and Bluebell
Chief servant to Marley the cat
Remembering Weeps, Rexie, Sage, Cassie, Toffee, Captain Gabby, Commander Nugget, Ronnie, Juno, Special Poetry and Reading Casper, Tigger, Tophenanall Rembrandt, Chestnut, Tiddly, Willow, Mango, Coco, Dorian Grey and Pokey.
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Re: My Diary…Gwen (the hen)

Post by sandy »

To Captain Gabby

We are all behind you in your Get Well Campaign >fi< >fi< >fi<
Sending you all our love and if we could all our treats, love you Gabs xxx
The Pink Ladies..Audrey,Ingrid-Bergman,Madeleline,Norma-Jean,Dora,Janice,Jo,Robyn,Chrissy and Joyce
The Peds…Mork,Mindy,Bell,Saphire &
Vorky ,Blueped,Ginger,Ninger &Linky

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Re: My Diary…Gwen (the hen)

Post by HenPen »

Yes we are all behind you - {hug} {hug}
Love Wiggy, Capt Ginger and the girls {hug}
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Re: My Diary…Gwen (the hen)

Post by KarenE »

Dear henpals,

Just a very short note from me (a very weary captain gabby!) to say thanks for your good wishes and full support of my Get Well Soon Campaign which is still underway. Mum isn't letting me have the ipad thingy very long as she says I am still very sick and so shouldn't be facebokking and blogging as I need to keep my strength up.

Nugget is a bit annoyed as this means she doesn't get the ipad thingy either and so she reckons me being ill is slowing down the chicken revolution as she can't mobilise support and action through her tweets and boks. I'm not sure she is really pouring her energies into revolutionary action though, I think she's watching Dr Who episodes on YouTube. She keeps saying 'You will be deleted!' in a funny voice whenever jasper shows up.

Back to me though - oooh I don't know what that vet person was doing to my inside bits but bloomin heck they don't half hurt! Mum's no better either, she keeps grabbing hold of me and twiddling with my rear end. Honestly, can't they tell I'm sore down there? Nugget and Toffee have been very good in taking care of me - Toffee has been trying to help me clean off my feathers which are very messy - this is very kind of her but sadly she lacks the finesse needed to take care of a very sensitive rear area.

Oh henpals, I do feel super grotty! I know mum is worried in case more mystery eggs are lurking away inside me, and I really don't want to be pushing another one through as I am very tired and super sore but Toffee says that you can't stop nature naturing, and eggs is nature apparently. )gr:

so please keep wishing me well, I need all the henpal support I can get at this exhausting and worrying time.

Captain Gabby
Leader of the Get Well Soon Campaign (for me!)
Alpha chick to: Smudge, Matisse and Bluebell
Chief servant to Marley the cat
Remembering Weeps, Rexie, Sage, Cassie, Toffee, Captain Gabby, Commander Nugget, Ronnie, Juno, Special Poetry and Reading Casper, Tigger, Tophenanall Rembrandt, Chestnut, Tiddly, Willow, Mango, Coco, Dorian Grey and Pokey.
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Re: My Diary…Gwen (the hen)

Post by sandy »

All our love and best wishes from all henpals on here, please let a miracle happen we feel we actually know every hen on here and regard them as our extended family {hug} Whoever is out there please look over little Gabby tonight.
The Pink Ladies..Audrey,Ingrid-Bergman,Madeleline,Norma-Jean,Dora,Janice,Jo,Robyn,Chrissy and Joyce
The Peds…Mork,Mindy,Bell,Saphire &
Vorky ,Blueped,Ginger,Ninger &Linky

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Re: My Diary…Gwen (the hen)

Post by sandy »

The campaign for our Captain Gabby to regain her strength is our only priority at this time members of the sisterhood. Lets all join with lots of >fi< >fi< >fi< for our Gabbyxxx
All our love Gwen X hen and her 10 sisters in the most important mission of solidarity yetxxxxxxxxxxxxx
The Pink Ladies..Audrey,Ingrid-Bergman,Madeleline,Norma-Jean,Dora,Janice,Jo,Robyn,Chrissy and Joyce
The Peds…Mork,Mindy,Bell,Saphire &
Vorky ,Blueped,Ginger,Ninger &Linky

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Re: My Diary…Gwen (the hen)

Post by KarenE »

Henpals, it's me Captain Gabby! )wav(

Well my goodness me, we are all well impressed by the solidarity shown to one of our ailing sisters (ie, me!). Nugget is really happy, she says it just shows how much will there is to Come Together as a Chicken Sisterhood in a great cause, even if it is just about me getting better. Of course she's going on about the chicken revolution again but I have to say she's been very good and has stopped watching Sherlock on YouTube and has been googling all the chicken medical sites instead to find out what's to be done with me.

All the positive vibes and prayers sent my way seem to be working so far, although Mum says the road to Convalescence is a long one. I don't know where Convalescence is but I just hope there isn't one of those vet persons there, as I just haven't been right since that vet scraped round my insides and pulled the mystery egg out of me. Now egging is really painful and tiring but unfortunately I don't seem to be able to stop

My advice to all henpals is to stop egging immediately as it can be very damaging to our healths. I may never be the same fleet-flooted chicken that I used to be, and I need lots and lots of sit downs through the day as walking with eggs inside me is very sore now. I even went off treats for a while - can you believe I just didn't want to eat TREATS??? yike*

Toffee and Nugget have been brilliant in my hour of need (well, week of need really) and have been waiting for me and sharing treats and everything. They even spent all day sitting with me under the trees when i couldn't walk much - isn't that lovely? {hug&kiss}

Even Teflon Toffee the Terminator is finding egging a bit much these days - she's reduced hers to one every few days and they are a bit wrinkly and a bit squidgy - so much so that she's been squishing them up in the nestbox the silly thing. Mind you, it means we get to eat them up - yum!

Nugget is staying sensible and not laying. It's coop smarts like that what make her top hen.

Anyway, enough of my ill health! What is everyone else up to? As I am incapacitated and my flock can't embark on any Campaigns or Missions for the foreseeable future, I really want to hear about my henpals' feats and plans. Plus I need the distraction for Nugget, otherwise she'll be back on the dodgy interwebs sites again.

Your ever faithful but still very sick girl
Captain Gabby
Leader of the Get Well Soon Campaign (my branch)
Avid follower of everyone else's campaigns
Alpha chick to: Smudge, Matisse and Bluebell
Chief servant to Marley the cat
Remembering Weeps, Rexie, Sage, Cassie, Toffee, Captain Gabby, Commander Nugget, Ronnie, Juno, Special Poetry and Reading Casper, Tigger, Tophenanall Rembrandt, Chestnut, Tiddly, Willow, Mango, Coco, Dorian Grey and Pokey.
Also my lost furries Charlie and Jasper
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Re: My Diary…Gwen (the hen)

Post by lancashire lass »

)wav( Ginger Spice here - so glad to hear you are hopefully on the mend Captain Gabby. Perhaps someone should tell our mam about the woes of constant egg laying - she was a bit disappointed with us this week because we were 4 eggs short of our record and had orders, but she did give us a nice bowl of warm mash with a fishy flavour in it today. Apparently it is called cod liver oil to give us a vitamin D boost. I liked it but Scary was upset that there was no actual fish in it.

This afternoon, mam came into the run and gave us some yummy treats to peck at the far end of the run while she then went on to dismantle our coop yike* She shovelled and swept all the sand and wood chips out of the coop run and put a wire mesh down on the floor to keep Mr Rattus out, some paving bricks over the top before putting the sand and chips back. I was expecting a make over but when she'd finished, it looked exactly the same :? We all helped by doing regular inspection of the work, and Posh had a poop while Scary decided to have a dust bath in the sweepings.

Later on, some gaps in the main run fence were boxed in to hopefully keep Mr Rattus bringing his family into the main run. Of course, we could have told our mam that his family had already moved in and were living inside the fence and she had blocked their exit but we much preferred getting in the way and begging for more treats. Despite us giving her our best performance, we still had to resort to eating pellets before bedtime.

We tried to keep mam company as long as we could as she seemed to want to spend more time in the run with us but after Posh told us to go to bed, we eventually had to leave. I could hear a lot of pacing back and forth in the run so maybe we are getting a surprise make over for tomorrow >fi<

I'd better sign off as Baby is getting a bit miffed with me - I think she's trying to lay an egg and I'm disturbing her concentration. Why she can't wait to lay them during the day like the rest of us I don't know.

So night night all, and everyone keep well x >ch<
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Re: My Diary…Gwen (the hen)

Post by HenPen »

Hello all, especially Captain Gabby - so glad to see you are up to writing again {hug}

Well Mum says my crowning glory, huge floppy comb is now a poor, pale little thing, and I look like a "tatty feather duster" so we have been getting fish, bran (although we are all pretty regular when it comes to poo) and sunflower seeds and lots of mealworms - and I notice I am getting more than anyone. 'Cos I am specially loved, you see.

Ginger no longer has a bare bum at all but Cupid's doesn't seem to be feathering up as much, so her botty is still on show.

It does seem a bit rough that we have to be poorly or half naked to get all the really good treats.

Sounds like you Spice Hens were very helpful to your mum, Ginger Spice. Honestly, I don't know what these humans would do without us. Hope that means those rats are no longer able to visit.

Get even weller-er Gabby, and stay well all the rest of the Henpals.
Big clucks,
Wiggy the Pasty
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Re: My Diary…Gwen (the hen)

Post by sandy »

Hello my friends its Gwen , sorry I havent been on here for a few days but I was not allowed to have my phone just because mum had a nasty cold >dum<
Gabby we are so pleased to hear from you )t' We can now understand why the stop laying campaign didn't work if you can't stop laying when your mummy actually wants you to. I had a sneak at you mum's diary(don't tell any mums) and you looked lovely as did Nugget and Toffee. We got sardines and yoghurt today, why, we are not poorly or bald? Beryl said the yoghurt looked like it was going out of date tomorrow and mum wanted to see if the Ped girls liked sardines so I reckon that was the reason. Ginger I can't understand why our mums don't put these ratties in the freezer like they did the turkeys then they wouldn't make so many holes in our run! Goodness Wiggy bran? Deirdre says that is to make you have good bowel movements, I have to say none of us including that Beth have NO trouble in that department.
Must sign off now, Ruby has been playing ping pong with the bedrooms and is in with us tonight so we are all cramped up on the little perch >dum<
Nighty night
Gwen X hen(007)
Avid supporter along with my 10 sisters and 4 Ped neighbours for the
thats All branches Gabs {hug}
The Pink Ladies..Audrey,Ingrid-Bergman,Madeleline,Norma-Jean,Dora,Janice,Jo,Robyn,Chrissy and Joyce
The Peds…Mork,Mindy,Bell,Saphire &
Vorky ,Blueped,Ginger,Ninger &Linky

Sunny Clucker was ere July 12-21 2012
Sunny Clucker was ere July 6 2016 to Sept 9th 2017
Sunny Clucker is here , rehomed Aug 18th 2018/

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