Blackbirds nesting

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Blackbirds nesting

Post by Gwenoakes »

We have had two pairs of Blackbirds nesting in the white Jasmin that is up at the side of the green netted area at the back of the house.
One pair have managed a clutch of three that have left the nest and are pottering around the garden and horse paddock, the other pair have eggs in their nest, so hopefully they will do the same.
I am quite surprised that any bird nested there tbh because the cat goes in the netted area and sits on a chair right underneath the nests and also we are continually going round every day, all day for access to the front of the house and also to the horses, so quite a busy pathway.
We did not even realise that they were there until I went to tie up the Jasmin the other week and Mum or Dad flew off one of the nests.
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Re: Blackbirds nesting

Post by Spreckly »

How lovely Gwen. I have swallows nesting above my study window, and the window yike* Also I am fairly certain a wren was nesting in the hedge a third of the way down my back garden. But the blue tits have given the nesting boxes a miss this year.
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Re: Blackbirds nesting

Post by Gwenoakes »

At the previous house we lived the Swallows were an absolute nightmare. Every year they built their nests in the barns where the horses were stabled. Clare covered everything in either towels or old bedding and even then the walls used to be plastered. We eventually ran out of old sheets/towels etc. They even managed to regularly poop on the horses.
You mentioning Wrens, Spreckly has reminded me that we have a nest in our what I call, dead plant, it is a large bronze spikey thing and they have decided to call it home.
They are funny little things as they run and hop over the ground rather than fly, so, so small though.
We have had no Blue Tits this year, in fact not seen many at all. What we do have is loads of Pigeons though cooing away.
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Re: Blackbirds nesting

Post by Spreckly »

Oh yes, the pigeons! We have a pair of ring doves, which are beautiful, but the wood pigeons!!! I have to poop pick when I take Angel down the garden.
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Re: Blackbirds nesting

Post by Mo »

Earlier on there was a bluetit going in and out of a tiny gap below the roof of the porch*. At first just a bit then every time I walked into the kitchen. I didn't see them leave the nest, but noticed some that look young but fully grown taking something off the shrubs yesterday.

I agree about the swallows. They always nest in Ruths stables, but one year they came into the garage and I couldn't put the car away for months. What a mess over all the stuff stored in it.

No idea what else is hiding away in my wilderness. I won't pry too much. There are plenty of tangled shrubs for them.

* Imagine the sloping wood at the top of the gable end (barge boards?) Because the tiles curve at the bottom there is an extra triangle of wood and on one side it has moved (as if it was hinged). They went in there.
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Re: Blackbirds nesting

Post by Gwenoakes »

It is amazing how birds can get through the smallest holes if they want to nest.
We have another family of Blackbirds, with 3 but possibly 4 babies in the nest. They must be on steroids as they have grown so much in just a few days.
We also had a flock of Starlings in the horse field and garden yesterday, but they seem to have disappeared today. They are another bird I have not seen for ages.
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Re: Blackbirds nesting

Post by Fiona71 »

I have blackbirds with a nest too. Unfortunately found a dead baby the other day , hopefully the rest will survive. I have had to patch up the hedge with cardboard and sticks and hedge cuttings to keep the local cats off them.I like the cats so it's hard shooing them away. The black birds call when there's a cat about so I go out and shoo them.
Strange thing now though is I'm sure they call me to put food out, which of course I do! Apple, raisins, apricots, seed, deluxe muesli,cat food and even a few worms I dug up but they left the plate ha.
This is the first year in 13 years I've had nesters, must be because I cut the hedge right back this year leaving easy access. X
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Re: Blackbirds nesting

Post by Freeranger »

This is the first year in 13 years I've had nesters, must be because I cut the hedge right back this year leaving easy access. X

I think the word might have got out that you're running a canteen - and staffing Security! You sound very well trained!!

I love having the swallows here, mess or not - they are a joy to watch with their aerobatics. At the bathroom sink the other day, I looked out of the dormer window, and came face to face with one of them just a few inches away. Beautiful creatures.
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