new normal '

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new normal '

Post by bikesandbirdsbob »

Hi all , I am sure that in the present times there should be a targeted thread fopr those that have / will be falling on hard times.
From peoples experiences and way through this it could be helpful for suggestions on way forward .
My suggestion is DO NOT GAMBLE as you cannot win.
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Re: new normal '

Post by JMcElroy »

My motto is to prepare as much as possible for the Deep Depression we are heading in to. Learn to be as self sufficient as possible and be mindful of leaving large sums of money in the banks incase they fail.

I am in Ireland, so may be different from the UK, but I foresee very tough times ahead over the coming years.
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Re: new normal '

Post by Gwenoakes »

I believe there is no normal anymore, prepare for the worst and hope for the best and help anyone you can along the way if you can, but be realistic.
I really feel for the ones that are starting out in life because it is going to be one heck of a rocky road from hereon in. Just my opinion.
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Re: new normal '

Post by JMcElroy »

I agree. I work in the health area, and I worry that the media has been the real virus here. Nobody dropping dead on the streets from this, and the survival is driving a car is much more risky. Personally, I have seen this coming for a long time and am familiar with Event 201 which happened last year. So I have been preparing pretty much every day for what's coming. Even at that, it won't be enough.

Very few following common sense....completely taken in by the World Economic Reset...that has been planned for the last 50 years!
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Re: new normal '

Post by Meanqueen »

JMcElroy wrote:I agree. I work in the health area, and I worry that the media has been the real virus here. Nobody dropping dead on the streets from this, and the survival is driving a car is much more risky. Personally, I have seen this coming for a long time and am familiar with Event 201 which happened last year. So I have been preparing pretty much every day for what's coming. Even at that, it won't be enough.

Very few following common sense....completely taken in by the World Economic Reset...that has been planned for the last 50 years!

This comment gives me hope that people are waking up to what is really going on. In my opinion it's all connected to so called climate change, that in itself could also be a big lie. The cashless society is part of it. We are all to be put into boxes, so the banks can gain control. It's all about control. Think Smart Meters, the utility companies can control how much gas and electricity we use. I refuse to have them. My utility bill is a month overdue, they are working from home and can't send me a printed quarterly bill, which I pay with cash. Now waiting for the supervisor to print one off and post it to me. I don't give out my bank and card details to anyone who want them.

The aim of the mainstream media is to scare everyone to death, literally. People are dying of fear. Dying from depression, suicide is up, domestic violence is up. People are not meant to be caged animals.

Common sense is the way to go. Risk assessment on a personal level is the way to go. Look at alternative media on you tube, where ordinary people on the ground are reporting what is actually going on. Stop reading and watching ITV, BBC, any mainstream news online. It's all manufactured, they decide what they want you to know, they have an agenda.

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Re: new normal '

Post by Mo »

I'm not sure that it's a big conspiracy. Yes, big business manipulates us for their own ends. How do you stop that, it's the natural result of capitalism. So what to do about it, communism doesn't work either because people manipulate that for their own ends too. Same with Christianity and any ideology.
But climate change is real, we need a big change in the way we live. But more control would be needed not less to do that, and how do you stop the wrong people getting control. I don't know.
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Re: new normal '

Post by Gwenoakes »

I personally do not think it is all about control tbh. Since time began there have been those in control and those not in control. We have and always will have leaders, whether those leaders are for their own gain or for mass gain is another topic.
If people choose to believe 'everything' they read or hear on any media platform then they are imho pretty short sighted and severely lacking in a good dollop of common sense.
It does not matter one jot how intelligent you are because if you have no common sense then you are scuppered, but once again just my opinion.
I have noticed over the last few years just how people do not think for themselves, but follow the masses, even down to the individuals I deal with in our line of work as roofers.
I believe climate control is and will be a bigger problem, but how to solve it to some degree I honestly do not know. I obviously know about the usual things like saving electricity, etc etc, but any further than that I am not sure about which way would be best to go. There would have to be control, but then there is the risk that the public would revolt for want of a better word.
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Re: new normal '

Post by Mo »

Yes Gwen.
Common sense. Yes, we need to think about what we read and how we apply it. But the world is too complicated for just common sense to protect us. So we agree to accept the rule of law. To stop people making profit by selling us things that look good or desirable but are harmful. To control actions of others that would harm us, and to put in place things that we could not fund individually but benefit us all. We need to be careful that those who we give this control to will use it wisely.
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Re: new normal '

Post by Meanqueen »

There is not a lot that we as individuals can do about the changes that are to come. It's big money that drives that. The richest people in the world have the power, but we need to open our eyes and not follow blindly where it takes us. There is a saying that you can't change people, but you can change how you deal with them.

There are people working behind the scenes to get the real truth out there. Knowledge is power, bury your head in the sand and you become a frightened sheep. Go onto uuuuutoooob and watch and learn.

Changing your own attitude is the key. Become aware, and make your own plan. You can't stop the wrong people from getting control, unless you band together in a movement, but you can decide how much of yourself you want to give away. How much control do you want over your own life?

I am holding out for a printed paper bill for my utilities. The information on their web site says that option is still valid. I will pay cash wherever I can, because that can't be traced. Al didly still takes cash, so that's where I will shop. I won't have a smart phone because that tracks your every movement. They are pushing track and trace, pushing masks, what next? Enforced vaccination, because that's the way it's heading. Mr Gates is pushing for that.


PS, it took me so long to type this, two of you have beaten me to it. I will add this to the mix. It's good to have a conversation going about it.
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Re: new normal '

Post by Meanqueen »

Gwen, I think people will revolt, Already there are those who are waking up, those who are getting it. You mention climate control/ global warming. There is only one way to stop that. Less people, get rid of whole nations. Sounds like the stuff of Star Wars, but with merging computers and humans, producing robots, computer chips being embedded into humans, it's not totally impossible. You can already have a chip inserted into your hand which activates your front door lock, no key needed.

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Re: new normal '

Post by Mo »

Meanqueen wrote: Less people, get rid of whole nations.


Not sure that would solve it. rather depends which nations, and I can guess who'd think they have a right to survive, the same nations that consume the most now.
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Re: new normal '

Post by JMcElroy »

Track and Trace, Mandatory Testing, Mandatory Digital Microchip inserted (transhumanism), Digital currency, One World Government, UBI etc - appears to me to be pretty controlling. Rotschild, Rockefellers etc own all central banks, and the world is heading in to trillions of debt by the week which will need to be paid back. All for a "virus" with a survival rate of 99.9%.

Event 201 (the whole 6 hours is available online), shows us this has been planned for 50 years and the finer details put in to place last year at this event. They have already announced separating families in to quarantine units in New Zealand..for a virus with 99.9% survival rate. Driving a car/leaving home is much more of a risk than this!

Climate change is going to have everyone taxed for their water usage (Ireland is an island, so hard to believe we would need to ration water). Milankovitch cycles are part of history. Plus electricity, gas, oil will be rationed.

Smart Metres have huge health consequences too.

The testing they are using are not valid tests, the PCR is a magnification tool, not a test. Antibody testing is possibly one of the most inaccurate tests they could use. Huge false/positive rate - a scientist working in this area was just confirming this with me this morning.

I have a big interest in economics/investing, so watching this unfold has been a real eye opener. Using cash rather than card is a pretty wise move. Support small businesses where at all possible.

Opening the mind to the world being very different to what we always thought it was, is also important in my view. Questioning everything and switching off the TV/radio makes a huge difference, as the real virus has come from there. I own neither. ;-)

Using our common sense to see that people are not falling down dead around us from this deadly killer virus - and that mental health has been impacted far worse than the impact of this so called virus.
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Re: new normal '

Post by Gwenoakes »

I was talking to someone on the phone after posting my two penny worth and she is adamant that there will be compulsory vaccine for this virus and with that will go chips under the skin and we will be blissfully unaware.
I can understand where this thought could have come from, but not too sure as yet whether I believe it will happen. Part of me thinks it 'could' and the other part thinks no, they would not do that.
Anyone else thought along these lines?
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Re: new normal '

Post by JMcElroy »

It will definitely, definitely happen. The muzzles (masks) will be replaced by the vaccine. No vaccine - zero integration in to society. No shops, no driving licence, no travel etc etc.

They have been planning this microchip for many years and they trialled his in Dublin a couple of years back.

They have made the vaccine mandatory in Australia. No removal of the muzzle until we make everyone "safe" and replace it with the vaccine. In ireland, we have Prof Luke O'Neill heavily pushing masks, as he has millions invested in vaccine companies. As usual, control and corruption are behind all this. China today is the West tomorrow. Social scoring soon to be a part of it, and snitching neighbours everywhere. Google, youtube and all social media have up'd their censorship within the last few months. Anyone speaking out about this is being pulled.

Just look at ID2020...this is the chip. My friend works for the company.

Kill Bill (Bill Gates) is the money behind this...and behind him is the 1% (central banks, Rotschild, Rockefellers etc)
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Re: new normal '

Post by bikesandbirdsbob »

Hi interesting views .
6 people have been involved here . Would not say that was a fair coverage of the new normal .
My mind tells me that we will be paying the bill for many years to come .
People will have to get smart to survive well .
Wealth is not a crime .
Cash from banks and into banks is questioned . I know because I take 1000 pounds out at a time in the holes in the walls , as not allowed to keep money as a compulsive gambler .try paying 1,000`s pounds into a bank and you are asked why / where the money came from , try taking it out , notice needed and reasons for it .
I was thinking of how people will change to bartering ie eggs for bread etc.
Cities are becoming empty and open spaces are in high demand .
Work is going to be hard to get as many people will be out there looking know.

Plenty of other things like social mixing .

So will we become a nation of getting someone to do jobs cheap but not proper .
dangerous situation .

People not paying rent to people who have their pension , life savings and income from them . They still have to pay bills and maybe mortgages etc.

WE WILL SURVIVE just look at the countries that are third world and how they live . May not be the same as the past .
New cars are being sold fast as they can be obtained by dealers , so somebody out there has money / credit .
Working from home must be saving the train fairs etc so they now have more spare cash .
Also people have started taking pay cuts to keep working so they have less money to spend .

This is new normal .
poor will stay poor , rich will be comfortable and the ones in the middle will survive .

I think the bottom line will be more crime as people start to do things they would not normally do to live.

that maybe where the police / state control comes in as they people that have try and stop those that don't have it from taking it from them.

All you can do is go with the flow and avoid the punches and get up from those you don't .

On less people in the world I tend to agree , but then why not us that disappear . I am sure other countries are not going to volunteer to do it .

Does this mean another WAR is due .
I certainly hope not but as 60 plus not likely to be up the front line if there is one.

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