Well as usual this year we have had mole hills appearing all over the field and tunnels passing under and through many of the vegetable beds but we live with them. The cats catch a few as they wait patiently by the mole hills before they pounce but.......now they have started coming through to the garden area (well it is a mud pit at present but it will be the garden area in due course, around 2030 the way things are going ).
The dogs dig into the mole hills sending mud everywhere, the birds scratch at them when they are turned out to the field in the morning making things worse and the cats, well they do what cats do in freshly turned up soil!
I like moles, they are fascinating creatures so I do not want to trap them, the solution? Strangely enough, a semi crushed garlic clove pushed into their hole. One in each of the mole hills and they have (so far) retreated back to the field. Coincidence? Maybe, maybe not, but I am glad we had a bumper garlic crop this year.