Yet again - Broiler Chickens

Recipes, Cooking tips and maybe some 'Home Made' secrets !
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Post by fenlander »

Yes Richard your right you can i did yesterday with chickens and cold meats sold on the deli. BOTH FROM FRANCE!!
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Post by manda »

We have cows...we did have 4 and now there are 3. No 4 now resides in the freezer :?
Anyway I thought that I would feel awful about it as I had never done anything like this in the UK (to be honest I never thought that we would ever be living the life we lead).... I didn't.

We had ours homekilled (it is very common in NZ and I guess the same in OZ??) ... and I have to say that it has given me a completely different attitude to meat. I remain a meat eater but I think I have a new found HUGE respect for the 'end product' and what I do with it and I am much less wastelful than I am ashamed to say I was before.
I also feel that the fact that home reared cows have a very serene life poddling around and have no stress prior to the deed being done means that they have been treated so much better than the poor unfortuantes that end up in the slaugher house. As a result the meat really does taste completely different, I could never have imagined it but it does (I am sorry to any vegetarians out there). Without going into any detail when they are killed at home they have no idea because they are just doing what they do everyday.
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Post by Mo »

The New scientist had an article recently.
"Meat is mur.der on the environment 18 July 2007

A kilogram of beef is responsible for more greenhouse gas emissions and other pollution than driving for 3 hours while leaving all the lights on back home."

Makes you think. I wouldn't want to go without entirely, and if you eat dairy products the male animals would be wasted if no-one ate any meat at all. But I'm sure we could eat a lot less.
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Post by manda »

It's definitely food for thought (no pun intended), perhaps the powers that be should take a look at the food producers, in addition to the manufacturing industries, when they are examining who is contributing to global warming eh?

I think that from our family's point of view, although we remain meat eaters, rearing our own has definitely reduced our meat intake.
We eat fish when my husband catches it, which is fortunately pretty regularly ~ the fresh sea fish he has caught is good quality and you can only eat trout that you have caught in's illegal to sell it. (so a warning to any trout lovers out there thinking of emigrating to NZ ...take up fly fishing first!!).
My hubby is looking at Lamb's the start of lambing season here at the mo...I have to say I am struggling with it at the moment :?.
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Post by wendy »

I have said before, I am not entirely vegetarian. All that we eat at home is fish or veggie. If we go out to friends, or sometimes in restaurants, we will eat meat. The reason is I feel we eat too much meat than is good for us.

I do take your point about the male animals. My friends has a rescue centre and has the most gorgeous male Buff Orpington for re homing. I would have him in a flash, but cannot keep him because of his crow. When I asked my vet if you could de-crow a cockerel like you can de-bark a dog. He said both were illegal, which I can quite understand, and I feel is cruel really. But when you weigh up that so many male Chickens are killed simply becuase of their noise. Surely the end justifies the means in this case? I am sure all of us would have a male as well if we could.

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Post by morph »

The world we live in eh!

I (thankfully for me) went veggie about 3 years ago, and don't regret it for a second.

Animal welfare has been "up and coming" since then, but it's difficult to know who to trust, and more imporantly who is telling the truth.........

With regards to families - well I don't have one, and my hubby cooks his own meals, as I cook mine. We cook separate meals but eat together. Odd you may say, but we've never cooked each others food (only for special ocassions), as we've always been quite different. He's a meat and 2 veg carnivore, but eats more meat from farm shops. He still eats chicken, and I have no issue whatsoever - each to their own - as long as it's from a humanely reared environment - but who knows where it's from now????

Suffice it to say, that's the reason I gave it up, so don't have to worry that I'm eating some poor beaten squashed in a cage animal - phew!!! Glad to have gotton rid of that guilt!!!

Point is - I'm terrified of spiders and now can't even kill them because I feel guilty - let's hope I don't feel like that about red mite or fleas - haha!
Small steps lead to big changes
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