The Henpals Diary

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Re: My Diary…Gwen (the hen)

Post by KarenE »

Henpals! It's me, Captain Gabby )wav(

Well it's taken us all a few days to get over the shock of getting up only to find the yummy delicious grass had gone all white and crispy and cold! We worried at first that it had been got by the wiggly killer light up worm thingy but Nugget (who is wiser than me and Toffee because she is more experienced, cos of her more advanced years) said it's because of Chick Frost. Apparently he shows up in the winter and paints all the grass and trees and things until they go crispy and white. I must say it seems an awful lot of trouble to go to just for a visual effect, but each to their own I suppose.

Anyway, we weren't impressed. We got even less impressed when Nugget said winter gets worse, and all this fluffy white really really cold stuff covers everything and stays for ages! I got quite worried about this - I mean, I need lots of sit downs now that I am a Very Sick Girl but I might get covered by the white fluffly cold stuff and never be found again!

And - oooh, I only just thought about this! How will we find our treats if they are covered by fluffly stuff? yike*

This is no good henpals! We must resist the invasion of white fluffly stuff! We must get our plans for resistance ready. Calling all members of the SIC to active duty!!!

And now, onto other news...

Mum's enforced rest regime (which is authoritarian and typical of the ruling elite, Nugget says) seems to be doing the trick and i am feeling much better lately. Today I was almost back to my old self, even though I am a Very Sick Girl. Wiggy - I can definitely recommend being a Very Sick Girl as it means tons of special treats and cuddles and allsorts of lovely things. (And by the way Wiggy, your mum is quite wrong about your crowning glory - its not your comb, it's your gorgeous HAIR!)

Even Nugget had a go at being a Sick Girl today (she isn't as sick as me though, I am Very Sick) and spent most of the time sitting on mum's knee. She is such a wimp when she gets sick - not stoical like what I am.

Mind you Wiggy - bran?? What's that all about? Like any of us need help to be regular!!!

Talking about delicious treats, we had massive wiggly worms that didn't wiggle today - yum!! )eat( They were super lovely, although difficult to eat in a ladylike way. I sucked one right up through my beak! Dad called it spaghetti which must be human for wiggly worms. Does that mean the big killer light up wiggly worm is a spaghetti too?

Egging has all gone to pot here lately. Even Toffee has realised the dangers of egging and has slowed down tremendously, claiming that nobody is as interested in her health than she is. So due to the severe damage that egging can cause and remembering the success of the Santa letter writing campaign, I propose an intensive letter writing campaign. Nugget has written a letter, in Toffee's poo, and is suggesting that all henpals use this as a template to write to their mums as well as to Facebok, their MPs, Chicken Monthly and anyone else who can spread the word. I've had a look at it and - well, it's a bit... well, threatening to be honest. And very badly spelled. I'm not sure we can use it, but I haven't the heart to tell her. If any henpals have a better template letter, please post so we can get the letter writing campaign off the ground!

I have to go now - Nugget wants to watch Great British Bake Off for Sport Relief on the ipad thingy. She has a soft spot for Paul Hollywood.

Signing off for the evening

Captain Gabby
Leader of the Chickens Against Egging Campaign
Say No To The White Fluffly Stuff!
Alpha chick to: Smudge, Matisse and Bluebell
Chief servant to Marley the cat
Remembering Weeps, Rexie, Sage, Cassie, Toffee, Captain Gabby, Commander Nugget, Ronnie, Juno, Special Poetry and Reading Casper, Tigger, Tophenanall Rembrandt, Chestnut, Tiddly, Willow, Mango, Coco, Dorian Grey and Pokey.
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Re: My Diary…Gwen (the hen)

Post by sandy »

Hello Gwen here )wav(
Big hello to Gabby {hug&kiss} so glad you are getting better henpal )t'
I have discussed with Deirdre and Beryl about the egging campaign last night and as Deirdre has pointed out it is a very big issue we all had a meeting today and included the Ped girls who are well close to us. So close they protest when we get treats so mum shares OUR treats with THEM, cheek. The non laying is a very dangerous situation for the Ped girls as they will be joined by other girls and there is no partition, of course as Olive pointed out it wont be the Ped girls who will suffer! They are on a total strike this week as mum has had to put our eggs in their egg skelter although Olive and Beryl should be offering their eggs up as mum snuck them off another neighbour when he wanted to rehome them. So we are in a quandary(big word from Deirdre) we don't want any fellow henpal to lay when it hurts and makes them sickly but we don't know if stopping will help us either? Janet never wants to stop after her 2 egg incident(we call her Janet 2 eggs now) but I know the lovely sister Elsie went over a bridge painted with lots of colours because of egging.
Mum came down with some treats today, well green stuff but it was surprisingly tasty, it was very hard to peck off a piece without getting a huge choking mouthful so mum held out two bunches and we tore bits off. Mum was muttering again she should get some gondolas(cheese?) Olive said the Titanic may be more suitable, Deirdre filled us in and pointed out to Olive what happened to the Titanic!
On the bedroom front mum has put straw in the bedrooms I think she thinks it looks rustic when we lay our eggs there? Ruby has been playing swap the beds and coming in with us every other night which is a pain as we are really squashed on the wooden perch mum had made. I have been hanging around with Janet a lot, we look very alike but she can bok although I don't hold that against her as she is a gentle girl as of course very pretty as she looks like me.
Wiggy hope you are better too girlie I think mum is so blase about the rain and ratties because we are all acting like we are in training.
So girls we will definetely join in with the egging campaign but we don't feel confident enough to compile a template.
I will sign off for now
Gwen X the hen (007)
Still campaigning for full fitness to GABBY and WIGGY and anything else you want us to.
Hi this is Deirdre I expect you can tell I dictated most of this for Gwen(too little for big words) as you know I am in the SIC, please communicate our plan of action fellow SICS
The Pink Ladies..Audrey,Ingrid-Bergman,Madeleline,Norma-Jean,Dora,Janice,Jo,Robyn,Chrissy and Joyce
The Peds…Mork,Mindy,Bell,Saphire &
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Re: My Diary…Gwen (the hen)

Post by sandy »

Hello its Gwennie >dum<

I totally forgot about the white stuff campaign, I am very unsure if we can join it? Mum keeps saying I much rather have the snow and ice that this darn rain. We had the white stuff when I came to live with mum, she put straw in a nice little house and put on a nice warm radiator to keep us snug as we were rather bald so I don't know why she wants the white stuff back again?
We had spuds again today, had to share them of course even though the Ped's daddy came home last night. Beryl likes to play on my phone (she is a bit too bolshy to write on here, she scared Pat away :oops: ) so she know who The Chuckle Brothers are! She said Iris, Deirdre and Olive were playing at being The Chuckle Brothers today (again). Iris went for a spud, Olive pecked her away, Deirdre then pecked Olive away then Iris pecked Deirdre away. Beryl says they were doing a 'to me, to you, to me to you!
We are having to walk through the puddles at the moment, I don't mind walking through the mud as Beryl says it is good for our skin and we should have a mud face pack, hmm I am sure I can help the ugly Beth with that, I could shove her head in the mud and get away by saying I was helping her complexion? Anyhow, the ouddles have lost their stones because mum has made an Inca tower where Mr Roland is coming through. Beryl has said it may not be Roland it could be either Ratty,Rizzo or Rat in a Hat, whichever one it is I wish they would pack their bags as they are upsetting mum and we need her for TREATS
Hope Gabs and Wigs are doing fine?
Gwen X the hen (007)
(Yes I did it myself tonight, Dee says where are you SIC? she needs a secret assignment)
The Pink Ladies..Audrey,Ingrid-Bergman,Madeleline,Norma-Jean,Dora,Janice,Jo,Robyn,Chrissy and Joyce
The Peds…Mork,Mindy,Bell,Saphire &
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Re: My Diary…Gwen (the hen)

Post by KarenE »

Hello henpals! Captain Gabby here )wav(

Oooh Gwen X Hen, we had potatoes too today! But me and Nugget ignored them - last time I dipped my beak into a spud, I was whipped straight off to the vets - no way Nugget and I are falling for THAT trick again! Toffee though has the memory of a gnat and got stuck in regardless of the awful repercussions, silly girl.

We had a lovely day today in the garden with mum, who said she'd come out to do some gardening but really couldn't do much as Nugget spent the whole day sitting on her knee or following her around begging to sit on her knee. It was nice having mum out but unfortunately she says I have now been rumbled and has taken me off the Very Sick Girl list )gr: I think it was all the dustbathing yesterday that gave me away. Mum says I am now almost back to normal and am now just a Bit Of A Sick Girl.

Now, about the white fluffly cold stuff - Nugget has remembered that it is very good to eat, which has got us all super excited, so we are abandoning the campaign - repeat, Campaign Say No To The White Fluffly Stuff is a no-go! Henpals are advised to put their considerable talents to identifying other missions and campaigns instead. Obviously campaigns to get rid of ratties would seem to be most urgent, as well as the Get Well Soon for Wiggy campaign.

And as for egging - well, I am being a super good girl and am egging again. I must admit I do feel better, not to mention vastly superior as i am now the only one in my flock who is paying her way, even if the eggs are a bit squiffy sometimes. Even Teflon Toffee has packed it in for the winter, which is a right old cheek. Nugget said she doesn't need to make eggs, as she is top hen and has minions to do that for her. Does that make me a minion? So perhaps this means the No Egging campaign is a bust too?

Perhaps our new campaign should be the 'Give Beth A Mudpack' campaign? :-D

Nighty-night henpals, sleep tight and don't let the Toffees bite!

Captain Gabby
Active participant in the Get Well Soon for Wiggy campaign
Avid supporter of the Give Beth A Mudpack campaign
Alpha chick to: Smudge, Matisse and Bluebell
Chief servant to Marley the cat
Remembering Weeps, Rexie, Sage, Cassie, Toffee, Captain Gabby, Commander Nugget, Ronnie, Juno, Special Poetry and Reading Casper, Tigger, Tophenanall Rembrandt, Chestnut, Tiddly, Willow, Mango, Coco, Dorian Grey and Pokey.
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Re: My Diary…Gwen (the hen)

Post by HenPen »

Hi all,

Lovely that things are getting back to normal for the Henpals. You had us pretty worried there for a bit, Gabby.

I am feeling a lot more perky now although Dad was in the garden a lot yesterday with the wheely barrow and that did surprise me into doing the Wiggy Dance - which is mostly running with a few circles and some flapping thrown in. I can teach you if you like. Very useful for surprising situations. I throw in the odd PKAAAAAA for good measure and I find everyone really appreciates it.

I wonder if I will have to wait until the spring for my comb to regain its former gloriousness. But thank you for the hair compliment, Gabs. That, at least, is still there +f+ . I don't think I can be classed as poorly anymore, so I think your campaign worked - thank you.

I have never, never seen this edible white stuff you are talking about. So it's everywhere? And it is ALL edible? This sounds like a big plus. Although we are all a bit doubtful about the crunchy white stuff from Chick Frost.

Sounds like, with all the potatoes and whatnot, you girls are all getting some fantastic treats and I am a bit envy}} . We had good fun with a huge tomato yesterday and the sunflower seeds are still coming )eat( . And Cupid says the good thing about all this rain is the wormies keep coming up to the surface. Of course, Cupid is so fast nobody else gets a look in, but she is pretty full up with wormies at the moment (not the poo wormies, just the big pink ones).

Keep well, Henpals and don't overdo the egging. Personally, I have forgotten all about egging, but the other girls are still egging almost every day. Ah well, it takes all sorts!

Big clucks,
Wiggy Wiggleton Wigglesworth Woo xx
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Re: My Diary…Gwen (the hen)

Post by sandy »

Hello, Gwen here )wav(
Now I don't mind being called Gwennie but mum called me Gwensie this morning, no didn't like that at all. I am so glad you have been demoted from being a Very Sick Girl Gabby, Wiggy were you a Sick Girl? Nice to read you are both now feeling better )t' I don't know what a Quiet Girl is, but mum has been saying to Janet Two Eggs 'you are very quiet today' for nearly a week now. She has been holding back at breakfast time from the stampede and standing about with her eyes closed. I decided I wouldn't pretend to be a Quiet Girl as it involved being picked up and having your crop rubbed, put down then picked up again so you were facing backwards and having your dignity compromised! However yesterday morning it also involved being taken into the office on your own and having the door shut in our faces then having TREATS! Deirdre had jumped up on the tree trunk and could see through the window, Janet Two Egg was eating mealworms on the table. This happened again today PLUS Martha-Joans was taken in after Janet Two Eggs. I decided I could put up with the inspection front and bottom if it meant having mealworms so I thought I would pretend to be a quiet girl. Mum came down before lunchtime(still not sure what that exactly is?) and did another check on Janet and MJ. I forgot to mention when she does this she also gives either Olive or Beryl a feel as well even if they are not being Quiet Girls? Deirdre reckons she is comparing them as Olive and Beryl are two girls who aren't bothered when mum scoops them up. My plan failed as Beth and Elsa got all excited convinced mum was carrying some goodies so of course I had to push by the little upstarts. I decided if I wore myself out when mum was away I would get tired and then it would be easier to become a Quiet Girl, I could attempt to give Beth her mudpack at the same time. Well mum has just been down with 3 yellow little towers, she pushed by us and sat on the bench and held them out. OMG they had SWEETCORN totally covering them so Quiet Girl faking went right out the window! Mum seemed very happy Janet Two Eggs and Martha-Joans were tucking in, infact Janet actually pushed our leader Iris out of the way
yike* Then mum opened up our garden area which means as there are more places to round around(in circles) Beth is going to get away too easily so I have decided I would like to exert myself with the Wiggy Dance…so Wiggy,Wigwigs,Wigsworth you will have to tell us the steps.
Deirdre is wanting to know who is in the Supreme Indispensible Corp(I reckon that should be Stupid Indecisive) as you need a meeting, she thinks it maybe a Ginger and Toffee or Nugget.
I am off for a preen now
Gwen X the hen (007)
Supporter of the Get well/glad you are well campaign(always)
The White Stuff
Forever Treats
Beth will know her place
on going campaigns
The Pink Ladies..Audrey,Ingrid-Bergman,Madeleline,Norma-Jean,Dora,Janice,Jo,Robyn,Chrissy and Joyce
The Peds…Mork,Mindy,Bell,Saphire &
Vorky ,Blueped,Ginger,Ninger &Linky

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Re: My Diary…Gwen (the hen)

Post by sandy »

Hello its Gwen(NOT Gwensie) )wav(
Henpals, I think SANTA is back! )x( We were enjoying the sunshine, preening and bathing(in our rubbery thing as everywhere else is super wet) when it went dark. And then out of the sky came great big circles of white stuff! We hid under the roof except of course bold Deirdre and silly Beth until the noise had stopped. When it wasn't dark anymore there were loads of round white jewels that were delicious. We absolutely loved them and a lot of pushing and shoving happened as we all wanted to eat them. Mum went out with some of our bowls and filled them up with more white jewels, yum yum. Beryl said Santa brings white stuff( he mustv'e come last March when I came then) and he has come early, again? I am getting confused? It wasn't like the white stuff before so there must be lots of different white stuff? Anyway we loved it )eat(
We were lucky mum pandered to us because we only laid 2 eggs today, we did lay 8 yesterday and mum says they are fighting over our eggs now at the place she goes when she totally abandons us for the day!
Hope you are all well henpals
Back to munching
Gwen the hen(007)
The Pink Ladies..Audrey,Ingrid-Bergman,Madeleline,Norma-Jean,Dora,Janice,Jo,Robyn,Chrissy and Joyce
The Peds…Mork,Mindy,Bell,Saphire &
Vorky ,Blueped,Ginger,Ninger &Linky

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Re: My Diary…Gwen (the hen)

Post by KarenE »

Hello henpals, Captain Gabby here sending dispatches from the trenches )wav(

It might as well be trenches, with all the mud and yuk around - mainly Toffee's yuk though, she does produce A LOT of substance, even all this rain we've been having isn't enough to wash it away! Mum put some nice clean wood chips in our run today so our little feets don't get wet and cold (I think it's because we keep leaving little foot prints all over her legs) although we all think that the mudpacks have done wonders for our complexions.

Gwen - we are soooo jealous of you eating your white jewels! Were they like white sweetcorn? All we had today was scary clap noises, big lights across the sky and then all this really sharp hard rain that hurt when it landed on us! We complained to mum and dad when they came out to see what we were doing but it made no difference, the pointy white stuff carried on coming. We didn't taste it though as it wasn't the nice white fluffly stuff that Nugget told us about. Honestly, mum and dad should take better care of us and not allow sharp pointy rain to land on our heads!

I am officially off the Sick Girl list now, I am sorry to say henpals {cry} . Mum says I am not sick any more (I was though, Very Sick!) and am now moulting! I woke up a few days ago in a cloud of feathers and thought 'what's going on - who's are these?'. Then I looked down and thought 'Oh. Ah.' Cor blimey though henpals, moulting doesn't half take it out of you - I can understand now why Nugget was so grumpy.

Nugget isn't very well again - we think it's because she's an Old Woman. Mum has put her on the Sick Girl list. The advantage though of me moulting and Nugget being sick is that mum is giving us loads of protein boosting treats like mealworms and sardines and eggs.

Toffee has learned how to perch and spends loads of time up in her bush. She says she's learning camouflage for when the chicken revolution comes, but me and Nugget haven't the heart to tell her she sticks out like a sore beak.. As if nobody can see a MASSIVE Toffee sitting in a tiny bush!

Have to go now henpals, Nugget wants to watch Call The Midwife on the ipad thingy.

Big boks

Captain Gabby
Alpha chick to: Smudge, Matisse and Bluebell
Chief servant to Marley the cat
Remembering Weeps, Rexie, Sage, Cassie, Toffee, Captain Gabby, Commander Nugget, Ronnie, Juno, Special Poetry and Reading Casper, Tigger, Tophenanall Rembrandt, Chestnut, Tiddly, Willow, Mango, Coco, Dorian Grey and Pokey.
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Re: My Diary…Gwen (the hen)

Post by lancashire lass »

)wav( Hi Gabby and Gwen and all other henpals - Ginger Spice reporting in. I'm so glad you are not a Very Sick Girl any more Gabby. We are still too young for moulting, but if it comes with extra treats, at least there is a plus to it.

We also got lots of bright lights and noises - when the sharp pointy rain started to hit the roof on our run, we were very frightened that the sky was falling down. And lots of rain started driving into our run which we've never had before and it was so scary {cry} We went quiet hoping it would quickly go away. Our mam came down later with dried mealworms and some corn to make us feel better.

Not a lot has happened since mam made a start on our run. She put this big stone tube in the run to stop us scratching the cherry tree roots up, darn it, but we like to jump on the tube and pretend to be kings of the castle. She even put this other contraption next to it and now it is a lot easier to jump up to the pallet shelf and get to my private high rise run. Thankfully the others are too fat to get up here yet.

And we seem to be getting lots of treats too, but none of us are sick. Sardines in tomato sauce, dried mealworms, lots of chickweed and some cabbage, and pumpkin with seeds, sultanas (these are really yummy, better than raisins), some lettuce and sunflower seeds with corn, and oh yes, some sweetcorn from a tin. Even warm mash with fishy flavouring too. Not sure why but mam seemed worried about us and our egg laying - she didn't really expect us to lay an egg every single day, did she? Scary as usual pigged out but with the big stone tube in the way, she can't rush around the run and eat our rations as well.

Anyway, we decided to surprise mam this morning and laid our eggs before she came down to let us out - we usually wait until she goes away for the day and then has to open the nest box in the dark. Scary decided to play a trick on her and laid another egg - how she managed to lay 2 eggs in a day I don't know. She must be some sort of mutant chicken which might explain why she is so mean to us all the time.

Gotta go now - everyone is complaining about my tweeting and want to get some sleep. How they manage to do that while the world is coming to an end outside I don't know.

Bye for now, Ginger Spice signing out >ch<
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Re: My Diary…Gwen (the hen)

Post by sandy »

I am not posting tonight as super tired but had a peek at my mum's diary(ssh) and she posted a photo of Beth as 0010, NO NO NO mum she is 0011. Is my mum trying to put a jinx on us? See you all tomorrow night I hope
Luv Gwen the hen 007
>fi< >fi< >fi< for Nugget
The Pink Ladies..Audrey,Ingrid-Bergman,Madeleline,Norma-Jean,Dora,Janice,Jo,Robyn,Chrissy and Joyce
The Peds…Mork,Mindy,Bell,Saphire &
Vorky ,Blueped,Ginger,Ninger &Linky

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Re: My Diary…Gwen (the hen)

Post by sandy »

Hi Gwen here )wav(

Mum has not given me my phone until tonight, I ask you.I have a bedroom buddy and she wants to speak to MY henpals so I have reluctantly let her post on my diary, if we argue we will stir up the others and for the first time we have 7 of us in the cube!

Hello Gwen's friends, Janet Two Eggs speaking )wav(
I think Gwen has told you mum has been calling me a Quiet Girl? Well I was very Quiet yesterday so I was hoping I would be whisked away for some mealworms all to myself, to be truthful I was all. I didn't get any mealworms but I did get taken into the office on my own while mum put on her glasses and started fiddling about with my comb, she was making tutting noises and after a lot of touching and rubbing of my comb I was sure I would get some treats! No , nothing I was taken outside and out down and watched. I wasn't terribly hungry so i walked away from the breakfast bowls which caused more tutting from mum. Later in the day(Gwen says after dinnertime but she and I don't know what dinnertime is) mum came in with a basket. I recognized it from when I was in a lot of pain and couldnt lay my two eggs, I wondered who was going to have a trip to in the moving house to the very bright room. I am very wary of mum picking me up I like to keep her fit so i make sure I run away. I was sat on a pole and she went by me totally ignoring me but she was cheating because she suddenly turned around and I was in the air then in the basket! I was pleased to see the nice man who helped me with my eggs was seeing to me. He had a good feel around and put a cold metal thing on me. Mum was saying she was worried about my comb but he said there were no problems with my chest. Then horrors I had two injections, I stood very still hoping he would miss me and put the needles in mum's fingers as she was holding me! I have to say they didn't really hurt but by the time I got home I was worn out. Within an hour I went to bed! This morning I felt brilliant and tonight I decided to venture into the pink princess home. Mum checked where I was and said the vet must have given me a red bull! Deirdre said she hoped not because it would take up too much room and it definetely couldn't sleep in the cottage or cube. Beryl googled red bull but we didn;t understand , it said red bull gives you wings and we already have wings >coc< I hope I am brave enough to sleep in with Gwen again tomorrow so I can do a proper blog! Gwen has dozed off now so I look forward to hearing from her henpals
Nighty night
campaigning for whatever Gwen says we are
Janet Two Eggs (008)
The Pink Ladies..Audrey,Ingrid-Bergman,Madeleline,Norma-Jean,Dora,Janice,Jo,Robyn,Chrissy and Joyce
The Peds…Mork,Mindy,Bell,Saphire &
Vorky ,Blueped,Ginger,Ninger &Linky

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Re: My Diary…Gwen (the hen)

Post by KarenE »

Hello henpals, including Janet Two Eggs, it's me Captain Gabby! )wav(

It's lovely to meet one of Gwen's roomies although we're all very sorry to hear you've had a trip to that awful vet person. Yours sounds quite nice really. Not as awful as ours, who.. well, I still can't bring myself to describe it, it's scarred me for life. I'm not laying again if I can help it, put it that way - and that was only one egg, Janet Two Eggs!

Mum has been moaning a fair bit recently because we've all stopped laying eggs. She's threatening to buy some, which doesn't sound too bad to us - why doesn't she do that all the time? She really should pay closer attention to our healths and she obviously didn't read Nugget's letter regarding the 'Say No To Egging' campaign which would've given fair warning (if she could've made sense of the awful grammar and spelling) of our lack of production.

Me and Toffee are still moulting and Nugget is still being an Old Woman. "Ooh me hip, me arthritis, I'm three and a half yer know!" Honestly, next she'll be going on about thrippeny bits and days before ipad thingys and god knows what else.

Moving onto the subject of important nutritional treats, because of us all moulting and Nugget being on the Old Woman list, we have been getting tons of mealworms this week as Nugget has really taken a fancy to them even more than usual. Mum and dad have also slipped us the occasional bit of bread, mainly to make sure Nugget is eating, and today we even had a bit of fruit cake! )eat(

I am feeling much better these days even if i am living in a permanent cloud of my own feathers, and i hardly do sit downs at all now which is just as well as our garden has turned into a pond. Toffee says if it carries on raining we'll have to grow our beaks and become ducks.

Captain Gabby signing off for the night
Still Saying No To Egging
Alpha chick to: Smudge, Matisse and Bluebell
Chief servant to Marley the cat
Remembering Weeps, Rexie, Sage, Cassie, Toffee, Captain Gabby, Commander Nugget, Ronnie, Juno, Special Poetry and Reading Casper, Tigger, Tophenanall Rembrandt, Chestnut, Tiddly, Willow, Mango, Coco, Dorian Grey and Pokey.
Also my lost furries Charlie and Jasper
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Re: My Diary…Gwen (the hen)

Post by sandy »

Hello Gwen reporting in )wav(
Brilliant to hear you are fighting fit Gabby )t'
At last I have room to use my phone! You would not believe this but Janet Eggs joined us in the cube one night, okay I quite like her, she look a lot like me so naturally she is one fine looking girl BUT the other night there was nine of us in the cube, along with Janet Two Eggs who do you think had the audacity to sleep with us, BETH yike* She was on the perch squashed at the back facing a different way, she was no where near me so she isn't totally devoid of sense. Gabby the egging went down but rose to 10 yesterday and for the first time mum was muttering(she always seems to mutter) she would have to wash our eggs. I have to say they were all totally covered in poo, well its her fault she didn't collect them as she got home after we had gone to bed and she said she wasn't going to rock the boat while there was 9 of us trying to get some sleep so of course they got pooed on a LOT! And now the horrors, Beryl has seen on my phone mum has ordered wormy pellets so you know what that means, NO TREATS!
I am going to sleep now as Beryl is going to organise a meeting tomorrow morning to see if we can come up with a plan where we get wormy pellets and treats, wish us luck
Gwen X the hen (007)
Campaigner for Gabby's stop egging
Beryl's wormy pellets and treats
The Pink Ladies..Audrey,Ingrid-Bergman,Madeleline,Norma-Jean,Dora,Janice,Jo,Robyn,Chrissy and Joyce
The Peds…Mork,Mindy,Bell,Saphire &
Vorky ,Blueped,Ginger,Ninger &Linky

Sunny Clucker was ere July 12-21 2012
Sunny Clucker was ere July 6 2016 to Sept 9th 2017
Sunny Clucker is here , rehomed Aug 18th 2018/
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Re: My Diary…Gwen (the hen)

Post by KarenE »

Oh no Gwen X Hen!! It's not wormy pellet time again already is it?? yike* yike* yike*

We avoided the wormy pellets last time but we know our mum reads your mums diary and gets hints from it, so we're now dreading that we have to get wormy pellets too. Honestly, I don't understand these mums. Why are worms that are in the ground okay in our tums, but worms aren't okay in our poo?

Remembering how these wormy pellet things spread like wildfire across all the henpals last year, I think this definitely calls for the SIC which stands for Secret Intelligence Corps and is Dierdre and Ginger Queen of Fruits. It's definitely not Toffee! Perhaps there are more super clever girls that could be recruited into the SIC - henpals please advise! The 'Henpals Against Wormy Pellets' campaign is the most important campaign at the moment so we definitely need the SICs considerable brains.

The Say No To Egging campaign is officially a bust at our place now as i am proud to announce that I am egging again. Lazy Toffee is still on strike, and Nugget has decided to copy me and has started moulting AGAIN!!! I am such a trend setter!

Signing off for now

Captain Gabby
Henpals Against Wormy Pellets campaign
Alpha chick to: Smudge, Matisse and Bluebell
Chief servant to Marley the cat
Remembering Weeps, Rexie, Sage, Cassie, Toffee, Captain Gabby, Commander Nugget, Ronnie, Juno, Special Poetry and Reading Casper, Tigger, Tophenanall Rembrandt, Chestnut, Tiddly, Willow, Mango, Coco, Dorian Grey and Pokey.
Also my lost furries Charlie and Jasper
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Re: My Diary…Gwen (the hen)

Post by sandy »

Hello henpals, Gwen reporting in )wav(
I have used this photo mum took today(I thought it would be a nice treat for you all)
Every six months we get held down and mum presses a soft white thing that is wet and smelly against our skin yike* She messes about with our lovely preened feathers to find some skin, she does this in two places on us, this cannot be a wormy thing or why would we be having wormy pellets? Yes henpals we have started them today so NO TREATS! Most of my sisters acted like total babies and took ages to have their skin pressed but me and Georgie stood like good girls, me because I know it pays to be a Quiet Girl and Georgie stayed still to avoid her coiffure being completely ruined. We did get yorkshire pud and potatoes afterwards so the others soon got over their stress.
Gabby I have told Deirdre she is SIC along with Ginger, Beryl who monitors our facebok because she is older than me and says I remind her of the meerkat Bogdan, says she cannot remember if it is Ginger LL or Ginger HenPen who is Queen of Fruits and she is sure there was another SIC member. Honestly these important girls don't even know who one another is Gabby so what support are they going to give +f+ Janet Two Eggs went to bed very early tonight, but then what is there to stay up for when we are jumping over puddles and not getting afternoon treats? Deirdre is a bit worried about the stop egging campaign, mum has lots of orders again(we are getting famous through family and friends of colleagues of mum who try our eggs and then are queuing up for them) but most importantly Dee has been laying huge ones again and she is worried it may really hurt if she dosent pop them out. I understand the reason for non egging but we may not be able to support the campaign fully.
Our meeting to get treats while we are worming came to nothing, Everyone knows where mum keeps them. mealworms in orange bucket,sunflower seeds on green bucket and corn in blue nucket but no one knows how to open the buckets! Of course Janet Two Eggs may be on her own agenda, Quiet Girls usually get treats don't they, hmmm.
Stop Press, Beryl has seen on here mealworms are not to be fed to hens, hens?? Thats us girls yike* Who ever this person Defra is needs to be told we live for mealworms, oh girls (and boys) what on earthworm are we to do, what if our mums know about this!
Oh I have a headache now with worry,
Signing off
Gwen X the hen (007)
Campaigning for KEEP OUR MEALWORMS
No egging for Gabby.Nugget & Toffee
PS SIC sort yourselves out this could be war with the Defra person
The Pink Ladies..Audrey,Ingrid-Bergman,Madeleline,Norma-Jean,Dora,Janice,Jo,Robyn,Chrissy and Joyce
The Peds…Mork,Mindy,Bell,Saphire &
Vorky ,Blueped,Ginger,Ninger &Linky

Sunny Clucker was ere July 12-21 2012
Sunny Clucker was ere July 6 2016 to Sept 9th 2017
Sunny Clucker is here , rehomed Aug 18th 2018/

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