Aldi fruit trees

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Aldi fruit trees

Post by Thomassio »

Just a mention that Aldis fruit trees go on sale on thursday 4th feb. They are £3.99 each. Rootstock remains a mystery at the moment. I'm not sure of the quality or reliability of the trees but searching the internet seems quite positive and at £4 for a 2 year old tree, well worth a go.

Varieties will be....
Bramley, Gala, James Grieve, Jonagold, Braeburn apples. Conference and William pears, Czar and Opal plums, Morrello and Kordia cherries.
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Re: Aldi fruit trees

Post by jemberelli »

)t' Definitely worth a look, thanks Thom! Having had them before (and as a novice who knows no better!) they seemed fine - grew well and I got some lovely Braeburn off them before we moved house and had to leave them.
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Re: Aldi fruit trees

Post by perchy »

I will be having a couple for the chicken run, with a little protection I am hoping they will do well, we already have a cherry there so an apple and plum would be good, thank you )t'
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Re: Aldi fruit trees

Post by KarenE »

I noticed Aldi had their fruit trees in stock when I went in today. I didn't see a price but 3.99 is great if that's what they are.

Does anyone know if these can be grown in pots? Large pots of course. I'm looking at the pear and plum ones.
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Re: Aldi fruit trees

Post by Katiee »

Asda fruit trees....! bought an apple tree and have just planted it ( hm the OH did ). Total novice that I am, didn't realise that it was not a self pollinating one. It said on the label.(.which I read weeks later,) that I needed to plant another apple tree for pollination. Someone told me that if there is another apple tree in the local area, I will be ok. I do have a crab apple tree but will that be any good? any advice would be much appreciated. I think its Discovery. :-D
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Re: Aldi fruit trees

Post by KarenE »

A quick google says yes, in fact crab apples are excellent pollinators so with fingers crossed you should have lots of discovery apples. They are early fruiters and don't store terribly well although juice well and make good cider apparently, so if you get fed up eating them you could always have a go at scrumpy!
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Re: Aldi fruit trees

Post by Katiee »

Thankyou so much Karen. I was starting to quietly panic, thinking where will I plant another tree ( or rather, how do I let the OH know he will need the spade again ?? ). As for, I don't think I'll panic there........ :-D :-D
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Re: Aldi fruit trees

Post by Mo »

The books make pollination sound quite complicated. The flowering times of various apples differ, to pollinate they need to flower at the same time. But you will be able to see if your crab and Discovery are flowering at the same time, and if there are any next door in flower.
If not it's probably too late for this year but the tree will be getting it's roots settled this year anyway.

An added complication is that some trees will not pollinate others (trees like Bramley and Crispin which have 3 chromosomes instead of 2, they tend to make BIG trees).

I've tried this juicing lark. It is a lot of work and mess, unless you spend a fortune on industrial scale equipment. And the yield is small compared to the amount of apples. And if you don't go in for wine/cider making there's the problem of storage of the juice.
Beware of sparkling cider - we had to redecorate after we were giving some homemade.
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