The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies

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The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies

Post by Trev62 »

Well, it is not lost! It is here with me at present though my partner wants it back swiftly!

The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies

The Healing Power of Plant Medicine
Nicole Apelian and Claude Davis

Finally received this book today which I have been wanting to purchase for a while. We have attempted to learn how to use the "flora and fauna" around us for all different purposes since we started living this lifestyle. We have tried to add a new plant (or two) to our knowledge every year to use for its properties. This is where this book comes in as it covers many of the natural medicines, cures and remedies used in the past.

Lovely large print for an old codger like me to read and clear pictures showing each plant mentioned along with the various ways and methods it has been used in the past along with the ailments it has been used to treat.

Many older Bulgarians still go out gathering certain plants to make their own remedies for ailments and we have learnt a lot from them. Now we can try out a few more things and add some more natural products to our knowledge.

Looks like some long walks to be undertaken in the near future to see what we can find.
"Not all those who wander are lost"
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lancashire lass
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Re: The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies

Post by lancashire lass »

I looked into herbal remedies (that is, what you can grow yourself or pick wild) and in a few cases, there is a fine line between a simple remedy with no harmful effects and some bordering into medicinal (if you buy over the counter medicine, it has to be regulated so you know the dosage whereas extraction from plant material can differ quite wildly) Having saying that, lots of foods we eat every day, especially leafy greens are "superfoods" in their own right and can help with some conditions (like skin healing, lowering blood pressure and help (for those not taking insulin or medication and along with an appropriate low sugar diet) to regulate blood sugar) If anyone has an existing condition and already taking medication, they should take precaution (and consult their GP) to make sure any self medicating does not interact and cause harmful effects.

Anyone interested in seeing more details about The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies from Amazon UK, click on link
The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies has color pictures of over 181 healing plants, lichens, and mushrooms of North America (2-4 pictures/plant for easy identification). Inside, you will also discover 550 powerful natural remedies made from them for every one of your daily needs. Many of these remedies had been used by our forefathers for hundreds of years, while others come from Dr. Nicole's extensive natural practice.

This book was made for people with no prior plant knowledge who are looking for alternative ways to help themselves or their families.

This lost knowledge goes against the grain of mainstream medicine and avoids just dealing with symptoms. Instead, it targets the underlying root cause and strengthens your body's natural ability to repair itself. With the medicinal herbal reference guide included, it's very easy to look up your own condition and see exactly which herbs and remedies can help.
From my own experience, I know elderberries (in the form of syrup to make cordial drinks or fermented to make wine or port) is good for many things (however, like many home remedies, pregnant and breastfeeding women and in the case of elderberry, those also with autoimmune disorders should avoid) And of course, the berries (and any other part of the plant except flowers) must be boiled (contains cyanogenic glycosides which have toxic properties)

The other high up on the list is garlic ... as well as many culinary herbs, chilli (not so easy to get hold of it now in the UK, but a drop Indian Brandee in a little hot water and sugar to sweeten was very good for a tummy upset) and ginger (so if you like curries ...)

In addition, some other forgotten plants include Feverfew, "knitbone" aka the common comfrey plant leaves (as a poultice on sprains, swelling and bruises but also burns though personally I'd be a bit reluctant as the leaves are hairy and irritating), Dandelion (leaves aid digestion and kidney function, roasted root make an "alternate" to coffee ... though don't expect it to taste like it), Yarrow and so on.

Hope you find your book useful.
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