A blast from the past

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A blast from the past

Post by Richard »

The Wildlife section of The Guardian Online have a 100 years ago Environment Country Diary.

This is from 5th. August 1915....

Hearing a sound half-way between a snuffle, a choke, and a grunt last night in the garden, I took a candle and made investigations. For some time I had noticed on the grass traces of what I believed to be hedgehogs, and the light of the candle soon confirmed my suspicions. The little beast continued gently grunting or choking, probably too much surprised by the light to runaway from it, and I could examine his bright eye and tapering muzzle at my leisure. Hedgehogs are assiduous devourers of the larger insect vermin, so I was delighted to see my guest, and hope soon to make the acquaintance of his wife and family. The candle-light revealed other curiosities besides himself. Heavy mist seemed to press in upon the flame from every side, and on the sopping grass huge worms were lying stretched full length - more than a foot-long some of them. I tapped the ground with my shoe, and those near by, at once feeling the vibration, leapt back, like released springs, into their burrows. Later in the night the heavily laden air was caught by a chill breeze from the north-west, and we had a deluge of rain.

from...The Guardian - 'Delighted to meet a Hedgehog on the Lawn'

Richard {hog}
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Re: A blast from the past

Post by Mo »


I can't go back 100 years, but it was over 50 years ago when we were on holiday on the Isle of Wight & my Dad took me out for an evening walk (little sister was in bed) and we saw glow-worms in the hedges. Never seen them before or since.
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Re: A blast from the past

Post by fabindia »

A few years back, I could go out in the garden most nights and find a hedgehog. But creeping urbanisation means it is rare I ever see one now.
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Re: A blast from the past

Post by HedgeHugger »

I check my garden with a torch most nights when locking the chickens up.

I have major worms, well not personally, but the garden does :)
The first time I came across them I thought I was seeing things, Sudden movements, then nothing there. Ginormous worms!
I reckon they go mad for the coffee grounds I put in the composter.

In the past month or so I have been super chuffed to have a new visitor most nights. A hedgehog. He is most welcome, and I must admit I am totally encouraging him to hang around by putting out cat food and ferret biscuits.
Have bought a wildlife cam when Amazon recently had one on their deals. Had to spend about £20 in 'real' money, the rest we had in vouchers. We have been pretty useless in getting it set up right, 3rd time lucky tonight lol.

It is the first live hedgehog I've seen in about 15 years!
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