They were meant to be cougettes

Gardening to 'grow your own food' from square foot to half an acre !!
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Lively Laner
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They were meant to be cougettes

Post by PK »

Because of the rain I have not been able to get to the plot for a week. The baby courgettes are now marrows. :!: A familiar problem, I know. Any suggestions for dealing witht he surplus? Can they be used for chutney? :-D
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They were meant to be cougettes

Post by AnnaB »

You are complaining?? Our courgettes have suffered water log and although they appear to be picking up a lot have had to be thrown away.
I have frozen them in the past when there has been a glut and I can't see any reason for not making chutney with them. If you use the search engine you will also find a lot of recipes and advice on freezing.
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lancashire lass
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Post by lancashire lass »

last year I left some of the marrows (long green bush type) on the plants and then harvested them in September I think. The skin hardened off a little, and basically I stored them like other squashes and used them over the winter. I was still ploughing through marrow by end January along with the pumpkin and gem squash. They do take on a squashy texture unlike courgette/young marrow but were fine chopped up as a veg or to "thicken" soups and stews.
Lively Laner
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Post by PK »

Hi AnnaB - not complaining :) Just constantly amazed at the rate of growth these things are capable of :!:

Mrs PK has made an excellent courgette/marrow and lentil soup with a hint of curry :-D
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