Fast, cheap and easy cake.

Recipes, Cooking tips and maybe some 'Home Made' secrets !
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Fast, cheap and easy cake.

Post by steveindenmark »

Here is something to impress the other half with, or even visitors who have dropped in unannounced.

Biscuits are my vice. Especially when I am in the garden and fancy, yet another coffee.

But not only can it be expensive to buy them. They do not do my waist line much good.

So here is a cheaper, healthier and more interesting alternative. It is so simple.

Simple Cake

Making the mix takes 5 minutes. tops.

Put the following into a bowl.

A pinch of salt

2 tablespoons of sugar...any sugar will do.

2 mugs of flour...any flour will do..last week I used Italian Farmhouse breadmix flour that I had left over.

2 teaspoons of baking powder. We do not get self raising flour in Denmark. If you are using self raising flour, you may not need the baking powder. Let us know.

1 mug of milk. Or water Or strong coffee.

Now you can add anything you have got. Raisins, apple, banana, nuts, apricots. Whatever you are trying to get rid of.

Mix it all in a bowl.

What no eggs or butter? Thats right. Its the healthy option.

Grease a bread tin with a little margerine and pour in the mix.

Put in an oven at 200 for 40 minutes.

Thats it. There are no eggs or butter in the mix.

Its great warm with butter or jam.

The good thing about this cake is that you can have as many variations as you want. I have even added coffee to mine. Its very cheap to make.

Someone please try it, so you prove I am not a fraud.
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Re: Fast, cheap and easy cake.

Post by wendy »

Ooo that sounds good I may have a go at that.
Thanks Steve

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Re: Fast, cheap and easy cake.

Post by Mo »

What is it like to store, or is it best eaten fresh.
I make scones 4 oz flour, 1 oz marg 1oz sugar - chop and rub together - 3/4 oz sultanas (the recipe says 1oz but I don't like them outside the dough because they burn). Water or sour milk to bind into a soft dough. Cut into 4. Cook at gas 6
I find they don't keep well - much nicer eaten fresh before they go tough.

I also have a gingerbread (cake) recipe that keeps well.
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Re: Fast, cheap and easy cake.

Post by steveindenmark »

Whats it like to store :-D

I laughed at that one. I have no idea because it disappears quite quickly. There is nothing in it to go off and so I would imagine it would last pretty well. It is more like a cross between bread and cake,

This one is coffee and walnut which I made this morning. I also made an orange and walnut at the same time, I am not into cookery or baking. But this is so simple. Even I can do it.

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Re: Fast, cheap and easy cake.

Post by Mo »

Well I wondered because soda bread, which has no fat, and scones which have little fat are not nice after a couple of days.
Nothing to go off, but tough.
Dance caller.
Sunny Clucker enjoyed Folk music and song in mid-Cheshire
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