Countryfile has gone down hill

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Countryfile has gone down hill

Post by saint-spoon »

I am becoming annoyed with countryfile of late, its entire purpose for existing seems to be to plug the BBC children in need charity. Over the past weeks (two months or more) more and more of the program has been given over to plugging the countryfile calendar or advertising their children in need ramble… and then last night the entire hour taken up by what is essentially and extension of children in need. Nothing of interest at all unless you like looking at folk walking and constant reminders of how to donate. Why has this happened to countryfile and not other programs?

This has been going on for months, half hours features on how they chose the pictures for the country file calendar (proceeds to children in need), half hour features on how to set up a countryfile ramble in aid of children in need, twenty minute features on people who are organising the countryfile children in need ramble. Can we please get back to doing features on the countryside. I’m not a fan of the country heroes award thingy that they do either, it just seems to me to be a lazy way to avoid making the effort to create decent programming.


nothing against the charity by the way, just annoyed that the countryfile producers have decided to turn the program into an extension of the full evening put over to raising money for the charity.
Bah Humbug
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Re: Countryfile has gone down hill

Post by Spreckly »

We only watch it for the weather forecast. We find the calendar slots totally boring, and OH is a keen photographer.
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Re: Countryfile has gone down hill

Post by sandy »

Totally agree.
The Pink Ladies..Audrey,Ingrid-Bergman,Madeleline,Norma-Jean,Dora,Janice,Jo,Robyn,Chrissy and Joyce
The Peds…Mork,Mindy,Bell,Saphire &
Vorky ,Blueped,Ginger,Ninger &Linky

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