Anglynn's Diary

Thrifty tips, ideas, news & experiences on anything around the home to shopping to re-cycling etc.
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Re: Anglynn's Diary

Post by anglynn »

This week was filled with frugal living. My seeds are coming through and I have transplanted three to larger pots. I planted my olive tree and lemon tree in bigger pots, too. I made oatmeal cookies with pecan and chocolate chips. I purchased a vacuum cleaner (hoover) on sale then used a coupon and received 30.00 cash back. In the end I saved 130.00 dollars. Fresh green beans and asparagus was on sale for .99 cents a pound. I bought enough to make salads and eat as a side dish for a couple of weeks.

I finished the slippers I was crocheting and sent them off to my friend. It's been so cold where she lives that I wanted to help her keep warm.

I have an appointment close to a craft store so I will go in there next week to purchase wool yarn. As part of Christmas gifts this year I am making dryer balls. No more softeners to buy for a number of people. Of course if they want to use softener, then I won't mind. The idea is one that may not appeal to everyone.

Stay safe!
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Re: Anglynn's Diary

Post by anglynn »

I made one set of three dryer balls this week. I have to 'felt' them a couple more times. I hope they work out as they would make nice gifts.

I watched 3 yoo toob videos on crocheting and it all seems to be coming back to me. I have decided I will make mittens, cold weather head bands, and hats for gifts this Christmas. I just love Christmas!

My daughter and her husband came over and fixed up my garden to make it bigger. I will use that area to plant cold weather foods this year. I've tilled the soil and added ground up egg shells for calcium and peat to make the soil healthier. Today is planting day.

The pup needed to go to the vet to get her annual shots. Geez, I should have been a vet. Very pricey. But, she is set for another year.

I have an appointment today to go over my real estate taxes so I can get the senior discount of 20%. It's a bit exciting.

Stay safe.
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Re: Anglynn's Diary

Post by AnnieG »

I've loved reading your thread Anglynn. I think it's time I became more frugal too. I spend far too much money on rubbish and never really think about it until I can't pay a bill. I might just do a frugal diary too.
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Re: Anglynn's Diary

Post by anglynn »


Thank you for the compliment. Being frugal is fun for me. Like a competition against your self! When I've mastered one thing, I look for the next challenge. Keeps my mind young. Welcome to the start of a whole new confidence. I will be your cheer leader, if you'd like.

Today I spent in the garden. Although we are expecting snow (remember I live in the South in the USA) it was 73 today. Just lovely and refreshing. Windows wide open and the smell of fresh air traveling through the house. Life is good!

I planted 2 rows each of radishes, lettuce, beets, and carrots. These will stand up to the expected cold weather ahead. Some of my seedlings did not sprout, so I planted more in yogurt cups. I guess the egg carton idea was somewhat of a flop. This is my 3rd year learning how to garden. So I'm getting there, but with rough patches along the way. Mr. Anglynn was a terrific gardener. All of the plants must have been female. All females age new born to 102 just loved my husband. I think they sensed he was safe and a good man. Although it's been 3.5 years since his passing, I miss him every day. Here's to you me love! {hug}

Just a word about the taxes in my city for the elderly or disabled. If you are low income they do not require you pay real estate taxes. I was so happy to hear they do this. I did get a 20% discount, but I consider that generous, as well.

Stay safe.
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Re: Anglynn's Diary

Post by anglynn »

I'll try posting again. I lost 3 posts last week. (growl, growl, roar)

I made asparagus soup today with the bottoms of the stalks. I thought I'd give it a try. I feel very badly throwing any food away. I cut them into small pieces, then when the soup was done cooking, I wizzed it in the processor. Yummy.

I dried potato peels and powdered them to add potassium to the garden soil. I think I'd like to dry other peels also to grind and add. No waste is a good thing for me.

I found my bread at the dollar store, which made me a happy girl. It's normally $3.69 in the grocery store. The bread doesn't have to be a specific brand, just one with whole grains in it. I did luck out with the brand though.

What have you all been up to? I'd like to hear about your adventures. I do read everyone's posts.

Stay safe.
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Re: Anglynn's Diary

Post by Spreckly »

Just read your thread through again Anglynn. My, you are busy!

I was interested to read about your crocheted slippers. Where did you get the pattern from? My slippers were quite expensive, and I buy soles for them from the pound shop. During the war, my Mother made slippers, the soles were rubber from an old hot water bottle, and the tops, I think were also crocheted.

All the best with your frugality.
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Re: Anglynn's Diary

Post by anglynn »

Spreckly wrote:Just read your thread through again Anglynn. My, you are busy!

I was interested to read about your crocheted slippers. Where did you get the pattern from? My slippers were quite expensive, and I buy soles for them from the pound shop. During the war, my Mother made slippers, the soles were rubber from an old hot water bottle, and the tops, I think were also crocheted.

All the best with your frugality.

I wrote all the instructions for you and lost them during posting. Since this frustrates me to no end, I will return to write them again.
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Re: Anglynn's Diary

Post by Mo »

I always think - after that sort of thing has happened 'should have done it in Word, then pasted' but rarely remember. If I've got something to compose that I want to get right I do it.
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Re: Anglynn's Diary

Post by anglynn »

Mo wrote:I always think - after that sort of thing has happened 'should have done it in Word, then pasted' but rarely remember. If I've got something to compose that I want to get right I do it.

A great idea. Someday I will purchase WORD. Thanks for the info.

I cleaned out the freezer today and reorganized. My veggies are peeking through the soil which is making me very happy. I just can't remember what I've done this past week. I'm sure it was all good stuff, though! (LOL at myself)
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Re: Anglynn's Diary

Post by KarenE »

Hi Anglynn

In the spirit of being frugal - no need to purchase word. It will cost a lot. There's perfectly good open source freeware out there that you can use which works just as well as word. Try OpenOffice

Alternatively, just use wordpad or notepad - they usually come with windows anyway

I'm enjoying your frugal diary!
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Re: Anglynn's Diary

Post by anglynn »

Wow! Thanks Karen for the information.

Slippers: Chain 30 (size 9, my friend is tall) This is the length of the piece.
sc in 2nd loop
continue until the piece wraps around the foot.
Cut yarn leaving approximately one foot of yarn. Close up the toe by threading the yarn
in and out of one short end. Pull tightly then stitch together the sides to create the front part. (about 1/3 of the way up. This will create the top of the slipper. Tie off the yarn. Join the other short end together creating the back of the slipper. Embellish in any way you'd like. I add 5 sc stitches around the ankle opening in each loop to create a lacey effect. Then I chained a strand of cotton yarn for the pull ties by weaving the chain in and out of the piece just under the 'lace.

Let me know if you need clarification as I am writing with terms known to me.
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Re: Anglynn's Diary

Post by anglynn »

I submitted the directions for the slippers quickly as I didn't want to loose them. I purchased a rocket stove to use outdoors this summer. They were having a scratch and dent sale, so I had to jump on that one. I saved 50.00. Canning takes quite a bit of energy when done on the stove top. This uses twigs and other dried fuel you can find around the yard. I guess you could say it uses debris that is normally thrown away. My son in law will receive a pressure cooker from me for his birthday. With these two items we will share and make can our own food. Our country has lots of prepared and prepackaged foods in the markets. We don't eat them because there are unidentifiable items in them. Our motto is, ' If you can't pronounce it, don't eat it'. Lots of people are starting to catch on now, so I hope the manufactures catch on. Another thing that is beginning to catch on is quality of life. In the past people have dedicated their lives to their company. With so many people loosing jobs, they are beginning to see how living simply is a good thing. They are happier. We have our problems, but I see a turn around for the best.

My garden is coming a live. Just a bit, but it's so satisfying to see seeds turn to life. What a miracle the life cycle is. It never fails to amaze me. Watching it is one of my true joys in life. I added coffee grounds, potato peels, and egg shells to another small section. Getting the soil ready for the indoor plants to thrive.

I also changed out some of the warmer items in the house with summery things to give a lighter and cooler feel to the house. I have a difficult time with cluttery environments so I have few items around me. This thinking seems to relax me a bit.

What have you all been up to? I like to read your posts. Kind of like getting to know you.

Stay safe.
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Re: Anglynn's Diary

Post by anglynn »

I get a bit tripped up on the time on this site. Mainly because it is located in England, so I can't tell if people have really posted at the time that shows up on my page. Our daughter did an exchange program in London while she was in college so I remember the time difference is 5 hours. But I forget if you are 5 ahead or behind. LOL I guess that's a first world problem.

I transplanted 2 plants in the garden today from pots. I have a rather hearty bean plant and basil. We'll see if I've amended the soil enough for them to grow strong. Gash, I hope so. I have been trying to do it right for 4 years now.

Today is a lazy day for me. Just hanging out and clipping coupons and sorting papers. Yesterday I dropped the collision on my vehicle insurance. Since the vehicle is 9 years old and only worth a bit over $3000. It's in good shape and I have taken care of it, but the insurance was $200.00 a year. Of course the rest of the coverage has to stay put because it's mandated.

Stay safe.
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Re: Anglynn's Diary

Post by anglynn »

KarenE wrote:Hi Anglynn

In the spirit of being frugal - no need to purchase word. It will cost a lot. There's perfectly good open source freeware out there that you can use which works just as well as word. Try OpenOffice" onclick=";return false;

Alternatively, just use wordpad or notepad - they usually come with windows anyway

I'm enjoying your frugal diary!

Thank you for this information. I did it yesterday. It looks eerily like Microsoft. Abeautiful day today, but Tuesday we are expecting cold. So the plants I put in the garden need to be covered Monday night. I'm glad I only put 2 in there.

Stay safe.
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Re: Anglynn's Diary

Post by Mo »

Karen. If people send you word documents or excel spreadsheets, can you open them in Openoffice?
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Sunny Clucker enjoyed Folk music and song in mid-Cheshire
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