New hen has a limp

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New hen has a limp

Post by Mercedes »

My other half picked up our hens this afternoon. We were going to have 3 but he came home with 4. Anyway one has quite a bad limp and the other 3 seem to be at one end of the run doing their thing and she is on her own. I feel awful, I really don't know what to do. I have tried to phone the rescue place to ask what I can do, I'm not sure if she will be able to get into the coop tonight +confused+

Sorry to be so panicky but I'm totally new to this.
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Re: New hen has a limp

Post by Six hour drive »

me too, i`m on day five and been distraught {cry} , from what i`ve read on this forum i`m sure someone will reassure you, it`s been my bible since Tuesday
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Re: New hen has a limp

Post by Mercedes »

Sorry to hear that, what has being going on with yours?
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Re: New hen has a limp

Post by ock »

they`ve prob taken a knock or two as they`ve been removed from the cages, it`s prob just a strain or pulled muscle, hopefully they`ll get better on their own, they are staying on their own because chooks can be horrible bullies and if they see a weakness they will pick on them, just keep an eye on them and I`m sure they`ll be fine once they`ve settled down and had time to heal )t'
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Re: New hen has a limp

Post by Steve the Gas »

Ock you're being too nice :-D
What it prolly will be is the fact when they are emptying the shed(s), the removers WILL pick the birds up by their feet.
It's hopefully a muscle/tendon/ligament strain which should heal given time and observation.
I've read they will take birds back if there is a problem, but not sure.
I would just observe and act if necessary,e.g separate her if necessary - but that brings more problems of re-introduction later.
So keep a close eye, I would up the protein level for a short while, e.g. mealworms/maggots etc
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Re: New hen has a limp

Post by Mad Chick »

Hi Mercedes

You could try some arnica cream, it's also suitable for chooks )t'
They should settle fine in a few days, they have had a very traumatic life so far and the stress of the rescue will terrify them. Give them some time and they'll soon be your best friends {hug&kiss}

Six-Hour-Drive - Welcome to the forum :-D Don't be distraught, we're always here if you need any advice (or just want a moan :oops: )

Any names yet?

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Re: New hen has a limp

Post by Mercedes »

I don't have any arnica, but I know it's a homeopathic remedy, so is that one just for pets or a general one I can get from the chemist +confused+

We have called our girls Lola, Coco, Bella and Mia.

They have met our chocolate labrador dog and they were fine with her. Not sure she is very impressed by them, but we already have a parrot in the house and she is always fine with him, so I'm sure it will be okay once she gets used to them being here.

Here is a pic, you can only see 3 of them as the other poor mite is at the other end sitting down. I have noticed that she has a different colouring on the side of her face to the other hens. The only way I can explain it is that the comb on the top seems to extend a bit on the sides of their faces and on the others they are all flesh coloured but on this hen they are a solid white colour, not at all like the others :?

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Re: New hen has a limp

Post by Matt Simpson »

As has already been said, it could just be a sprain, but there are also horror stories of them breaking bones whilst in batteries, so it may even be and old (or new injury).

One thing is for sure, they will be loving their new taste of freedom.

Hope your planning on letting them freerange. They need as much space as your willing to let them have and love to rooste off the ground and jump and run. Give it a week to allow them to get to know their bed first and let them out late in the day to begin with or you may find they wont go back into their run. Believe me, chicken chasing is so funny, they are sneeky little devils. Take note what time the go to bed this next week, and if they go about 8, then let them out at 7 and they will still take themselves to bed at 8. Then increase their time out. They WILL destroy your garden.

BTW, we bought of ex-batts in May, and after a week one unfortunately didnt make it (so dont be too upset if this happens, its nothing you have done).
Also it took us 8 weeks before we introduced our Springer to them in person (and not just through the mesh), but he is fine with them. Just dont leave them alone unsupervised together.
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Re: New hen has a limp

Post by LynneP »

And whether she has a limp from trauma or from nutritional strain, all these hens will benefit from vitamins in their water and access to limestone flour. You can use liquid baby vitamins ( the kind without added iron). They are moulting too, so extra protein from time to time will help ( cat food, yogurt). The limp may take a while to resolve, don't give up! Let us know how it goes... {hug}
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Re: New hen has a limp

Post by Mercedes »

Well all 4 hens survived the night, although one tried to escape as we were trying to encourage them into their coop and landed in the pond, twice! Hardly got any sleep and my OH and I were both up at about 4.30am to open the coop and check on them. They were all snuggled up in there and took some time to decide to come out, so we went back to bed.

Mia, the poor hen with the limp, we noticed her comb has been nipped as it has red marks on it. We assume it's from that anyway. The other 3 birds seem fine. We got 3 eggs this morning, although I know this is probably what was already in their system and we won't get anymore for some time, if at all. One of them was laid by Mia and was one of those soft ones.

We did actually open the run today and sat next to it to see if they wanted to come out into the garden. One of them did and she just mooched around the wood chipped area and then went back in. We have given them layers mash, pellets, corn mix, grit and oyster shell, some diced pears, a cherry tomato, also scrambled up one of the eggs they laid this morning, but they didn't seem to like that.

We are still worried about Mia, she has spent pretty much most of today sitting down and we had to put the water next to her so she could get a drink. I am not sure what else we can do. Can't get hold of any arnica today and confused as to whether I need the cream or the little pills they make +confused+

It's very hard for us to actually get to the hens now they are in their run as the door is at one end and isn't big enough to get through to grab hold of any of them. Guess you only realise what is suitable once you have hens!

I am tempted to take Mia to the vets if things don't improve. Just not sure what the vet will suggest. We don't have an Avian vet around here and last time my parrot was ill we had to travel quite a distance to the nearest one only for him to tell us that as our bird was 'only a cockatiel' just get a new one, so we wouldn't go back there :?
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Re: New hen has a limp

Post by bluebell »

I have had a couple of ex-battery hens who have had limps, both have recovered with time and patience. Both were checked over for breaks, etc., turned out they were just a bit bruised from the transportation. Peggy, one of my hens runs round like an idiot now and you would never know that for three weeks she was kept in a dog crate because she could hardly walk. Arnica cream is really good and worth a try.

Do be very careful if you let your hens out that your dog is out of the way. I would never trust either of my dogs with my hens and at the end of the day a hen can die of shock.

Regarding your vet, all vets have experience of poultry, which they cover during their student years. :-D Throughout the country there aren't loads of vets who can say they are avian experts, however many will tell you that they have a keen interest in that species and be able to help." onclick=";return false;
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Re: New hen has a limp

Post by rhubarb93 »

Hi Mercedes
Sorry to hear you've had such a rough start, and hope your poorly girl improves with a bit of time and care.
I've had a couple of minor panics with mine, but they are settling well now.
They are a worry, though, aren't they, when you don't feel you know enough to do what's best for them.
I'm sure it will get better over time for us and all the other newbies out there.
Mine are real bird-brains, and have already given us quite a few comical moments! {rofwl}
Keep smiling! :-D
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Re: New hen has a limp

Post by stace »

She just needs to settle down, may have just bruised it and is resting her leg for now. Arnica cream is what you need, but if you cant get hold of her then i would just leave her be for now. Rest will do her good )t'
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Re: New hen has a limp

Post by Mercedes »

My OH has gone down to Boots in town to get some Arnica cream as that's the only place that I think is open on a Sunday who might have it.

I have just emptied our Summer House and put newspaper and wood chippings on the floor and thought maybe it would be better if Mia is in there where the other hens can't get to her.

Right now she is just getting picked on by mainly one of the other hens but all of them at some point have been pecking at her and it breaks my heart to see her going through more misery when her whole life has been misery already {cry}

Does this look okay to those of you who know about keeping chickens confused>

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Re: New hen has a limp

Post by bluebell »

It's a bit of a double edged sword, keep them together and the little lady gets picked on and perhaps it will prolone the healing (leg) situation. Separate her and then you have to go through the thing again of re-introducing her, I know, I've done this myself.

Being on her own will give her time to heal, which I think at the moment is the most important thing, is she able to see the other hens from where she is?" onclick=";return false;
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